Dress like a white man

Dress like a white man

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Like a gay man?




>Casual/sport shirts
>Polo shirts
>Oxford shirts
>Boat shoes
>Vineyard Vines
>Ralph Lauren
>Brooke brothers
>J crew
>Southern tide
>Black dog
>J press




>White Man=Chadworld

yeah, no


Looks gay as fuck desu senpai



Done. I do this everyday

Why do non upper class Murrifats thinking well-fitting clothes look "gay"? Dressing like a nigger is what looks straight to you?


I already dress like a white man

you look like a faggot

But I'm straight.


post more pics

There's nothing wrong with the style of clothing itself, but it should be dark masculine colors, not fucking pastels.


why would i wear uncomfortable clothes instead of athleisure



This. Dress well as is fitting for the occasion, but not like a fucking fruit.

>Green Bay

good choice but you're a skelly, start lifting.


>Dark = masculine

Maybe in your cuck fantasies Schlomo.


How much would Vineyard Vines and all other clothing brands pay me to be part of their (((marketing))) team?

Seen you on Grindr, bro

If I'm going out I'll usually just wear a shirt and jeans, a jumper as well if it's cold. Otherwise I'll just be wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

does this count

Doesn't matter how much they pay you if there is no food to buy.

Shits cheap if you get it second hand



Lol, you actually think you look like models in these pics when you probably look like this


アゲアゲマネー ~おちんぎん大作戦~


>Has probably hundreds of photos of men dressed up
Go back to

Those guys still look a lot better than if they were wearing my little pony shirts and cargo shorts

That's fucking disgusting.

>not playing polo
>wearing a polo shirt

Dress like a northern Italian or a conservative Sicillian.

>light blazer or jacket
>slightly tapered, not skinny pants
>tie or open collar
> pocket square

Look like a man and not some prep fag going to a picnic or highschool business club event.


>implying that's not counterfeit chinese crap


Dress as a Slav

lol, poorfag

It's not, I've bought a few polos for 5-10 bucks and they're all real



>friendship is gay
That why civilization is falling


>implying shorts are for men

All look like fags, not white men, in fact one of those is a black fag


Dress like a Chad

/fa reporting in

no cargos

This pic encapsulates about 95% of young British people

w8 m8

you think you're white?


Literally "I wear a shirt that cost me too much and can't afford actual shoes"



So all British men are degenerate alcholic skinheads?

dude we've seen what you look like you don't get to advise people on clothes

Because you look like a white trash slob

I like to ride motorcycles. I can't wear this faggot shit on motorcycles.

>like a white man


Pretty much.

Low waisted pants = gay. In the 90's only homos and models (homos) wore them. Then Jews pushed the low waisted meme on youngins and then old farts adopted the look too. It makes you look gay, unproportional, sloppy and not to mention if you're slightly fat it highlights your gut.

Are you from fookin' Middlesborough, mate?

Avoid being a skinny fag to avoid wearing skinny clothes. Avoid predominately light colors, except as accent, unlike all prepfags who like piti uomo shit.

Is military attire white man clothing

>Dress like someone in an American frat in $200 t-shirts
KYS fashion Jew.

Dress like a white man


Pretty much, but the empire was built on the backs of these people though. They're honestly some of the most down to earth cunts you'll ever meet

What's gay about that?


Look at those massive nipples

dequeering thread with more Sicillian style

Shitty mining town in Lancashire lad