Anyone else disappointed in how Trump has performed as a President so far? Trumpcare is terrible

Anyone else disappointed in how Trump has performed as a President so far? Trumpcare is terrible.
>muh shills
If you want to go suck his cock, just go to the PTGs, not every thread on Sup Forums has to cater to your whims

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off faggot

I bet you thought he was gonna go full NS88, didn't you, Stormfaggot?


>Stormweenies butthurt Trump isn't actually racist
You're such stupid faggots. You were useful to us as voters and now you're disposable. GTFO

He literally hasn't done anything

The Alt-Right might be the group that benefited most, simply because he opens up space for our talking points.

Nobody else has gotten anything significant out of it.

I blame Jeff Sessions for abandoning him, forcing Trump to spend 24/7 on Muh Russia, Sad!, I thought that guy was legit.


I can't lie I'm a bit disappointed, but you can't really live up to the hype.

the_Sup Forumsnald will never admit they got conned by based Trump. They're forced to be loyal cucks to him to protect their honor at least for the next three years. Hell, don't be surprised if they are so cucked they fall for his promises again and keep the cucking going for another 7seven.

k now fuck off tee shill.

Hahahahahahaha, the butthurt is real


fuck you nigger

It's hilarious to see just how cucked and dominated Sup Forums is. Subservient to their god emperor who has done nothing but to slap their faces for believing in him.

>this thread contributes anything of substance
>1 post by this ID


Eh, he put that dude on the supreme court. That is literally all I expected. If he builds his wall he will be the best president of the 21st century so far. Trump care is garbage and all this Russia and Syria shit is retarded but we would have had the same shit under Hillary.

>I only expected him to do this one thing so it's okay that he hasn't fulfilled 99% of his promises

>disagree with someone
>I'll call them a shill!
Stop contributing to the decline of Sup Forums, if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen

I'm sure they've all hidden this thread. That's all they can do. Scream "SHILL" and run away with their tail between their legs.

>copy paste from /r/politics
it's like they;re not even trying anymore

No I'm perfectly satisfied

You're posting nonsense because that's all you got

I set the bar very low on my expectations and he has managed to step over that very low bar. Frankly, it's kind of amazing that he's managing to affect the foreign policy of our allies even as Congress continually tries to paralyze the executive branch.

>Implying Trumpcare has passed or that Trump had anything to do with the House and Senate bills
>sage goes in all fields

>Implying that Trump had anything to do with the House and Senate bills
He sure promised you a nice little health care bill on his website. What happened to that? Just more lies you're happy to slurp up.

>Expecting politicians to fulfill their promises
>Being optimistic
I supported Trump for the memes. All Republican politicians are pretty much interchangeable.

don't be dissapointed i imagine he's gonna do good shit you are lucky you dont live in the uk our politicians do jack shit were still in the eu for some reason

>I supported Trump for the memes
You're what's wrong with nu/pol/

shutup shill

Trumpcucks incapable of engaging in debate now that their leader is a failure and they know it

Fuck off, kike.


>White Supremacist
>Supports Donald Kike Trump


Why is Killary still not in jail?

>trump care
Wouldn't know, it's not even him at this point, the republicans in power had their bluff called.
He's nationalistic, foreign leaders push one another to get near him, and he's keeping more promises than any president I can remember.

Because Trump is a con and doesn't mean a word he says

>Unironically supporting American politicians
Yep if only I had supported Jeb things would have been totally different. Hillary Clinton would have saved this country and not been Obama 2.0.

They wouldn't have been different but they will never change if you don't call presidents out on their shit.

I just want my gun rights.
Where are my gun rights Trump?

His speech in Poland was pretty fashy tho

Central banks still not called out for ruling the US indirectly.

Nothing done about kikery peddling multiculturalism.

Does not call out anti white racism in jewish media.

Is warmongering with Iran.

Trump is just another alt lite shitty civic nationalist. He's also almost certainly working with the deep state to create libel laws to censor "anti semitism" online and on youtube.

I highly doubt this is just polacks brother. There are other (((nefarious))) elements at play. They censor out discussion in an organized matter and ive seen them coordinate to flood threads with discussion. This is WAY to much effort for a polack post election. There are spooks about anons. Dont let these fucks fool you. I fell for the GOD EMPEROR meme too. Should have known it was jist another false dichotomy. That is (((their))) favorite emotion to play on. Hope.

Good post

I think this is wishful thinking on your part. nu-Sup Forums is legitimately this pathetic

In all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>reddit rage meme
Didnt even read

Nope. A couple of months post election there was a LOT of upset polacks. They knew they got the wool pulled over their eyes. After that Trump general picked up massive momentum with multiple threads alive. Shit is absolutely spooky. Most of the old ones left though. I see a post every now and again. The constant barrage is influencing newfags though. Stupid little niggers the lot of them.

Wrong flag Kekistani ;))))))



You people are beyond autistic if you thought he was going to go full 1488. You faggot stormfags are worse than /ptd/ and CTR combined. There are plenty of reasons to not like Trump, but shit like is not one of them. He never even hinted that he was going to do any of that, with the exception of warmongering.
Notice how has no replies because it goes against your shilled out narrative. Everything on this list is exactly what we voted for him to do.

one shill by this ID

Sup Forums has become a SJW breading ground, you guys don't even welcome debates anymore.


>tfw you are worse than a SJW

>There are plenty of reasons to not like Trump, but shit like is not one of them
Oh yeah? Tell me one good reason to dislike Trump.

Yep, it's fucking embarrassing. Complete cock suckers.

Fuck off nigger

Trump has always been a centrist, if not fully left-wing, on healthcare, it's not really unexpected for him to be willing to compromise on it.
Then again, Trumpcare is mostly the fault of moderates in the Congress, they don't even want to repeal Obamacare.

