This is bad

Just to be clear, the crime that Donnie Jr, Kushner and Manafort comitted was soliciting oppo research from a hostile foreign government. It does not matter if the person they were soliciting from had no information or wasn't from the Russian government. They thought she was which is clear in the email chain which Donnie also emailed to both Kushner and Manafort prior to the meeting meaning that they all knowingly attempted to obtain oppo research from a hostile foreign government.

The fact that Donnie tweeted these emails himself directly contradicts months of rhetoric coming from the white house and makes them admissible in any future trials.

It is frankly confounding that he would not have consulted his attorney before tweeting those emails because they are absolutely catastrophic.

Other urls found in this thread:

Except it's not illegal, have fun crying yourself to sleep every night.

Donald is done kiddo.

Have fun crying yourself to sleep at night too, bucko. Posting the racist garbage you do is gonna get you locked up in jail and RAPED you fucking scumbag.

You are on the wrong side of history. There is no hope for you. Your women will beg for dark thick cock, you will be sold into slavery, you will be castrated and your offspring will be as well.

There. Is. No. Hope. For. You.

Praise beautiful moslem cock. Praise BBC.

Soliciting? Do you know what that word means?

Saging this shill thread

Maybe not in shitty EU countries but here it definitely is.


(a) ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
(b) “Foreign national” definedAs used in this section, the term “foreign national” means—
(1) a foreign principal, as such term is defined by section 611(b) of title 22, except that the term “foreign national” shall not include any individual who is a citizen of the United States; or
(2) an individual who is not a citizen of the United States or a national of the United States (as defined in section 1101(a)(22) of title 8) and who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined by section 1101(a)(20) of title 8.

You're right. He accepted the solicitation from a person that he thought was a member of hostile foreign government.

It still violates the law.

nothing in that law statute describes whathas come to light about this meeting.. not a single thing.

Trump received nothing and nothing of value was offered.

Is this your last straw, Man? lol

>was soliciting oppo research

Thanks brockshill.

You're the only ones who use that word unironically.


To quote your master Obama
"The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back."

Nothing about what you wrote is accurate in any way. Why did you bother typing this nonsense? For the (You)s?

> Kushner and Manafort

oy vey now that evil racist Bannon will have a free hand in the whitehouse. truly the worst timeline!

>He actually thinks Don Jr. Tweeted the emails before consulting an attorney
I swear you plebs would be dangerous if you weren't hopelessly retarded

.....where does it say "you can't talk to anyone" -- Nothing was accepted numbnuts. No money exchanged. Please read.

It is not limited to cash as noted by the phrase "money or other thing of value". Are you going to try and argue that oppo research has no value?

What attorney do you know that would tell you to disseminate incriminating documents yourself so you could scoop a NYT article? Doing it this way implies that Trump admits completely that this was him. He can no longer question the legitimacy of this email chain.

Just wait for it. This was planned. Whitehouse leaked emails them selves and tweeted to bring the narrative back into their field.

Now the natative is forcing every one to chase down proof of Clinton collusion. This outs the DNC collusion with brits in framing and spying on trump.

Remember Trumps wiretap tweet? Trumps been using Obamas spying tools and knows what's up. He is just slowly letting the people get used to the idea that our reality of 30 years is about to be smashed into a million pieces and scattered to the winds.

CIA retard shills

Trump derangement syndrome

Yeah ok OP

Go suck Cenk's dick

>soliciting oppo research

Not a crime.

>hostile foreign government

Nope. You have to first declare war for that to be the case.

>Trumps been using Obamas spying tools
Haha, holy shit. How far down this rabbit hole are you, user?

That's finance laws about money "donations" you ABSOLUTE RETARD.

>Not a crime.
It is if you solicit from a foreign national.

>Nope. You have to first declare war for that to be the case.
First of all, that definitely isn't true second, as I stated before, it's illegal to accept ANY help from a foreign national. It's just even worse that he thought she was related to the russian government.

