On prostitution

Would legalizing it and regulating it solve a lot of problems at once?
>women less likely to be pimped and abused
>would weed a many stuck up bitches who use their pooch as a prize
>removes t. Virgins with rage

Inb4 muh degeneracy

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Of course it should be legalized.

No reason not to other than jealous bitches in politics.

It's an interesting problem, although it legalizing it wouldn't hamper the pimps, it's just about who has the territory rights and "protection" fees.

I would only consider legalizing it when the country is in an economic hellhole which is...well...I suppose now.

I want to legalize prostitution, but there are many things to be worked out, namely:
>What kind of restrictions/wellness/health standards to enforce and more importantly, how to enforce them.
>Healthcare. Most Hookers dont make enough to afford their own insurance, so most hookers would most likely need to get their insurance through a job. Should there be whoring companies? or would that lead to the same pimp/abuse situations we see now?
>Employment status. Kind of related to the healthcare question, but more involved with taxation. Are the Hookers individual business owners? Contractors? Employees?

Legalizing it would make it far more prevalent and would contribute to the further degradation of society. People are already too sex-obsessed and desensitized as it is and if prostitution were legalized kikes would use it to dominate libidos at ten times the degree of pornography.

End Satanism, lynch whores.

Honestly it isnt the pimp games that use for sex

Prostitution will only make the drug trade in heroin and cocaine more prevalent.

Trust me, addiction rates, esp in women will sky rocket.

And i can tell you that there isnt a single female owned or employee owned strip club in portland.

Case in point, its not going to get rid of pimps, its going to legitimize them.

The thing is, it's already prolific, and it always has been and will be.
I agree that the jews would absolutely go nuts with it, but there are way to keep it out of the public eye, just the same way that cigarette ads are no longer on TV.
>No advertizing
>No sexually explicit signs
>No business models that promote "pimp" like hierarchies


Just as the legalization of marijuana opens the door for money laundering, the proliferation of legal avenues for gangs and criminal organizations to control legalized prostitution is something that I fear would happen the instant it becomes a reality.
However, I feel as though there are things that can be done to hinder this fate
But then again, the laws that are enforced against legalized prostitution would probably have to be damn near draconian in nature.

If we want to live in a moral society, we cannot promote the act of selling one's body for the sexual pleasure of another. It's bad for both people involved and it's an affront to God. It will make it easier for people to commit adultery and easier for people who should be getting married and having children to avoid marriage and spend their days spilling their seed for sensual pleasure. It's one more spoke in the wheel of societal destruction and Godlessness. There's a reason every decent civilization has outlawed it.

shove it up your ass, you prissy nagging ne'erdowellian fuck faced cock shitting nigger bitch.

at least it contributes something to society.

people like you masturbate with one hand while they condemn "degeneracy" and heil hitler with the next. so concerned with what others are doing while you waste your life on Sup Forums. fuck yourself, you dumb cunt. clean your room.

Still those enforcers of said draconian laws are going into a lions den.

It would be silly to assume that inspecting or enforcing such a thing would be in any way effective.
I mean i know food inspectors get paid off or people are warned ahead of time.

Legalizing it is the first step, but it doesn't stop pimping or the involvement of organised crime. In practice legal and illegal prostitution coexist side by side. If you want to stop forced prostitution you need an effective, non corrupt police force and immigration laws that prevent human trafficking.

Police can't do much as long as organised crime can bring women from 3rd world shitholes into the country and threaten them with killing their family back home if they don't keep their mouth shut.

It also sets the precident that material wealth is what makes love.

Just look at the places where prostitution or sex trade is rampant. Virtue is worthless in such a land of gold and carnal desires.

We just need sex bots

Isn't it legal in some parts of your country? Are there any stats that show its effect on sex crimes/ trafficking?

Of course! But just look at the weapons market. The international arms industry is rife with criminals and absolute scum, but the industry here is very strongly regulated. Sure, there are still criminals in the game, as with all industries, but there are such powerful organizations watching over head, any legitimate business almost always complies with federal ordinance

>shove it up your ass, you prissy nagging ne'erdowellian fuck faced cock shitting nigger bitch
these are the kinds of people who support legalizing prostitution. You're making my arguments for me, kike.

