disobedientmedia.com /2017/07/chinas-shift-towards-californias-gold-mountain/
China not only owns most California politicians, but is taking over organized crime and participating in the slave trade in the US
>china buying bay area politiciansarchive.is /4e46N
>us politicians openly showing allegiance to chinaarchive.is /SO4AY
>china running protest groups in san franciscoarchive.is /Hr85v
>financing jeb bushes campaignarchive.is /gjMhl
>spreading propaganda in the us through sharebluearchive.is /cZSxv
>buying up hollywoodarchive.is /13B6D
>murdering us citizens on american soilarchive.fo /yQSWt
>trafficking 100k slaves into the us every yeararchive.fo /xKqFc
July 12, 2017 - 06:29
This is important. The Chinese are a genuine menace.
July 12, 2017 - 06:33
China has controlled the triads since the late 80's
archive.fo /86ekl
Here is a number of instances where pro-Taiwan bosses in California were murdered by CCP aligned triad groups
>1991archive.fo /sT3tz >1994archive.is /Rk8rZ >2006archive.fo /kdqg1 >2017archive.fo /XVA3B
They've also been taking the guns away from the American (white) population while arming groups loyal to them in California
archive.fo /fl7a2
July 12, 2017 - 06:34
start by repealing the 14th
July 12, 2017 - 06:36
Take a look at the Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles
archive.is /U6NS9
This is where different groups channel cash and cooperate on various things. Look at all those supporters
archive.is /8ecab
The Fund is basically a way for special interests to subvert the law and give large amounts of cash to Garcetti. Their tax filings do not mention donor names.
July 12, 2017 - 06:38
One of the beneficiaries of the Fund is Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Look at where some of their employees have worked in the past, oy vey
One of their board members in LA is from Panda Restaurant Group, Inc.
archive.is /JEWGL
That's a Chinese company which has been directly responsible for drawing Garcetti to China
archive.fo /tJh6s
July 12, 2017 - 06:41
Of course, AAAJ is all about supporting immigrant rights. Which is no surprise when you see who supports them
July 12, 2017 - 06:42