So Sup Forums? Are aliens real? Does anyone have any info on this?

So Sup Forums? Are aliens real? Does anyone have any info on this?

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Aliens don't want anything to do with humans. Look at how racist and hateful we are toward each other. Why the fuck would they ever want to make contact with such a war hungry, ignorant race?

Have chains of amino acids come together in the proper series for life somewhere in the continuously expanding universe?

Almost certainly yes.

Have bipedal binocular humanoid green little men come to visit earth and teach us how to build thee pyramids?

Almost certainly no.

>Are aliens real?
Of course their real, why do you think we need the wall?

Aliens are not "from space" they are extradimensional and have been present throughout human history, posing as humans and ruling us.

Any info on this?

Atheists now have the faith there are alien life forms in space. They see "probabilities" as proof of this belief.

It would be cool if there were aliens in area 51 or maya temples though. Those with slanty eyes.

This, in cohoots with ze juden

I've seen two spaceships. One was so big I had to move my head to see the rest of it.


Been seeing shit like this and it proper intrigues me. People on Sup Forums also saying interesting shit about it.

how would you explain the phoenix lights?

Yes, they exist. You'd have to be mentally retarded to think otherwise.

>proper intrigues me
if you take it as pure fiction then yes let it. if you're intrigued because you think you're closer to the truth then it's time to evaluate how gullible you are

that's all in the context of that pic you uploaded, not about alien life in general

What the actual fuck? I'd never heard of this. Why aren't more people talking about it? This was on mainstream news too?

Universe is almost as big as an X-box. Chances are there's life somewhere out there. Are we ever gonna bump into it. I doubt it.

Nah I don't know to believe, fucking interesting though. First time I've seen something this interesting in a while, never looked into it before. I understand that's like the lore or whatever, but there's tons of sightings and shit, weird incidents. It's some wild shit. I want to know more.

Self bump, nobody got anything?

Nah. Seems Anonymous5 took his meds today.

Do you realize how unlikely it is alien life would resemble anything on earth?

Why is there all this lore and shit about it otherwise then? It just seems weird.


Skip to 4:00 Boskop Man. They found these skulls. Brain about 50% bigger then ours. They were what we call "Greys" today. Probably helped the Kangs build the pyramids.

>Any info on this?

The books of John Keel and Jacques Vallee are the best sources.

yes, they come from the planet judica XII in the shekel star system

Do the aliens have the technology to wipe out all the niggers?

You tell me.

Area 51 employee here. They're real.

What the actual fuck? That can't be real.

Yes, and all is one!
Source: law of One/Ra material.

Declassified cia documents, check them out.

Why do people write 5 million word fanfics? People are fucking weird.


blue beam tests

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Bacteria can survive in space. So yes.


we're ants to aliens

>Bacteria can survive in space
Bacteria can survive large doses of UV radiation?

I would say Alien life is most likely real but I do not believe we have ever been visited or had contact with another Race

Yes, Aliens are real

No, UFO from outer space have never been here.

You aren't that great. No one cares about you.


They live in the clouds. Watch the clouds. Take pictures and increase the contrast. You'll find them.

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It's an Anti-Gravitational Space-Craft. We've had the technology for decades.
It's nuclear powered. There's an unconfirmed name for them. TR3-b or something like that.


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I don't think any human will ever meet another sentient being he has not created himself. Unless they are in the immediate area, the distances are just too great.

yes, im a witness. they have superior aircraft.

Aliens are demons. They don't travel space in flying saucers these crafts only came into public after Nazi bell project information was seized after WW2. They are interdimensional creatures and have been tricking rulers for thousands of years into thinking they are from other planets.

Secureteam bullshit

Best video I've seen so far. If you look closely you can clearly tell the objects get closer and then speed away then get closer. Sure it's just lights in the sky but I have personally seen these kind of lights behaving just like this.
>Yes I'm a seasoned stargazer and know the difference between satellites and the like.

>Are aliens real?
>Does anyone have any info on this?
The Bible

we live in space (kosmos)
so we all are aliens (kosmici)

Absolutely profound Poland, thanks.

Whatever we would recognize as life would probably be resembling us rather closely - convergent evolution happens. It's possible we are surrounded by all types of intelligence manifested though radio waves or some other non-material means, but it will never be possible for us to recognize these non - material intelligence as life.

I don't know if aliens are real
What is real is that this is how the average north mexican woman looks like

There's also shit like this. It's quite possible that life could take forms none of us would ever expect it to take. Forms that unless we were specifically looking for it would go completely unnoticed.

The article is actually pretty thought provoking if you take the time to read it.

We are aliens. We came here to this planet 400 000 years ago, procreated with the natives (niggers) and created sub humans/aliens, the aryans. This is why you can see similar cultures throughout history and no clear proof of these cutlures from around the earth having communication with one and another.



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just look at this

those that form endospores can