Why is denmark irrelevant today?

why is denmark irrelevant today?

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They must have done something right.

When all of Europe is overrun with mudshits, we'll be the only decent country left standing.


Irrelevant? We have Greenland and a big claim on the north pole. We control Oresund, which is vital for russian supply. We are one of the richest countries in the world, 9th closest ally of US, and one of the countries to benefit the most from the EU.

>inb4 butthurt svenn is hiding behind eu flag like the cuck he is


These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers EXPOSED

When has Demark ever been relevant to anyone other than Danes? Or Scandinavians in general? Is it Lego? 70s porn?

Theres a lot of sea over to us brother, and miss merkel is the neighbour of your flat easily acessible land, niggers are coming

personally I prefer Iceland.

That's a joke, right? Please tell me that isn't the extent of your countries achievements.

This thread couldn't be more fucking obvious - this is obviously a slide thread. Get out shill.

Denmark is still better off than Norway right now. You're like Sweden light, and I genuinely don't really understand why. You should be more anti-diversity than us, not less. I mean, you have gender quotas in your freaking parliament for gods sake.

Not that impressive tbqh.

You want a fucking history lesson?
There was the Kalmar Union. There was the time when we conquered half of your country and demanded everyone followed Danelaw. You problably don't know shit about your own history since you dont know this.

Denmark is the last bastion of the white man. Prove me wrong niggers. 95% white, strictest immigrant policy in northern europe. How will pakist- i mean britain ever recover?

Pretty good for a country which could have sinked into total irrelevance. Or experienced the same fate as Sweden.. Also, our country has been intact for a 1000 years. Where is your history, burger? Niggers are your only legacy.

>When all of Europe is overrun with mudshits, we'll be the only decent country left standing.

I think that role will fall to Poland, my landsmand.

They make Legos

Yes, because of Lego

I'll be the first to admit that the Danes had a huge influence on the developemt of Britain. But, so what?

What have you cunts actually achieved?

>I mean, you have gender quotas in your freaking parliament for gods sake.
jeg tror ikke det stemmer... Stortinget består visstnok av litt under 40 prosent kvinner, men jeg tror ikke det har noe å gjǿre med kvotering.
det er derimot helt sant at Solberg-regjeringa har like mange kvinnelige ministre som mannlige ministre, og det lenge fǿr Trudeau gjorde det samme i [daværende år]. ingen brydde seg da, og ingen bryr seg nå.

No, all of the eastern europeans are slav and therefore NOT WHITE.
I dont get where this meme come from? The polacks here in denmark are fucking niggers. they act like drunk muslims. Everyone i know who had an eastern european girlfriend got cheated on so fucking bad. They are all whores and degenerates, that's why they need "muh Catholicism"

I said decent. Their population is over twice ours, yet they seem completely incapable of producing anything of worth.

Dumb motherfucker, every 1/6 "citizen" in this socialist shithole has some sort of fucking foreign background and I'm not fucking talking about neurosurgeons or engineers from Norway/Sweden/Germany etc. motherfuckers from Africa and the middle-east.
YOU are just as fucking idiotic as the so called "nationalist" party "Dansk folkeparti" who actually believes that they will get to have a fucking border while being an enslaved "member state" of the Euroviet Union.
You're literally the fucking dumb motherfucking dane who thinks they're hot shit because they happened to be fucking born in Denmarkistan (formerly known as Denmark) and frankly is as arrogant as the fucking germans or swedes who TOO believe they're hot shit because they live in Swedenistan and Germanistan.
Just wait till 2020 comes around and the Euroviet Union will force Denmarkistan to drop it's sovereign currency (DKK) and take on the Euroviet Union shekels as it's currency and fucking watch our bullshit, passive, pro-eu conspirators make that become a reality in 2020 without a fucking sweat.
Drop dead asshole or wake the fuck up, you're on fucking Sup Forums and how you still think that "Denmark" will be spared from the dark horde is beyond me but arrogance and retardation is probably the reason for it.
Maybe you should go back to drinking yourself to death or at least to the point where your brainstem will give up on life, that and go smoke some of that bullshit weed they offer in 'Christiania' or whatever the fuck that den of bullshit hippies call it over in Copenhagen.
Imma have my bloody exodus to the US before 2020 comes around, ready or not Imma not die in this shithole with you, the fucking feminists or the bullshit politicians who claim they serve our interests DAILY, To hell with all of you.

