WTF is wrong with white people? Why are they so fucking cringy? You have the worst food, no culture, and then pull this shit????
Fuckn get genocided already
WTF is wrong with white people? Why are they so fucking cringy? You have the worst food, no culture, and then pull this shit????
Fuckn get genocided already
White people invented food.
and fire
Why is there so many angry shit-skins today?
egyptians were white
yeah man, why aren't they killing each other for their shoes?
Are you fucking retarded?
Humanity and civilization started in Africa. AFRICANS invented both of those you fucks.
skippy da best
>no culture
What? Do you understand how the United States came to life? You do get that these people came from European countries, right? You do get that the USA has it's own culture / history that was made by the White man, right?
Fucking cherry-picking nigger retard.
SAGE this shitty bait thread.
monkeys are not human
because this is a better family pic,aint it then?
>white people have the worst food
>Atleast we have food.
Also wrong. The oldest human skulls were found in Portugal and the Caucasus. What's next, muh dick? Egyptians were black?
Just stop champ.
Being fucking faggot racists isn't a culture.
Obesity and diabetes isn't culture.
If you want culture look at the Taj Mahal, look at Buddhism, look at the rich history of blade making in japan. That's culture, you just have crap.
And not I'm not a nigger. I'm half korean, half indian but I'd rather be a nigger any day than a fatass cumskin
wait egyptians werent black?
some were. most likely a minority based on what facts we have. however apparently to liberals and retards they were all blacks and kings and the current people from egypt stole they land and history!
Let's play a game. It's called put your finger anywhere on the map in Europe. I assure you that you will find more history and culture than anywhere in the world. It's quite funny that nogs didn't build anything, no long-lasting civilization, no cities, no empires. Nothing, absolutely nothing for 3,000 years. The occasional big tribe here and there, but that's nothing. The stupid niggers got given the best real estate by God. Africa's immensely beautiful, rich and fruitful. Yet somehow, the dumbest and lowest of the low inhabit it.
Clean water is white culture so is electricity and the internet soooo log off and burn your computer but don't use gas, lighters, or matches
I'm not defending niggers here, I hate them too. But white faggots somehow think they have a monopoly on culture when their culture is basically ground up hamburger meat and budweiser
>confusing melting pot mystery meats with proper monoethnic europeans
also, all of modern medicine, technology, and everything else was invented by the survivors of the ice age glaciations, which had to develop better shelters, clothing, tools, thinking, etc
without penicillin for example, there would be less than a million shitskins in existence
sage kys sub human niggers
How is building the greatest civilizations and empires in the world grounding-up hamburger meat and budweiser? Look around you bub, you're living in a White world. You talk a language made by Whites, you drive a car designed and engineered by Whites. Made in a factory that was founded, idealized and built by Whites. Your country was founded and rose through the help and leadership of fine White men. I never said that we hold the Cultureā¢, but when you compare it to blacks and specific parts of the world - we blow them out of the water by a long shot. I also never mentioned anything bad about Indians, or Asian culture so you're going on a tangent for practically no reason. I think most, if not all societies in Asia developed relatively on par with the European one. However, naturally being different as we can see by going through history, whereas the blacks didn't understand the concept of a wheel until the colonists had shown up.
Not really, now we know the human race actually originates from Europe.
Aprefrica has literally invented nothing.
And humanity started in the Balkans. Civilization in Mesopotamia.
Black Africans will always be the turd forever clinging to the collective anus of humanity.
You're speaking English, a white language, which is the most commonly learned language in the world. White culture is so prominent that it's the default culture.
Koreans learn to play white classical music over their own, uniformly. Almost every country in the world is under rule of a type of government invented by white people.
Being a novelty doesn't give you culture. Being mixed, you are the one who lacks a cultural identity, because you would be rejected by both of your parents countries because of your heritage, and the fact that you were raised in a different country. American culture is the only one you can identify with.
> I'm half korean
So your culture is getting plastic surgery because you are way too fucking ugly?
I don't see any asian or nigger country in here, cuck.
Gentle reminder that Nostradamus was a black man and white people stole him from us. He also made a lot of predictions about white people (hint:not looking good for you white boy).
>Graph made about what white people consider accomplishments
>muh low hanging fruit
>niggers were breathing air before whitey, stop stealing our technology!!
True, we need to pay respects to your mud huts.
don't you have to get anally raped by a bull's horn or something
Don't you have to get anally raped by your gangbanging friends?
Read the thread you fucking mook, I'm not a nigger.
>worst food
literally every one of the top chefs in history is a white male
this meme is just because blacks can't taste anything without hot sauce after living their lives on newports and purple drank
So why did whites end up overtaking and subjugating you?
There are non-whites that aren't niggers, you roo-fucker
>I'm half korean, half indian
Can you post your face? I'm curious what you look like.
>worst food
>no culture
Learn your history, boy. You'll be living in our culture and by our rules your entire pathetic life! LOL
The salt is amazing.
>half korean half indian
So 100% subhuman
I think you meant Negrodamus, boy.
>worst food
we invented fine dining
Seriously OP, can you post your face? I really wan't to know what you look like.
by 'white ppl' you mean white american? fucking low nigger
>no culture
Christianity was made by white man
>blacks were also the first on the moon
>don't let history books tell you otherwise
This is how retarded they end up looking. Too bad people take it seriously.
Too bad niggers are just useful retards for their kike overlords.
You're welcome to add in your own kind's accomplishments. But no, you just are dismissive without support for your dismissiveness. You're akin to a crying child saying nothing.
Nostradamus was a Jew. Where do you get this horse shit?
already proven wrong mr.kangz,you weren't egpytian royalty and your own people sold you out as slaves. what will you grasp onto next.
that is what is great about america, people from all around the world come here because america is an idea, not a specific people
i believe if you yearn for liberty you are american already in your heart
>"As long as they're white it's fine to be racist"
Fuck off
>Whites have no Culture
Fuck off you dirty Nigger
What THAC0 bonus do elf females get with automatic weapons?
>You have the worst food, no culture
>no culture
said while typing on a computer, a product of White culture
you lost Jamal/Hakeem/Zvi