Let's try something different this thread and have a main theme to discuss
How can the United States become national socialist? What do you think about the state of the national socialist movements in the United States? Do you support balkanization of the United States? Do you think mass movement is still viable or will a natsoc government form thanks to natsoc revolutionaries?
Joshua Peterson
Also please don't entertain the shitposters They get bored if you don't reply Even if they aggressive reply to you just ignore them and they fuck off
Nolan Ross
reminder that the leaf who claimed to be part of us is in actual fact a lebanese. this was the leaf who worked with us from last year creating these threads. we have been infiltrated.
i repeat: we have been infiltrated.
Liam Morris
Hitler killed himself. That is all.
Carson Young
>Muh blood! >Muh nation!
"Blood" and "nation" are simply two arbitrary collectives designed to appeal to retards who would rather suck the dick of the state than think for themselves. By stripping away individual rationalism and critical thinking and putting it in some arbitrary collective to serve the "greater good," you simply want control over others. The "white race" is a social construct, and in order to prove it I remind you of all those stupid fucking arguments about Slavs being white or not.
In short, fuck off statists.
Parker Lewis
Looks like the shitposters arrived Don't reply to IDs: mliWl2kS) and dNZ101kL plz What's wrong with Hezbollah?
Caleb Russell
fuck off back to 8ch, this is not a place for echochambers
Parker Wright
>I get to ignore them if they disagree with me! They must be a shitposter!
Your entire ideology is a shitpost.
Brayden Ross
Lmaoing @ the shitposters being the ones getting butthurt ITT :^)