No. don't be degenerate.
There should be plenty of other ways to make money. Prostitution should never happen.

It should be legalized and heavily regulated. It's degenerate as shit, but necessary unfortunately.

marijuana would be dirt cheap if it was produced and traded like any other agricultural product. No criminal organisation could compete with free market marijuana.

It's different with prostitution because voluntary prostitutes want decent pay and decent working conditions.
Forced prostitutes are a lot cheaper and will do anything, so criminals have an incentive to force women into prostitution even if legal prostitution exists.


In theory, you would think so. But you still have the same people in the positions of power committing crimes like human and drug trafficking, just under a legal venue. It doesn't make it any safer for those women who are victims since they're being pressured now by both their "manager" (pimp) and by state officials who don't see them as victims of abuse

im just fucking with you, i don't think it should be legal either

>tfw only had sex with hookers my whole life
>tfw not even sure if I could have a relationship if I tried

For some men it's the only way we can get laid

Child sex slaves would also be dirt cheap if the child sex trade were legal. No criminal organization could compete with free market child sex slavery.

NZ has legalized prostitution yet all the women are slutty as fuck there so it doesn't make women less slutty. NZ women have the most sexual partners in world.

Legal here and it was a good choice indeed

Typical kike backpedaling.

If you support prostitution you deserve to burn in hell for all eternity.

of course, as I mentioned in there's many factors to consider. Would a "sex-worker union" do anything? perhaps force those businesses to be employee-owned? All very leftists economic policies, but what would be a better alternative?

it's legal in all parts of the country (except in residential areas or near schools, etc.)

There are no statistics, but the market is flooded with Eastern European girls who barely speak German and don't stay in one place for more than 2-4 weeks. It's obvious they are being pimped even to the casual observer.

There is still plenty of local girls, even amateur-ish ones, if you look around, but the majority of the market is controlled by organised crime.

It's legal in Australia and I don't think it's really acknowledged as having any affect on society. It's benign and kind of mediocre really. Brothels are like fish and chip shops. They never change whats on the menu and try to use the cheapest ingredients possible.

So are you saying that there are 99% of business that are legitimate

Or are you saying that all business run by following the law 99% of the time.

Becuase to me the latter sounds more believable and actually its the first rule of business my dad and aunt both told me.

It should be legalized AND socialized

Not everyone wants a loli you freak.

The latter.
hence the need for strong regulation and law enforcement over a legalized prostitution industry

>Siezing the mean of production

oh my poor summer child......

>Most Hookers dont make enough to afford their own insurance

NEVER feel bad for sex workers when it comes to how much money they make, they make a fuck load.The sex for money trade has a price floor that is almost entirely dictated by strip clubs. Most girls who would whore themselves have no problem working in a stripclub. Just to give you some perspective, most "legit" strippers take home $800 to $1500 a NIGHT. They get offers to do "extras" outside the club all the time. In order for it to be worthwhile for them, the outside the club extras need to exceed what they would make in the club. So if going to "VIP" is $300 an hour at the club, most whores will charge this much or more for a similar amount of time to fuck them outside the club.

When a whore charges less than this, it can only mean a few things. Best case, she is ugly as fuck and can't work in a club or is diseased and has an extreme drug addiction. Much more likely though, if she is charging less, it is just a trap to rob you. Even more likely if it is cheap, its LE or a fake ad.

Aand im saying enforcing said laws are bordering on ridiculous

Tell me of how enforcing those laws where prostitution is legal do anything to support the safety and liberty of said prostitutes

Not everyone wants to fry their brain with weed either you sex bot loving faggot.

>buys another house

pay your taxes please

>Met a Russian girl last quarter.
>Really liked her.
>Cute and smart. Math student.
>Found out she is a degenerate call girl.
>Took the red pill as a suppository.


you are retarded. what is it about fucking for money that magically makes it a hub for money laundering? let me rephrase your sentence.