>Where is your history, burger?
Oh I don't know, only the greatest achievement in the history of humanity?

Denmark won't remain in the EU for long.

>he can't handle the bantz

>Imma have my bloody exodus to the US before 2020 comes around
Why the fuck would you do that? We're 46% white.

Well, i know this is an unpopular opinion, but our "welfare state" is the best i think.

>only take in immigrants to uphold dying generations in order to stay competetive on the market
>everybody can read, function at basic human level
> hard crime is almost non-exsistent
> wages are extremely high, we have some of the biggest savings in the world

i could go on, but i've realised that the lack of resources in northern europe has made the states rely on people as goods. So high taxes and high wages + innovation = money for life. I don't recognize government aid in this case to be "gibs". rather, you invest in a country to function at a high level, so you can make more money in the end.

Even with all the immigrants, and the potential for denegeracy, we've created one of the most prosperous and generous states in the history of man. I would prefer this to the american alternative any time. (by this i mean private security, gated communities etc)

I was told you had gender quotas in your parliament, but I can only find Norwegian legislation of gender quotas enforced on private firms, which quite frankly is still absolutely atrocious.



Hvor er du fra, broder?

the biggest fake in the history of fake, maybe ever

Stem lige NB for du smutter kammerat, vi er nogen der prover at holde styr på lortet.

Quads, nice. Thanks for your answer. What's it like politically? In Britain, een the conservatives are socialists.

Dem salmon is good


liberalism is cancer, take the red pill and accept state capitalism as your savior. socdem is where it's at if you can find candidates who are right wing.

> denmark
> irrelevant today

said nobody.. EVER.

Could be a great country, sadly we have too many taxes and regulations on everything, we unironically have more taxes/regulations than Sweden. I'm not some ancap fag but it's too much.
There are no good political parties either, the so called "nationalists" love Israel and welfare, and the only party that wants to reduce taxes and regulations are classical liberal multiculti fags.
A lot less mudshits than the surrounding countries though so there is that.

The line between social democracy and conservatism is so blurry, that's why it's seems like conservatives are "socialists" when it comes to northern european politics. But no - they are both state capitalists. They accept and use capitalism to further national interests within the state. It's not about "justice" like the fucking socialist rats. It's about doing the best for your country. Why do you think so many refugees are forced upon us? Because we dont get enough children. And we need a certain amount of people AKA consumers to stay competetive in the global market. The Cons, The socdems, they know this. That's why you will never get "closed borders". You can only avoid the idiotic left-wing "let everyone in" mentallity.



I personally love the political climate. You can afford to be an "extremist" because we have 9 parties in parliement. There is a culture to make policies with parties from both wings, so the policy is very linear, and the general unity of our politicians when not on TV very high.
Even though they make costly mistakes (as do all politicians) they have consistently made good decisions on behalf of the danes.

>Astronomer Tycho Brahe - founder of modern observation of space
>Physics Niels Bohr - made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory
>Doctor Niels Ryberg Finsen - discovery of medication with concentrated light radiation
>Author Hans Christian Andersen - wrote "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina" and many more.
>Poet Soeren Kierkegaard - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Søren_Kierkegaard

Beside personalities, we have invented Magnetic Storage, Insulin, The Ostomy Bag, Carlsberg's Yeast, The Fiberscope.

For a country as comparatively wealthy and low in population as Denmark, certain manifestations of Socialism are necessary in order to ensure that we can compete with other nations (for example through free education). Denmark currently doesn't have a large labor force (like China, India and the US), which means that we are forced to rely on quality (highly educated STEM specialists) instead of quantity (manual laborers).

Fordi statskapitalisme slår latterligt liberalisme til enhver tid. Du kan ligeså godt sprede ballerne for globalisterne hvis du vil stemme liberalt.
Alle partier undtagen enhedslisten ved udemærket godt at vi ikke kan bruge indvandrere til andet end at udfylde den doende befolkning. Se på indvandrertallene: vi har taget 15000 ind i gennemsnit pr år de sidste 10 år, ligemeget hvor mange ansogere vi har haft. Hvorfor? Fordi vi skal fortsætte med at være en force på markedet, og det kan vi ikke med en mindre befolkning. Japan kommer til at stå i lort til halsen om et årti. Sverige også. Det gælder om at tage det rigtige antal ind, og Venstre tænker udelukkende på okonomien, hvilket er bullshit. De der aber har brug for uddannelse hvis vi skal holde dem ud, og det har venstre tænkt sig at spare væk. Tænk over hvad der er godt for dit land på den lange bane, og ikke den korte.

