No, Poland is not based

Our mentally handicapped government had introduced a social welfare program under which you get 500 zł a month(minimum monthly wage in Poland is 2000zł) for every kid if you have atleast 2. And you can even get it for 1 if you are poor enough. Of course the main beneficiaries are pathological families who make more kids than they can sustain and waste these money on basic consumption.

And all this massive gibs when our economy is still just "developing", our infrastructure is still mediocre, healthcare services lack funds, and threat from Russia is growing.

>500+ funds pathological families
Do nothing to boost our birth rates and we will end up with approximately 22,288,717 people around 2100
We are dying and if wealthy families won't breed then poor people will

>dude poor peeople are bad lmao
back to wykop

poland is a depressing shithole

>paying your citizens to increase birth rates
>not based
What are you, gay?

>threat from Russia is growing.
so now its at 0.05%?

And just like because of welfare west will be dominated by negros, Poland will be by hillbilies.

Polish girls crave money, starving for juicy paycheck, no refunds, hard cash.

>muh economy is still developing and infrastructure is mediocre
Nigger, you do realize that an in crease in birth rates leads to more citizens who can contribute to the nation's economy and tax revenue, right?

Poland is based because it is the biggest supporter of globalism and diversity.

#FuckBorders #LoveNotHate

cant wait to see the criminal rating boost in 20 years when all these unwanted kids grow up

>implying you were wanted
also, witnessed

>mostly white
>government is giving them an incentive to breed
>not based

you need to start producing something that people will want to buy. why can't Slavs into economy?

>burning money (debt, not savings) on current consumption is ok

Fabian pls

it's terribly planned and even worse executed.

It already led to increase in taxes etc. that will end in people don't want to commit to having more children.

Plan like that needs to be viable for 30 years, not 4.

The better solution would be tax reliefs. I prefer middle class to reproduce, than literal proletaryat.

Just legalize prostitution, gambling, drugs and voila - you now have millions of young businessman and entrepreneurs to boost our economy.

But what happens is lazy, nigger-tier, bydlos who cannot be bothered to work just breed more instead of going out and finding a job. Eventually the working class is flooded with bottom-feeding scum. We've had it here for decades now.

Still better than refugees.

What's the point to even get out of bed for this battle? That guy is like 20 feet, what's a 6'4 manlet gonna do against him?

why do libertarians hate roads?
does irrelevance bother them?

nobody cares about that bitching.

People voted for this, bc some cash is better than none.

Yes, this will backfire in the long run. We had the same thing here and end up used by the leftist goverment as a way to buy votes from the poor ( you better vote for our party coz the right wingers will take the money away from you if they get into power).

On the other hand, your goverment is rightwind and these ppl, even if poor, are white so I dont oppose that much t.b.h.

The nazis literally had a similar system, only it was a massive loan that was forgiven if you had enough children. How the fuck else are you going to preserve birthrates without an incentive?

Holy shit that looks like charls carrol

Given that you have fairly large diasporas in Britain and Ireland, maybe other countries as well idk, you ought to try and incentivize them to come back to Poland in order to increase tax revenue and GDP

>Fuck my country and fuck white people the post


>Of course the main beneficiaries are pathological families who make more kids than they can sustain

Source: my ass
>and waste these money on basic consumption.

So they are taxed again and go back to the market

Also they pretty much fixed extreme poverty with it

Its not that bad.

every white country should pay white people to reproduce-its really the only thing that matters.

OP, being a faggot is left out and thus mad.

>even if poor, are white
Exactly why it's incomparable.
A white from a poor family is far more desirable than a non-white.
Middle class don't have birthrates because they don't want them and wait until they're 35.
Proles are the backbone of the country.
Your country barely has any crime anyway.
>healthcare services lack funds
>muh old people won't be able to rot in a home for 20 years
Waste of money.

>threat from Russia is growing
I agree with everything you said except this. Russia is not the Soviet Union. Russia is not a threat to Poland.

>A white from a poor family is far more desirable than a non-white.
You've never visited Appalachia, have you? I used to live there. White trash are just as bad as niggers.

Say this to Ukraine.