>Just as the legalization of steakhouses opens the door for money laundering, the proliferation of legal avenues for gangs and criminal organizations to control legalized hair salons is something that I fear would happen the instant it becomes a reality.

It's fully legal here in Australia.

yes. it would kill feminism which would save the patriarchy that has guided humanity against going full retard until very recently. age of consent laws are another aspect of this since it lets butch dykes and other degenerates corrupt girls and young women into denything the purpose of their existence, which is as a receptacle for White society's seeds

Except under a legitimate model
Brothels still get their cut
And the goverment does too

And 800 to 1500 a night are big city las vegas numbers.
And most likely on a weekend.

> who has the territory rights and "protection" fees.

That wouldn't be an issue, people wouldn't "cruise the strip" picking up hookers soliciting on street corners anymore. There would be an app, or a website of some sort, similar to how cam sites work, and you would sort through it to find which whore you wanted to fug. Once found you would go to her place, or business/ facility for the sex, that would eliminate the risk of a john finding out where the whore worked, and the risk of the john keeping her locked in his sex dungeon. The facility/brothel she would use for "work" would take a small cut, and provide some security to ensure johns play nice. It would be similar to the Nevada bunny ranch system, but with the girls being more independent.

Prostitution would become clinical, with appointments and taxes. Street hookers wouldn't be able to compete as no one's gonna want to risk there dick when there's so much safer easier poon to be had.

Weed is weed i dont give a fuck about indica or sativa.
Thc gets you fucked up period.

There are so many different appetites for sexual pleasure however.

i'm for it. it's disgusting, but so is everything about women.

>oh my poor summer child

let me rephrase that for you.

If we want to live in a moral society, we cannot promote the act of selling one's lemonade for the quenching of thirst of another. It's bad for both people involved and it's an affront to God. It will make it easier for people to drink lemonade and easier for people who should be getting tea and having biscuits to avoid stained tea and spend their days juicing lemons for profit. It's one more spoke in the wheel of societal destruction and Godlessness. There's a reason every decent civilization has outlawed it.

The mental gymnastics people go through to rationalize their support for degeneracy is staggering. Please reevaluate your existence and accept Jesus into your life.

you can't control prostitution. Organised crime finds a way around the regulations and most legal prostitutes don't want to be regulated.

There is a new law here making it illegal to have unprotected sex (including oral sex) for money. Everyone is laughing at it because how on earth would you enforce this?

Do I have to pay extra for all that double meat and cheese?

You must be a virgin

You know you taunt a poor ass nigga with some grade a tail in the window, its only a matter of time till he's barking down the wrong alley.

You assume everyone has complete control over their sexual urges.
This is simpy not the case.

here you go


>whores are lemons

I just can't

Sexbots will eventually advance to the point where women are useless even at prostitution. The day will soon come where women as a gender have outlived their usefulness, and are all sent to the knackers.

Yeah cause fucking children sex slaves is totally not degenerate.

Go to bed you sophist piece of shit.
Go win an argument with your younger brother.

While it might cause some issues of oversexualization of society, I don't think it would cause increases in pornography or libido. Porn would probably decrease significantly, since who is going to subscribe to a porn or cam site when they can spend that same money of fucking a real girl.

I think the Jews would have a harder time commercializing it too. Porns easy for them, they just buy up/make the websites and sell the porn to schmucks. They can't do that as easily with whores, since the girls would all be independent agents able to sell there "product" from there phone. The Jews might try and weasel into the brothel business, but I doubt that would be as profitable for them as porn is currently.

I guess much like most working environments, there would be worker's protections and the ability to report w/ real consequences.
A pimp beats their whores on a regular basis
Business owners hardly lay fingers on their employees

I'm saying both weed and child sex slavery are degenerate. I was pointing out that just because something is economically convenient doesn't mean it's right.

>You assume everyone has complete control over their sexual urges. This is simpy not the case.

>this will be a defense for rape accusations in our lifetime

NZ women are fucking hideous as a general rule. Legal prostitution works there because most men get plenty of the low standard pussy for free

Are you a nigger? You write like one.

