Other urls found in this thread:

Fap to Hillary porn

would my turds be invisible too?

randomly press buttons in nuclear launch facilities

Go to South Korea and steal shit

I would eat pizza

Wtf you sick fuck you deserve to be locked up

steal that sign that warm beer potato tried to steal

take pictures of places of interest, and sell it all to their enemies

enter the government's palace and see how Kim and his ilk live

look for their prison camps and take prize-winning photos

see their nukes

take the banner warmbier supploseddly tried to took

take shit from their Kim Il-Sun museums
cross the DMZ on foot at the end of the day

film everything and put it online (anonymously, from their own computers or random ones in SK) to get thousands of mad shekels

Jizz all over kim jong un's stupid ass hair du

Do wierd loony tunes shit in his estate.

Fondle as much nork boobage as i can in the process

jerk off next to all the malnourished women

Do everything I can to trick the populace into thinking I am their true great leader. Make sure I have maximum public visibility when I revisable. Take over Best Korea from the ground up and live comfortably shitposting at Trump on twitter while lying in my harem of qt asian grrls.

plant 250 korean jesus

steal poster

I like the way you think

Have sex with as many cute, fit, army NK girls as possible.

Rob a bank and get all those NK gold dollars.

Steal a propaganda poster.

Make a picture of Kim Yong Un sleeping with a Trump MAGA hat on, posting it to the internet, leading to an international crisis, atomic war and the end of humanity.

Literally jump on the first plane smoking and go home.


>urge to steal
>check flag

tell jong un I am his grandpa and convince him he should nuke israel


Become the first person to shit, piss, and ejaculate on this thing. In the most visible spot so that they would try figuring out who did it forever.

You failed to protect her smile Sup Forums

Give Kim Jong Un a buzzcut.

You can only fap to Dear Leader tho