>Russia is not a threat to Poland
Nah senpai, If anything, Russia wants to expand its sphere of influence over the whole Slavic world, again. This would most likely include absorbing them into the Russian state as seen with Crimea

>muh based negro

>our country isnt perfect
if this is the worst problem your coutnry has then i will happily live there

>literally double digit IQs


You are a kike.

delet it

>muh white niggers
Anyone who says this is lying or has never dealt with the black general population.

Murricans do you know what it feels like to live in Bolan?

Imageine that in small cities ~20-100k, avg salary after tax is 1800zl.

Now imagine that 1L of gasoline cost atm 4.40zl (keep in mind that oil is fucking cheap right now, last year it was almost 6zl/1L).

Now in California, where price of gasoline is the highest in USA, 1L of gasoline would cost 2.2zl.

1$ = 3.7zl

Avg real salary is 486$

Prices of food are cheaper, but do you know how much other goods like electornic cost? Check price on your, add 20% and its price in Poland.

Price of a car is 20-30% higher than in USA.

Building 60m^2 flat in commie block in ~100k city, cost 150-250k pln (month salary is 1500zl).

This is Boland, country where 150 years after first gasoline car was produced, gasoline is luxury good.

60% of gasoline price ~ different taxes, of course they could lower tax and people would buy more gasoline, so they would not loose money from tax while people would buy more gasoline, but that require non retarded gov which is impossible because over 70% of parliament was raised in soviet era.

Russia is passive-aggressive towards Poland.

>Exhumations of the bodies of the victims of Smolensk crash (2010) bring more and more shocking news.

>During the exhumation carried out in 2017 the most shocking discovery of all exhumations till now was made. In one coffin there were two heads, three legs and four hip bones. (Out of respect for the families we deliberately withheld the date of the exhumation.)

Birth rates mean no immigration. We are global now and your country needs to show growing labor pool to compete.

I would rather be poor and live in an explicitly Christian nation like Poland than a dead nation whose government is actively replacing my demographic group like the US

so how many kids exactly do you have, huh?

>Price of a car is 20-30% higher than in USA
Why though? You're in the EU so tariffs shouldn't affect imports from Germany?

Besides, if nobody uses cars society forms around those that don't have cars, same with electronics.
These are only needed because everyone else has them.

finally someone sait it
i will also add pic related. its eplanation why there are no muslims in poland

Why are Poles so retarded? You are in a perfect position in space, time, and circumstances to do something with your god damn country and instead you bend over to whoever is the bigger dog.

Your fucking alcohol ridden bathroom cleaner aerosol rotten brains are too worthless to do anything. I used to think the nazis were wrong to try to cleanse you subhumans but now I understand why.

>I would rather be poor
I doubt if you understand what it mean to live in poor country.

You may work full time job and you will not be able to pay all bill at the end of month, 15yo used car will require few years savings, you will eat shit and do not dream about eating every day in fast food, because even such shitty us fast food as mcdonal is pricey here.

Imagine you are making 1.8k pln month and you are unable to afford big mac + cola because it ocst 20zl so 20*30days = 600. 1/3 of your month salary.

New phone like Samsung galaxy cost ~3k, so you would have to save 1.5month for a fucking phone.

New middle class car? 100k pln (your month salary 1.5k)

People in poland live on level that is impossible to imagine for person raised in the west.

Now look in the east, (ukraine/russia) its few time worse that here.

consider this

> people during wars, uprisings and partitions
> still Polish


every fucking time...

Because you, Americans, at least have spiderman in new york.

And what do we have? Poverty, gommunism, jews, jews, jews , jews, gazeta wyborcza, dumb nationalists..

You don't get it. Pro-family policy isn't bad. What's bad is this rampant socialism.
>25% of minimum wage for a kid

Sorry to tell you this Polan bro, but.
Spiderman isn't real...

>main beneficiaries are pathological families who make more kids than they can sustain and waste these money on basic consumption.

Nice logic there pawel.

Any stats to back this up, or is this what Wyborcza has been telling you is the case?

I have a feeling these well publicized "pathological" families are not the norm. I have a tingly feeling that good, honest working Polish families living in small towns throughout Poland now have more of an incentive to have children.