Once again refer to the phrase "money or other thing of value"

>"money or other thing of value"


Fucking Dunce.

Are you guys still talking about this? Its over man.

Dude, Oppo research is property. Why the fuck do you think consulting firms charge so much for it?

>the crime was soliciting oppo research from a hostile foreign government.
not a crime
what did OP mean by this

bla...there is still only ...a big nothing burger.
total vindication for Trump again.

8/pol/ is more your speed bro. it's the_donald, only better memes and no karma! :D

>It does not matter if the person they were soliciting from had no information or wasn't from the Russian government.

eh...nope. it does does matter. a lot.

> research from a hostile foreign government

not hostile.

>(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—
>> a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donationof money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election from a foreign national.

When Donnie Jr said, and i'm quoting here, "If it's what you say, I love it" and then went on to ask what date they could meet, that is solicitation. He's asking to see the info from someone that he thinks is a representative of the Russian government.

>Dude, Oppo research is property. Why the fuck do you think consulting firms charge so much for it?

You're a fucking dunce m8.

The law literally says it's about direct campaign finance and donations.......COLD HARD MONEY. if you can't understand what FINANCE is, nobody can help you here lol



Only post fall of 2016 democrats think Russia is categorized as a hostile govt

Not according to US law. I don't know what kind of god-awful laws you have in Germany though.

Think about it this way, kraut cuck. When a DEA agent that is pretending to be a drug dealer tells you he has drugs and you say let me see them, you have solicited and committed a crime. If you don't believe me, come to the US and go try it.

You're only hurting yourself liberals
you know how this game goes
Media makes a big stink out of something
You rush in and give them clicks, happy to stump the trump
It turns out to be nothing, making you all look like fools, destroying what little credibility you have left. The media doesn't care because they made money off you idiots and are already planning they next big nothing story for more.
And all you are left with is a hollowness in your chest and depression. Just one more step closer to ending it all.

Do you really want to keep walking down this path user?
Do you really want to keep doing this to yourselves?

Clinton visited Ukraine to collect information on Trump. It's not special.

My butthole is itching. I have to get to a bathroom.

>hostile foreign government.
Russia isn't hostile

>tfw liberals LITERALLY don't understand that nothing criminal has taken place regarding Russia and the Trump campaign.
>tfw liberals are just so sick and tired of losing constantly that they are starting to take the MSM's bait, and LITERALLY believe the lies just to make themselves feel better

>tfw I'm still not tired of winning.
>tfw liberals cannot stop fucking losing

Concern troll failure. Sorry bitch boy, no ones falling for it. Trump Dynasty is at full strength.

"Of value" has a specific legal definition, referring to things of direct monetary value. "Information" does not fall under that definition.

So clearly you are dense because it says, again, "money or other thing of value". Violations similar to Donnie's have been prosecuted before.

Your narrow reading of this law is because you have literally nothing else. This is bad, admit it.

Yeah, Obama never was president when this whole thing happened.

Sure, if you're clinically retarded.

I used to not think anything criminal happened. This has completely changed my mind. This is absolutely shocking.

>Trump Dynasty is at full strength.
Lmao, the amount of cognitive dissonance is simply shocking.

>implying the GOP didn't expand it to include "things of value" in order to try to catch Clinton

The entire purpose of that phrase is to broaden the law to include things BESIDES monetary donations.

I swear most of you haven't even read these emails for yourselves. They're bigger than anything you ever found on wikileaks.

>hostile foreign government

Since when is Russia hostile to us?

Kys yourself you pea brained faggot, your brain has successfully been turned to mush

>Im a dumb nigger, the post


Refer me to a case where someone was prosecuted for receiving free opposition research from a foreign national.

What's your point? We were literally collecting merkels phone records under Obama. Were we hostile to Germany?

Nah white people will win again, were just making it interesting for once

>other thing of value,
This is the issue. Faggots are interpreting this as information rather than things of monetary value.

But, if it is interpreted this way, ANY person who got campaign "dirt" on a US election from any non US national is guilty. Including any news networks that reported "OC" from other countries, provided they asked permission to share it or had any real contact.