Don't forget the pH scale or the Kjeldahl method for Nitrogen approximation.

we need consumers???

everyone is irrelevant
you're NOTHING if you don't breathe the air of the US of A

exactly. but i won't call it socialism. It's simply just using the utility of the state to benefit the people in a competetive market. I would describe is as low-key nationalism.

All the based Danes moved to England and became Anglos.

>you're irellevant danes
I'm fine with being irellevant if it means we don't get invaded by a bunch of "refugees". Being small and cozy has its charms.
Yep, the bong don't know, We actually have like several verses stripped out of an old national song where it says essentially in the past you used to rule the north, also commanded over england now you are called small and insignificant. These verses are stripped out when it's sung to not offend the brits and sweden in particular who might get butthurt over it. If you are interested the song i'm talking about it's called "in denmark am i born there i belong" or "I danmark er jeg fodt der har jeg hjemme."


In the description you can see 3rd verse (is not sung) that's the one i'm talking about. Go hit it up in google translate.

It's why it was called danelaw back then in britain.

but anyways, i'm fine with being small and insignificant, just leave us be and let us have a good time.
>comfy mode engaged

what are those decisions?

Yes. The European economy is totally reliant upon consumers. Why do you think they've discussed "borgerlon"? Because there wont be jobs for idiots in the future, but you still need idiots to buy stuff to keep the money flowing.

Also, many of our consumers are going to die in the next 10-20 years. Younger generations doesn't spend as much as the elder. (think in terms of property, not goods). So yes, we need more consumers. Also the tech advances will create a bigger supply, and we need to supply the demand, or else the economy will stagnate.

Yes serioulsy. The European economy is totally reliant upon consumers. Why do you think they've discussed "borgerlon"? Because there wont be jobs for idiots in the future, but you still need idiots to buy stuff to keep the money flowing.

Also, many of our consumers are going to die in the next 10-20 years. Younger generations doesn't spend as much as the elder. (think in terms of property, not goods). So yes, we need more consumers. Also the tech advances will create a bigger supply, and we need to supply the demand, or else the economy will stagnate.

>All the based Danes moved to England and became Anglos.
I see, so is that why their capital is essentially majority muslim now and has a muslim mayor wheras ours isn't?
One thing is to call us insignificant.. that's well and fine but stop talking like we're a bunch of clowns and all the good ones are in england, that's not exactly how it went historically or how it is now, so atleast get that right sir.

Best thing the Danes ever made?


Is it time to post some Kierkegaard?

why not just spend more pr person, instead of importing slime?

Uh uh. Sorry Dane bigger, but the best of you were beady eyed.

The creation of the nordic welfare state with the help of the marshall aid.
Staying active in foreign conflicts to gain political influence. Joining the EU (i know we hate it now, but it was and still is a good decision money-wise)
Offering free education and a safe society to it's citizens with a minimum of corruption.
I "hate" my politicians as much as any other, but when i look to other countries, i do appreciate how they operate in the long-term game.

My wisdom is easy to comprehend, for I have only one presupposition, which I do not suppose. When I say here, in such a way, that I do not suppose my presupposition, this has no contradiction in a presupposition from it, but it is simply the negative expression of my presupposition, whereby it understands itself contrary to a presupposition from it or to a non-presupposition from it. I do not suppose my presupposition; for if I supposed it, I would regret it, and if I didn't, I would regret that, too.

Amen brother.

They tried to sell it to you, they call it "maintain growth".
Kan du ikke huske at "vækst" var oppe og kore for noget tid siden? Det var det eneste alternativ til at importere.
Vores politikere har det med at skjule deres motiver.

The people who raided weren't the ones who settled, dummy.

>but the best of you were beady eyed
swarthy beady eyed Brits are not Anglos, Saxons or Jutes
they're Britons

Don't kid yourself; you'll be one of the first European countries to fall. Denmark is already a bastion of multiculturalism.

Forstår ikke din logik. NB er de eneste der tor tage hånd om mohammmeddaner problematikken. Vi kan sagtens stadig stå stærkt uden idiotisk hoje afgifter og en al for bureaukratisk stat - ting som SD ikke står i ko for at afskaffe. Staten burde have helt basale roller i samfundet og ikke have jodenæsen nede i al ting, som de har nu. Jeg lægger pt. Al min overskydne indkomst i bitcoin for at lægge mig okonomisk ude for et samfund jeg synes er helt ude og skide. Og når du taler om at sprede ballerne for globalisme kan jeg ikke forstå at du har kobt "flere flygtninge eller mindre velstand"-memen, det er lige efter elitens bog.