How else would you, oh intelligent Pawel, help increase the birthrate of your country?


Just get married and have kids you loser.

>1$ = 3.7zl

>Avg real salary is 486$

>Prices of food are cheaper, but do you know how much other goods like electornic cost? Check price on your, add 20% and its price in Poland.

>Price of a car is 20-30% higher than in USA.

>Building 60m^2 flat in commie block in ~100k city, cost 150-250k pln (month salary is 1500zl).

>This is Boland, country where 150 years after first gasoline car was produced, gasoline is luxury good.

>60% of gasoline price ~ different taxes, of course they could lower tax and people would buy more gasoline, so they would not loose money from tax while people would buy more gasoline, but that require non retarded gov which is impossible because over 70% of parliament was raised in soviet era.

So what you fucking white nigger?

Brazil is even worse. A VW Up! Turbo TSI here costs $18.000.
A Ford Fusion, %45.000.
And a Nissan GTR, $264.000

And dont even get me started on home appliances.

Superheroes, including Spiderman, don't exist.

but you are brazil...
no one expect first world living from brazil

Too late. You blabbed your sick secret.
This sick faggot enjoys being put down.
He's got his thumb up his ass, a gag on face and his dick in his other hand and is clicking the mouse with his nose waiting for us to tell him to kys.

Not with these taxes.

I saw yesterday that those Reconquista ppl from Austria just brought a Trawler for 65.000 euros.

Dude, I could buy that by that price. No joe. But I will never be able to afford one because after paying taxes, that 65.000 euros trawler will become a 450.000 euros boat.
Fuck taxes and fuck you!

You want sand niggers instead of whites, move to Germany.

>I would rather

No you wouldn't. Even if you love Poland, and you are an extreme patriot living there, you will find it hard to stay. When your whole salary goes to bills and cost of living, you have very little left over for any extra spending. The costs of electronics, of vacations, of cars, etc are all out of your reach.

Unless you have family, or you have time for another job or are able to find an additional means of income, you will go month by month like this.

On the harder months, you won't be able to hang out with your ziomki because you can't afford beer. You can't afford to go on a date with a girl because that 50zl (approx 15USD) dinner is too much because the money is so tight that month.

It's a predicament that Poles have experienced for a long time and they still have it. It's a real tough position to be in, as you can learn German or English and hop on over to GB or the UK for a salary which is 5x higher. Despite this, I have spoken to many young Poles who are coming back to Poland for reasons similar to what you state. Poles coming back to Poland because it's safe, it's stable, it's full of Poles, it's familiar, and it's extremely comfy when you settle down and develop friends and connections. If you have family in Poland who can help you out financially, the life is most definitely comfy, even if you don't have the best phone.

The globalists use declining birth rates to fuck you over with niggers and dune coons.....

>Make babies even poor white babies are better than niggers

the state should not promote reproduction
this only motivates useless people to fuck without caring about the consequences

Why not just offer income tax breaks per child? It keeps the money out of government hands, gives greater incentive for your best and brightest to reproduce and give no incentive to the people who shouldn't be having kids. Literally perfext

Keep up the good work Poland. Fuck the liberal traitors. No matter how much they throw their special tantrums.

Sounds to me like they're trying to incentives young Poles to start firing out sprogs and maintain your indigenous population. God knows how many of you (and us) left our countries during the high of the recession.
Only difference in Ireland is that as our young work force was leaving the country for work, they where shipping in dindus and gypos to replace them.

Just import third world immigrants to raise your population

Patologiczny to jesteś ty kolego. Nieudacznik, który nigdy nie będzie miał dzieci. Takie kaleki jak ty powinny płacić, to jedyne uzasadnienie waszego istnienia.

>poles cucked once again

This. Europe needs higher white birthrate.

Then go wash granny assholes in Germany, you spoiled piece of shit.

>>You may work full time job and you will not be able to pay all bill at the end of month
Looks like you're a complete retard, you barely need 300-400euros/month for Poland.

Eternal Lithuanian back at it again with those sick 555 digits.

>Looks like you're a complete retard, you barely need 300-400euros/month for Poland.

oh, tell me more

What more needs to be said?