>handling of syria
>No plan for ISIS yet
>No Obama admin Indictments
>Kushner and Ivanka
>Companies like Boeing and Carrier are still leaving

>they don't even want to repeal Obamacare
With Trumpcare as the alternative, why the fuck would they?

Fuck off, shill


>Trumpcare is terrible.
What in the fuck are you talking about? There is no "Trumpcare." The thing you are admitting sucks is called OBAMACARE, you faggot.

>handling of syria
As long as he doesn't start an actual direct conflict with Assad, I'm willing to tolerate shit like the airport bombing or the Jordan border conflict.
>No plan for ISIS yet
He gave that away to the military, I'd say that's fine for the time being.
Fuck that guy. Worst pick by far.
>No Obama admin Indictments
I'd really like that.
>Kushner and Ivanka
Fuck them too.
>Companies like Boeing and Carrier are still leaving
He can't do anything about that until healthcare is done.
>being this retarded
"Trumpcare" is shit specifically because of the moderates.
It's over 97% the same as Obamacare because the moderates demanded almost everything to stay.

Wrong. Thousands of people losing on their health care is a Trumpcare problem.

Feel free to educate yourself

If you don't understand after reading that you don't intend to.

Completely sourced for your convenience.



No, he's turned coal back on. Illegal immigration is down 61%. Deportations are up. He's making a few shows of force but not going over the top. He could be doing better with targeting ISIS alone and undoing Obama's policy of funding them but I think he's doing a decent job. Pic unrelated (ex and I)

>tfw finally starting to fund the wall
I'm looking forward to the next 7.5 years desu senpai

>anyone disappointed at Trump because of Congress?

Trump tried pushing the new health care plan too, though


Yeah, why is ISIS still intact?

Trump is a liar

>literally linking to reddit

Welcome to nu-Sup Forums


Nice. I know about Zalgo too.

So you're angry that Trump cannot make other members of congress who are not him to pass a bill? Have you tried not voting for the retards who are RINOs? No of course not keep voting in the retards so you have a reason to complain.

Trumpcare is terrible. We should be glad it isn't getting passed.

The opposite
>you support Trump? Therefore you're kekistani/reddit
>endless copy pasta and smuggies posted
He's the fucking president, its not like hot opinions will make him disappear but the quality of interaction is terribly low to sjw levels.

>The opposite
Look at this fucking thread. OP says that he's disappointed in Trump and the first 10 replies are Trumptards angrily telling him to fuck off. You have to accept that a great part of Trump fans on this website are retards.

That fact you're calling it Trumpcare means you've already accepted the MSM shit memeing angle. Trumpcare was what PAUL RYAN and RINOs wanted but yeah sure Trump fault for not strangling him or something.

>2 posts by this id
>no content whatsoever

Fuck off shill

All I really wanted was one decent Supreme Court it, may get 2 more. Anything else is gravy. It's long past time for the power of the executive to be curtailed, and Trump may assist unwittingly in that, too.

Why would I be disappointed? He's the only president that has actually followed through on most of his policies
>ICE is deporting illegals again
>plans for the wall will are expected to be released by November
>getting rid of Obongo care
>dismantling all the shit that the Obongo administration has done over the past eight years
That and he's a master troll who pisses off leftists like no one else. I have a few complaints about him, but overall, he's a lot better than I anticipated he'd be

Show me one social media platform or forum where having a positive view of Donald Trump is encouraged. You faggots act as if acting like a bitter bitch about every little thing somehow makes you a realist and "informed". "Muh Trump fans are retards/bad!" And you're the pinnacle of excellence and intelligence for disagreeing just to be contrarian right? Seriously fuck off.

Trump is pushing for it to get through and get implemented. That means he's for it.

>Show me one social media platform or forum where having a positive view of Donald Trump is encouraged.
Sup Forums

You're not even trying.

Did you miss the episode where said Republican members kept Ted Cruz and Rand Paul were only recently allowed to view and critique the bill? They prevent Rand from even viewing the bill all May. Ryan and the Senate Whip were the ones who were curating this bill to fit their agenda. You're still blaming RINOs interference on Trump, the only thing he did was demand a bill and shilled for all those relevant parties to get on it.

Yeah, but after we saw what a disaster the bill was, he still pushed for it to get passed, not caring about who it would affect.

No response? As I thought.

I went outside for a bit, relax. Also proof that the bill is exactly the same? I notice as of late on Sup Forums anons makes claims without any backing. Thinking something doesn't equal reality.

Who cares if it's exactly the same? You think they are completely different bills?


Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

False-flagging, how original.

yeah. the trump in office is nothing compared to the campaign trump.

I wanted deportations, less rapefugee importation and the wall to be done by now. I wanted him to kill the h1b visa program and stop sending money to kikeland.

Honestly I'm just tired of hearing about him in the news.

I knew he was an asshole when I voted for him, but I'm starting to realize I don't really like having an asshole in office.

I don't even care about his policies, it's just the way he carries himself that bugs me. The conflicts of interest surrounding his family, while not illegal, are definitely ethically dubious. It seems like he always just says whatever comes to his head, without actually considering the consequences. I think any other person would have been able to brush off the various allegations without much issue, but then Trump turns it into a shitstorm instead.

Remember when "God Emperor Trump" was just ironic? It's scary how quickly people started taking it seriously. Almost as scary as the people on the other side thinking he's literally Hitler.

I'm alright with him so far......He's obviously not as good as I hoped but realistically I do think he'll change things for the better over the 4/8 years hes in.....

>Remember when "God Emperor Trump" was just ironic?
I never said it with any irony

Again, no reply