Adolf Hitler appreciation thread

He tried to make the world a better place and (((you)) killed him for it!

R.I.P my Führer....

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Thank you for legitimizing our state Adolf.

>be responsible for the most white death
>spit on grave


"hurr durr we defeated the Nazis! based comies! XDDDDDDDD"

fuck off amerishit!

Thanks for fucking up Europe once again and making it nearly impossible to be nationalistic without being called a fucking literally Hitler!

Hitler was an idiot. Because of his stupidity we won't get a natsoc state in our life times.

He wanted peace.

He wanted Jews to leave Germany. The creation of Israel would not have even triggered him in the slightest.

If Hitler is a good guy, Walter White dindu nuffin.

I know, I'm being sincere. Zionism and Nazism had the very same goal back in the day - getting the Jewery out of Europe and into a national homeland. Not only that but the atrocity propaganda did legitimize our state further post inception.

You do know that's mostly the partisans fault right?

>getting the Jewery out of Europe and into a national homeland
Well actually, getting the Jewery out of Europe. Idk if Hitler gave two shits about whether we have a homeland or not.

>Thinking that communists are human

He was a good goy!

I think a Jewish state is a positive. Otherwise the Jews would just be forced to stay rootless, and they'd eventually seep back in.

Yup. The only issue remains is the diaspora. Not for long though.

Please. I'm sorry it's been this long and we're still failing you, sir. I hope we can get this done before you die. They become increasingly desperate which is a good sign I think.

>not for long
If only Mordechai..if only..

The dude fucked up royally. You can't go to war with the Soviet Union and Britain at the same time IF you don't take Gibraltar, North Africa and the Middle East first.

Fucking idiot. Should have been offed right in 1940.

We will never forget you mien fuhrer

Cia spotted

That's what the word 'holocaust' means.
The stupid goyim (libtards) believe holocaust means 'massacre' because they are Pavlovian trained to never ask questions.
But a holocaust is a burnt offering MADE BY JEWS to get something they want from God in return. I.e. Israel.
There is heavy biblical precedent for human sacrifice 'holicausts' by Jews.

I'm not even a NAZI. I'm pure British and proud of it but the Jew post just reminded me that there's something more evil than robotic simple minded Germans behind that part of history, and the 'holocaust'.

... If only hitler had succeeded making the Atomic bomb so he could tell the entire world to stand down or face atomic devastation.
Alas the Goyim managed to destroy that facility in Norway and have German tank divisions remove themselves from Normandy to elsewhere for D-Day to be more likely to succeed.
If only D-Day had failed then maybe... just maybe Hitler wouldn't have had to face a western front too.


It's true. He put out many peace feelers to Britain.

Don't worry about it may, several plans were set in motion, and most angles are covered. After the next few years, diaspora number will be insignificant. You will be soon liberated through blood and iron my bong friend.

how is that a bad thing?

He named the jew and paid high price for it, nations who fought against him now are top cucks who got replaced in their own countries.

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

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1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil ha

Do you have a source on that? As far as I know Shoah means destruction in biblical Hebrew.

I wonder if Putin would ever release all the documents regarding the USSR take over of Berlin and confirm the real truth about Hitler's death

Don't you have a paki to get fuck by?