Yep, I was thinking about something.
Some time ago the gov cut "humanitære" educations.
Where those places filled with marxist or legit concern? The reason was money but the same week Lokke gave 50m to irak school shit.

>Denmark is already a bastion of multiculturalism
Are you for real?

Carlsberg is shit.
Slots classic for life

We only need legalized weed and Denmark will be most based country ever?

Potato niggers in charge of knowing anything

>3 posts in a row
>we only need legailized weed

the good danes moved to rule over the bongs, the rest died in the wars against sweden, the only thing left are drunken peasants with high iq thanks to being aryan, so they just mind their own business

Tbh legalizing weed would be fucking huge for our country, just so you know.

We should be smoking weed, while mining greenland.
having a gold rush now, that the ice, is melting at the poles.

but nothing great ever happens!

Just imagine all that sweet revenue for the state.
I don't get why they haven't already.
There are literally, LITERALLY, only pros to legalizing it.

Keeping it illegal causes more problems than anything.

Jailed pot smokers use way to much money.

Helt ærligt - hvad fanden vil du med bitcoin? Hvad kan du på egen hånd? Hvem var du uden staten danmark? Det er den der sikrer og beskytter dine rettigheder. Det er dig der har slugt ancap pillen min ven.
Socialisme og liberalisme er begge to latterlige ideoligier som svækker sammenholdet. Den socialdemokratiske ide om en velfærdsstat garanterer hoj levestandard. Gider du leve i en verden hvor din nabo render rundt med rådne tænder fordi hun ikke har råd til tandlæge? Jeg ved godt det er deres egen skyld - ligesom det er indvandrenes egen skyld hvis de ikke finder et job - men gider du have det? Jo bedre dit folk er, jo stærkere er dit land, og jo flere muligheder har du som individ.
Jeg erkender blankt at SD som parti ikke står inde for de ting lige pt, men mange af deres medlemmer gor. Der er mange floje i de forskellige partier.

because taxes.

emigrated because i couldnt cope with paying 10k DKK for a shitty 1960 inner-city apartment in cph and meanwhile having the state rip me off 50% to finance the single mother living beside me for a rent of 2k DKK.

We're sending 120 billion kr. to the middle east instead of fixing our fucking public transports, hospitals, schools or roads, or help the elderly or vulnerable already within our own country. Come again?

>Slots classic for life

You know it to be true in your heart, brother.


Lars? Er du flyttet? Eller er du venner med Lars A?

Yes, there is no need for the state to fund liberal women studies. Iraqies need the education more than them. We could NOT give them any money, but we would still have iraqies, they would just be idiots as well. I like the decision.

Everything the state does, it does so for money. Check the amount of refugees we accept to the decline of our population. It's 1:1. That's why David Trads says we will earn money on immigrants. Because even if they recived gibs for 5 years before working, if they worked for 5 years, we would earn money on them. But we lose culture, and that's the important struggle, where i think danes are waking up.
De radikale af alle partier har foreslået at forbyde burkaen i dag. S er blevet DF light. Det kommer lige så langsomt..

I am an African migrant but I am based and support Drumpf or whatever, how many tight twink Danish boiholes can I pound if I say I am for multiculturalism and shiet?

Stay the fuck away. We don't want you, nigger.

det er måske nicolai oster? :-)

What about muh multiculturalism?

>tfw Dane with foreign parents

>tfw state pays my University degree

>tfw provided with cute pure Danish blonde met in High School

Tak venner, love this country

We can't let more shitskins in though or the blonde babe ratio will fall

you get a free helicopter ride!

We could've been based if we got the ban on halal slagtning og omskåring i hus

idk man, lige pludselig sagde det bare klik.
Det er sku meget underholdende at se på ancap folk blive sure på samfundet :D


What if I told you I was.... CANADIAN!!!
What about now!

os der har kobt tilligt har ikke brug for dit velfærd.
og vi gider ikke være naboer til tandlose.
velfærd er svækkende fordi det odelægger incitatmentet for vækst!

do your part, never nut in a white woman. or go anal.

OP is a faggot

leafs get the bullet

no ai girlfriend for u

Too late my friend

Already got my blonde waifu