>I swear most of you haven't even read these emails for yourselves.
You're probably right.

Here, enjoy everyone.

has that dyke cunt Maddow covered this yet? Can't wait for this to fall flat on it's face again lels

A Hostile government. Since when were we at war with Russia? It has been many many years. Russia is not America's enemy. It is the enemy of the Rothchild banks Putin kicked out. It is the enemy of Satanists as Putin just consecrated Russia to the Holy Mother Mary. Russia is the enemy of America's enemy within.

No, "of value" refers to monetary value, it's not just a vague term, it has a legal definition.

>liberals perpetuating the cold war
Its like jihadists proclaiming their religion of peace

>So clearly you are dense because it says, again, "money or other thing of value". Violations similar to Donnie's have been prosecuted before
the answer is never you filthy kike
because the law is about fucking money and states it unequivocally

This is how I know you really feel the fear that it's all crashing down.

More like jihadists condemning Saudi Arabia.

Dude, once again, who gives oppo research for free? Oppo research has real demonstrable monetary value.

whelp looks like another nothing burger. Here's a fake news source so even the braindead libtard antifa shills will understand it, assuming they have enough intelligence to read an article.

>(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value,
Unless you can attach a specific dollar amount to it, it's meaningless.

uh oh looks like drumpf is done for

>real demonstrable monetary value
No, it doesn't. Some people will often give that information for free because they like or dislike a candidate. Something only has monetary value if someone is willing to buy it, and in this case, no one was.

have u ever heard of the media

Honestly who gives a fuck anymore. Yeah they probably colluded to get some dirt, literally who cares. Shitlibs are pulling their hair out over this, meanwhile the Clintons accepted millions from Saudi Arabia. Two wrongs don't make a right but honestly fuck it, politics is a dirty game

It's definitely a non-zero amount. I can tell you that much.

Russia is not a hostile foreign government. Try again.

I keep seeing the name Goldstone, which seems to me suspiciously like an Anglicisation of Goldstein... really makes you think

>This is absolutely shocking.

YES YES. shocking

You're fucking killing me here.

OP is either Shartblue, Antifa, or rogue CIA but at this point really what difference does it make.


Still waiting for that case where someone was prosecuted for receiving free information from a foreign national

Cool looks like hillarys going to jail after all due to all that Saudi money she took.

>not in Russian government
>had no information
Not illegal.

>Oppo research has real demonstrable monetary value.
Then demonstrate it.
If you can't attach an actual dollar amount to something then it has no value.

You do realize that "Solicitation" requires JR to ASK the Russians to DO A CRIME.

If the Russians say "hey listen to this" and he says "ok" that is not solicitation because he did not REQUEST ANYBODY TO COMMIT A CRIME. Unfortunately for your narrative, the second thing is what both people that have spoken about it (including the Russian Dem chick who asked for the meeting) say what happened and what the fucking email says on its face

>Just to be clear, the crime that Donnie Jr, Kushner and Manafort comitted was soliciting oppo research from a hostile foreign government.

Cool. Assume that;'s what they did, can you cite why soliciting information is a crime? When CNN asks for a comment on a story about Russia from a Russian source, is it the same crime? If the Department of State solicits information from Russia as a treaty is being developed, is that the same crime? If a businessman solicits info from Russia as he plans a business deal there, is that the same crime? What about a scientist comparing data with a source in Russia? An artist working on a collaborative piece with Russians?

I'm trying to understand your position.

Russia isnt hostile cuck
Throw trump jr in jail but Trump never colluded with russia like we have said from the beginning
Dems 0-5 now

nothing is crashing i'm just tired of you dumb portland and seattle faggots thinking you are about to impeach a president, its not going to happen, your a dumb nigger, go back to africa

lol at this entire response

Funny how a lot of that stuff describes the Clinton Foundation .

>being this retarded

How the fuck do you even

You're an idiot.

