Current Chair of Board of Governors of the (((Federal Reserve))) asked to give 1 concrete example of how transparency...

Current Chair of Board of Governors of the (((Federal Reserve))) asked to give 1 concrete example of how transparency could hurt the Fed's decision making process, fails to.

oy vey what are they hiding?

Reminder that this man was the last president to appoint a non Jewish person as head of the Federal Reserve.

>buy bitcoins

and he still let inflation run roughshod over the country

it took pic related to get some balls and bring the Fed in line

They will try to blame a crash on Trump if it's not made massively transparent

she did give an example you dumb cuck

there will be a crash, but I can tell you right now it's not the Fed that's going to be doing the blaming
Trump will survive. I'm not sure the Fed will.

>giving in to economic terrorism


Can someone give me the run down

hurr durr lets end the fed so our government can borrow money from cucks like china and the eu

We will find out that the Federal Reserve has been giving Jewish-run companies a blank check for endless borrowing to keep their companies going and growing with minimal to no return. This is why so many Jew companies are so big now, and why there are so many Jews worm their way into board positions - promise of Fed Reserve backing.

Just trust her goy.

She knows what's best.

u do realize that we can print true dollars that is backed up by gold and silver right?

or end the fed and start relying on our own country and print our own money backed by our own laborers. There would be a lot of poorness, but years down the road we'd be better off doing this.

what's the point? if you want commodities, exchange your dollars for them

No we cant. The US sold most of it's gold to russia a long time ago.
SOrry roofus, no gold in Ft. Knox

>if they reviewed the transcript of our (((meeting))) and believed that what we said was the wrong decision at that particular meeting then that would be extreme interference and politicization

How is that "extreme interference?" It's funny how "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" doesn't apply to big entities, only to small weak citizens

>buy buttcoins, goy


She legit looks reptilian if you look into her eyes

So, Trump has been busting his balls to create an accountable government. This all makes sense....As quickly as possible create a total audit of EVERYTHING. That way no one can blame you for inheriting a mess. Quite possibly the most intelligent thing a president could do.

>Here is info the public needs to know about the past
>Lets create a concrete plan to fortify ourselves internally.
>Creating industry in the USA is increasing the value of the dollar.
>Us bank collapse would crash most of the worlds economies.

>As quickly as possible create a total audit of EVERYTHING.

use your imagination, the possible consequences are endless

> i am a congressman who has taken donations from citi bank
> citi bank wants rates to rise so they can make more profit on bank loans
> fed meeting happens
> fed doesn't raise rates at this meeting because various economic data says it could have negative consequences
> i call bullshit on the fed, citi bank wants dat paper
> i call fed terrorists and demand resignation of several fed bank chairmen
> fed bank chairmen don't want to lose job so they cave and raise rates
> rates raised when economy not ready and markets collapse

>fed bank chairmen don't want to lose job so they cave and raise rates


Yud b ded m8

>> i call fed terrorists and demand resignation of several fed bank chairmen

>fed bank chairman says "You don't tell me what to do, we don't answer to you"
>fed bank chairman and board do whatever they want

What, you think the poor fed will have hundreds of americans with pitchfork outside their 12 (more than 12 if you count subbranches) federal banks across the U.S.? americans hardly pay attention to this anyway, if the mainstream media even reports on it

it's always good to have an extra pair of eyes on decisions anyway. the bottom line is the fed has a ton of power, and operates unchecked. it goes against everything the U.S. stands for. they are outside the balance of power.

Time to inundate all social media with FED Jew crash 2018-2020 and get it into the consciousness of the masses. Then when they pull their next economic crash, the first thought that they will think of is the Jew.

>oy vey what are they hiding?
you're a troll.

what isn't good for the golden goose... is good for the gander

I wish I could buy tons of copies of The Creature from Jekyll Island and give them out for free. a Sup Forums must read

>Trump will survive. I'm not sure the Fed will.
And THIS is why they are now afraid to crash the economy like they have done EVERY 8 to 12 years for the last 100 years. The entire babylonian fiat monkey magic system is just a ponzi scheme, and (((they))) have run out of new suckers to buy into the system propping up the top tiers.

There's gold in Fort Knox. It's in a very thin layer over 8000 tons of the world's finest Tungsten.