>You assume everyone has complete control over their sexual urges.
>This is simpy not the case.

I think the vast majority of people do, otherwise rape would be far more common than it actually is. Even in your colorful analogy there would be a market for the "poor ass nigga," for quick on demand pussy there would probably be budget brothels, place with low standards and fugly women who lie spread eagle all day as man after man uses them. They would be a each quick alternative to the higher class whores, but possibly risky.

No, it really wouldn't. The catch 22 of legalizing prostitution is that you open up the price floor of being a whore.

Government legislation is artificially restricting the supply of whores. Logically, the profit of whoring would be Profit = Market Price (MP) - Disutility of Act(A)+ Potential elsewhere (pe).


With government legislation, the price of whoring also takes on a risk, but the risk itself doesn't particularly add dis-utility to the act (difficulty of enforcing, lack of harsh punishments,etc), but it does limit the amount of whores entering the whore market thus raising the price.

So, post legalization typically the costs associated with whoring go up as it now becomes a legitimate business while the price of whores goes down. The ideal is that eventually the lowered value of whores will infact make the price =< Da/Pe making the whole operation pointless.

Likewise, what typically kept whores from whoring before wasn't the law surrounding whores as much as the dis-utility of the act was extremely high; ostracism, unwanted pregnancies, sketchy people, etc.

Legalization requires Regulation you moron.
How else would you collect the taxes? Yoou know how easy it would be to avoid paying taxes on prostitution?

>While it might cause some issues of oversexualization of society, I don't think it would cause increases in pornography or libido
Why? The degree of sexual focus in our society was virtually nothing 80 years ago compared to what it is now. What changed was that pornography was increasingly tolerated as people turned their backs on God. If prostitution becomes legal, the oversexualization you acknowledged would make porn more prevalent by means of its greater exposure. Most porn is free so there's no need to choose between porn and whores - you can have both. Porn when you're being a lazy shut-in and whores when you're not. Hell, why not whore delivery while you watch gay interracial bdsm rimjob porn?

>I think the Jews would have a harder time commercializing it too. Porns easy for them, they just buy up/make the websites and sell the porn to schmucks. They can't do that as easily with whores, since the girls would all be independent agents able to sell there "product" from there phone. The Jews might try and weasel into the brothel business, but I doubt that would be as profitable for them as porn is currently.
They're not just interested in profit, they're interested in dominating our minds through our libidos. Porn and sex are mind control tools. Plus, they will still be profiting from porn and would be just fine taking a less than desired profit from whores as well.

It's legal in Canada.

Ha exactly! I forgot Bangkok was already pioneering this shit! Pretty similar to what I guessed at too. Kind of surprised the whores come to you, seems unsafe. Though I guess since it's thailand it its targeted towards western men, the risk of losing a whore or two is outweighed by the profit.

The only way i can see this being reasonably enforced is if the sexual act is filmed and broadcasted.

To ensure to wrongdoing and reporting false claims.

But we already have pornography.
Which is pretty much legalized prostitution with a camera.

>women less likely to be pimped and abused
Women in that situation would still need protection to ensure clients pay and don't take things too far.
>would weed a many stuck up bitches who use their pooch as a prize
That's always going to be a thing. Always has been.
>removes t. Virgins with rage
Maybe for a while. It would be a bandaid, not a cure.
For the few who reported their income. The majority would just continue to operate under the table.

As a guy who was recently in Amsterdam, no.

Making weed and prostitutes legal will attract more shitskins and weed makes you idle and dumb.

>Whore delivery


>Legalizing it would make it far more prevalent

I Live in a township with

yes but prostitutes must state subsidized for all beta males

you should get one sex voucher a month for a 10/10 if you're a good beta male in good standing with no criminal history and a decent minimum wage job

I love when people ask if the government should regulate anything.

The Pe factor would be very significant. The industry might rely on the legal business of whoring, but people with stds, track records of abusing whores, and rich people who already have "escorts" on the DL would create plenty of demand for unregulated prostitution on top of the newly legal and regulated industry.