>Hostile government
>Haven't been in an active, surface-level conflict with Russia since the wall fell
>B-but muh Russia and elections
Facts are as follows.
>Don Jr contacted a Russian official
>Invited him for sit-down to discuss shit
>Allusions to any dirt on Hillary came up, nothing came of it
>Meeting continued
>The same Russian official had dealings with Obama in the past
It's a lot of nothing and speculation (which also contains nothing of substance) from that point on. Russia is not (currently) an adversary. Let's get that straight. At worst, the US and Russia have a tumultuous relationship that sways to and fro depending on who is in power and Putin's mood.

Secondly, speaking to diplomats about potential "dirt" on another diplomat is hardly sufficient grounds for a prosecution. Hell, the CIA does it openly and even dishes it when it benefits them most. It's not a new or mostly-unheard of occurrence and politicians digging up dirt on their opponents is hardly something that only happened recently. Now, is collusion an illegal offense? Yes, but you have to prove it happened or, at the very least, there was intent. The latter is harder to prove because it relies on the defense not lying and the prosecution being able to prove it without a shadow of a doubt.

Too much of this "development" relies on rampant speculation on both sides. It's a lot of nothing that only alludes to something, but unless both parties come forward and say "yeah, our intent was to mess with the election", it'll be another handful of months before something meaningful comes to light, if ever.

>Hostile foreign government
Whoa, I didn't know we were actively at war with Russia...oh wait...we aren't? But you just said...hmmmm, it's almost as if there's a narrative you're trying to force people into concluding. My legumes are positively twirling.

So you are defining giving information as a contribution of a thing of value.

Laying aside the fact that the e-mails show that information as in fact not given, I'm not sure you have thought through the implications of that position.

On June 21st, 2013, Putin announced a new economic plan -- releasing information. Reuters covered the story, as did many other news outlets -- spreading the information,

Is it your contention that any person reading that story, or the innumerable similar ones before or since, received a donation o a thing of value from Putin, passed along by Reuters and others? Assuming some number of politicians read it, are they all guilty of violation of campaign finance laws on that count? Is reading the news accepting a campaign donation from the media?

Are you sure you want to make that the ground you want to stand and fight on?

how the heck did these jews manage to gaslight people into thinking that a foreign country "meddling" with an election is unprecedented and outrageous

>It is if you solicit from a foreign national.

He did not solicit a donation from a foreign national.

You seem to still be skipping over the "money or other thing of value" part. In a law about campaign finance, that is sort of crucial.

>Hey, I have something you might like
>Aight, let me talk to x about it to see if it's legit
>Also, I want to discuss things with you
Looks like Jr wasn't completely on-board, either. You would think if he was going to take the bait he would have given a more thorough response rather than, "on the road, ttyl p.s. sounds neat". Honestly, if I was going to read more into it for the sake of speculation (from a purely logical perspective), someone was about to get shitcanned and/or removed from a list of contacts.

Rob is offering something Don Jr isn't sure he should take and is giving non-response before checking to see if it's okay to accept this information. My guess is in the meeting that occurred he wanted to make sure there existed dirt, and if so, why high-ranking Russian officials didn't release it themselves. He also doesn't make any allusions to the Kremlin's support, simply saying "thanks, and I want to verify the validity of the claim" instead.

It's taking way too much from a couple of lines, son. If he was on-board, he wouldn't appear as skeptical as he does here or avoid any real association with someone who appears to imply the Russian government and Trump are bedfellows.



>Impeachment soon says increasingly ass blasted liberals
Its going to be nothing again and further destroy liberal power even further as a party.

in what way has any of this destroyed liberal power
lots of normeis seem to be believing this stuff

This is not how it works. Dtjr was not part of the campaign, he does not fall into any roll that can commit collusion.

Not to mention the fact that the DNC is not a government entity. This means that whoever obtained the email did so against the DNCs interests and not against the interests of the US government.

Might have traded a rare pepe...

> they never sollicited
> from a government
Get cucked.
Wew lad.

Doesn't matter. Normies don't run shit, we do.