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What if the Rhodesian Goverment had won the Bush War and not the Commies?
How would Africa be today?
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What if the Rhodesian Goverment had won the Bush War and not the Commies?
How would Africa be today?
>How would Africa be today?
not a shithole
>Good timeline
>Ian Smith won the Rhodesian War
>Portugal won the Colonial War
>Mandela got killed in Prison, South Africa still under white rule
>South Africa - Rhodesia - Portuguese Angola Economic Union
>White Win
>Fast Foward to 20XX
>Have libreal pussies and triabal aficans on all sides fucking up the country inside and out
>South Africa 2.0
It would just create more tensions in the future. If there was a disease which wiped out everyone with a certain gene, blacks and possibly Ukrainians would be wiped out, truly making Africa the white paradise
>What if the Rhodesian Goverment had won the Bush War and not the Commies?
the war would''ve kept on going if the rhodies won
niggers would've never stopped chimping out
I fucking wish
this would be the ideal scenario
if Europe or America was to fall to niggers we could all flee to S. Africa and begin planning the reconquista.
>What if the Rhodesian Goverment had won the Bush War and not the Commies?
It would be an extremely functional multiracial and multicultural state. People tend to forget that Rhodesia's government policies were completely opposite to that of Apartheid South Africa's. Rhodesians put a lot of emphasis on equal rights and education. Blacks were given the exact same rights as whites if they were either educated by the government or came from a background of wealth. That meant no segregation of the different races and that blacks had equal voting rights, not to mention free education and healthcare that cost peanuts. These Rhodesians were essentially fighting off black communist nationalists in order to restore Rhodesia to a civic nationalist state. You must remember that Ian Smith was a visionary, a progressive that believed that education was the key to bringing blacks and whites to live together in harmony as one people in Rhodesia. This is why I don't get how white supremacists or ethnic nationalists love Rhodesia - they were the complete opposite of such ideologies.
Well considering Africa is twice the size of the continental United States, and made up of thousands of individual tribes, not really all that different.
You fucking retards talk about Africa as if it's a little place; most people on this board aren't even educated about the countries they live in, let alone foreign lands with completely different cultures and identities. Instead of making stupid threads, why don't you guys actually read a book or something?
Then we'd have 2 failing and unsupported countries that the UN despises instead of 1 and Africa would still be a shithole.
You mean what if the Brits hadn't decided to destroy Zimbabwe-Rhodesia before it had existed for even a year and allowing a fucking terrorist to manipulate the vote to gain power.