Far more women going into college who do porn (and other similarly motivated women and young men) would opt into prostitution over pornography as well given the greater financially lucrative nature of the whoring business. Legalizing it would definitely increase the whore count severely and would reduce ostracism by exposure and legality.

But all that is secondary to the moral arguments I've already laid out in other posts.

What the fuck are you trying to say?
It has been a defense for rape.

But it goes beyond rape, it goes into teenage pregnancy as well.

Im not saying everyone is holding back a sex beast.
Im saying even if you edge you eventually cum
Im saying you look at naked picture and porno, over a long enough peroid of time you wont be able to sleep unless you rub one out.

Exposure to sex doesnt "possess" you, it wears you down.

Where did I say regulate?

Oh yeah teenage pregnancy totally not on the rise

The taxes would probably be covered in licencing fees.

>licencing fees.
as a prostitute, why bother

I think you are correct in saying society would become more overtly sexualized, I would expect to see a lot more naked women on billboards and commercials and such, most TV shows would become rated R or X. But I don't see how that wouldn't depreciate the value of porn. As it currently stands, the big porn producing websites are struggling to make profit because as you said, "porn is free" and camwhores have taken over the market. But that's the problem for porn in this situation, at the end of the day the girl has to get paid to degrade herself on camera. The big proffesional porn sites would not be able to net themselves enough subscribers to stay afloat with cheap prostitution and free porn, and the camwhores would be directly competing for money with whores the men can touch. And if society becomes oversexualized and you can watch pornographic activity on primetime TV, that's just another nail in the coffin of the porn sites and camwhores.

No argument on the Jews bit, I agree that the societal damage is there primary interest in that business. Though if it where legalized plenty of goodgoys would naturally step up and assume positions of conducting brothels and such. The Jews might get out of the business when the goys are destroying themselves.

Not arguing in favor of legalization, just doing thought experiment.

In case the police try to collar you.

a non issue if you dont work the street

>I love when people ask if the government should regulate anything.
Health care
VA hospitals
Social Security
Food stamps
Section 8 housing
The great society.
20 Trillion in debt.

More government please.

Legalize and regulate bordellos thus making prostitutes employees, "freelance" prostitution aka streetwhoring should stay illegal, it's a bad look

And now that prostitution is legal you dont think the main focus would be to run stings on hookers instead of johns?

what the fuck does teenage pregnancy have to do with whether people would be willing to schedule to fuck a whore? Your running off on these moronic tangents, debate the original question or fuck off.

most americans support those programs, even a lot of republican voters do

just go to the south and talk about taking away social security or welfare and old white folks will flip I NEED MUH MONEY

Im saying the ability to control ones sexual urges can be measured by teenage pregnancies and not just rapes.
Also probably the rate of std infection as well.

All of that debt comes from the federal reserve. You gotta go back

A hooker in the street can't call the police cause her pimp;beat her, raped her, or under paid her.

She could if it was legal. Get a fucking brain retard

The Jews don't have to exercise heavy control over the porn or prostitution industry in order to use it as a tool; the aim is to degenerate our minds, bodies, and spirits, and porn and prostitution do that naturally. So it doesn't matter if Pornhub or Xtube, or xHamster or their subsidiaries go bankrupt because of camwhores, their will is still being done.

You seem to equate "porn" with the corporate porn industry, but I use the term in its broadest sense - any images of sexuality meant to cause sexual arousal in the viewer.

I guess you didn't you ancap scum.

Nevada fag here, can confirm that regulating it does not solve it but it greatly resuces it not until full blown legalization across the board wouldnit work.
Wellness: brothals here in Nevada are HIGHLY REGULATED, its rubber or nothing, any open sores or cuts and it's a no go, can't even get a blowy with out a rubber.
Health care: "they don't make enough" nigga.....hookers makes 6 figures in Nevada...again provided you are good looking.
Employment: already all worked out, iirc they are treated something along the lines of commission artists and taxed the same way, they basically take up "residency" so to speak at a brothal which gets a cut.

Quads speak the truth.

13 year old retards in resource classes at a catholic school need to stop posting