Is Sam Hyde the chosen one sent to bring balance to the force and unite the alt-lite with the alt-right to form the...

Is Sam Hyde the chosen one sent to bring balance to the force and unite the alt-lite with the alt-right to form the alt-reich?

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Nah, Sam from Hyde though...

suck dick much?

Sam Hyde has run out of mana and must recharge via jacking off

No but I've been chosen to tell you to go back to >>/reddit/

you sound very fucking cancerous, go back to whatever shithole you came from

No, should I do it, how is it working out?

jared taylor, based, fuck the alt-cucks

No, murder charls is

So what exactly is the crucial difference between alt-light and alt-right? That the alt-light are fine with being a white minority in their own countries or what because "race don't matter maan, we're all equal blank slates, it's all culture, maaan!"

>fuck the alt-cucks

Yes and theyre giant pussies who are scared of being called racist

Hey sam
Whats your diet plan?

the alt-light are left leaning centralist

I meant alt-light is cuck

>RamzPaul is alt-lite

What, he is an ethno-nationalist.

>sam hyde
>not alt right
If you are willing to pose the (((Jewish Question))) you are not alt lite.
Sam has already proven he is woke to the (((problems))) in media and world globalization.

Lauren Southern is literally going on a boat in the Medditeranean to stop niggers from getting to Italy

This man got a show on TV then got blacklisted

but it's cause
not cause they're niggers

Cause the leaf is clueless, but I will say, Jared Taylor & Peter Brimelow are on a completely seperate level than the rest of them.

God dammit I fucking hate Mike Cernobitch so fucking much the inbred fucking ape

Sam Hyde is a true centrist.

Someone get this nutbar outta here

well yah, but we all know the real reason... because they're niggers

not everyone has to be full alt right 1488 stormfags, people like lauren southern or a lot of these other alt light people are necessary as a stepping stone for people. if you try to give people all the red pills all at one time they get scared off

>no Jim Goad

>Lauren Southern is on our side still
>Please ignore Laura Loomer

Pretty sure that plenty of ppl on the alt-light chart have affirmed that whites are under threat, population-wise, such a Molyneux and more recently Lauren.