Sup Forums puts Trump in office

>Sup Forums puts Trump in office
>Trump fucks up the FCC
>FCC kills Net Neutrality clauses
>ISPs start blocking Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is kill
>tfw we could have saved Sup Forums by voting for Hillary

*breathes in*

Other urls found in this thread:

remember to sage pls everyone

Hillary would have done the same thing with the lovely addition to burning us all into nuclear ash. She's every bit as bad if not much worse than Blimpf.

Remember to pay 24$ more in order to get access to Sup Forums.

yes because hillary is all about internet freedom. it's not like she wanted to ban whatever she calls "fake news" using a panel of liberal mainstream media "experts" to decide what we are allowed to read.

she wanted to create a ministry of truth straight out of 1984. bitch is crazy

/r/The_Donald has ruined this board.

what is sage?

Why would Sup Forums cost $24 and not 24 cents?

hillary didn't win. we'll never know what she wanted regarding the net. now shut up and deal with it. trump won and this is what he's doing right now.

these anti-NN shills are getting out of hand. do you have any idea wtf they're about to do on the internet?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

how do you sage?

is it a downvote?

sorry im from r/donald

eli5 please

so young, you'll never leave newfaggotry by the time Sup Forums dies. 1 like=1 prayer

>ISPs start blocking Sup Forums
lol. they'd only do that if the government told them to, which is less likely without the FCC

>don't bring up Hillary
>thread started with shilling for Hillary

Forgot your fag flag.

Actually OP posted a picture of Hillary. I know it just looks like the crypt keeper, its easy to get them mixed up

Sage is when a retard thinks he can prevent a thread from bumping when he could have ignored the thread anyways
What amazes me is these faggots will still defend Trump even when he's screwing over net neutrality

>Obama voters are retarded
Yes but that wasn't the argument. I love how people like you forgot how much hatred there was for the 3rd party voters.

if Sup Forums is blocked via ISP, we will congregate in the airwaves or via our own giant ass LAN

you cant stop the autism

>Sup Forums doesn't put Trump in office
>Hillary causes global nuclear annihilation within 3 days
>Sup Forums is kill
>tfw we could have saved Sup Forums by voting for Trump

>you can't like trump but disagree on this particular topic!!!!

We will always have a triforce and a faggot OP.... they live on in our hearts.

It's literally in the OP
>TFW we could've saved Sup Forums by voting for Hillary.
Do yourself a favor and loom at Hillary positions on internet security and moderation. German tier, police arresting you for hot opinions nonsense.

There are people RIGHT NOW who will defend Trump over this. Come the fuck on

>via our own giant ass LAN
one of the alt coins was based on a similar idea. Basically a decentralized "internet" hosted by people holding the coins or something. Was supposed to be censorship proof

Thin skin faggot. Why does a person have to agree 100% to your opinions? Try getting some confidence.

I can't tell if they are actually against NN, or are just shit posting the "whatever trump says is right" stuff for (you)s.

I don't know, it's hard to tell with retards like this

>we'll never know what she wanted regarding the net
she told us what she wanted during her campaign, her vandetta against "fake news" and her plan to deal with it were open campaign promises

>Sup Forums puts Trump in office
>Trump fucks up the FCC FCC kills Net Neutrality clauses
>ISPs start blocking Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is kill
>tfw we could have saved Sup Forums by voting for Hillary

If I can kill this site it'll free us.

Who is this semen demon?

>Implying American shoa isn't saving Sup Forums

you're here forever. Even if "here" becomes somewhere else. You can't go back

I already pay more for content than internet access. Is net neutrality going to make my Netflix cheaper. Fuck no it won’t,

>WAAAH he doesn't agree to MY opinions
How about you grow some backbone and admit it's a stupid thing for Trump to screw with the FCC

You'll always be here spiritually. Also imagine the kind of hell this place would unleash if denied its entire identity, all these angry NEETs? It would be full 1776, but over meme taxes and not taxes on tea.


Holy fucking shit, this video drops hard fucking redpills.

Net Neutrality is jewish in nature and brainwashes our children.

Enjoy being docile human beings for the rest of your life.

Get fucked niggers

Net Neutrality is inherintly anti-fascist. We need digital fascism to prevent the populace being brainwashed by useless information.

You're the ones LARPing as a """"Fascist"""" and then when someone takes your stupid little internet away you cry like a big stupid baby. Get fucked nigger

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Telcom Companies setting up different Internet Deals. Afterall it is annarcho capitalistic.

Go back to plebbit, niggers

Social Justice Whales actually believed 3rd Party Voters helped Trump at all. Holy shit.

fpbp and saged

>Remember to pay 24$ more in order to get access to Sup Forums.

Will the niggers, reddit, tumblr, kikes and summerfags FINALLY go then???

>Implying you won't just go to 2chán/7chán/8chán

At least you're not hiding that you're a fascist who hates freedom. That's the flag that all leftists need to wear.

>It would be full 1776, but over meme taxes and not taxes on tea.
when you say it like that....i wouldn't mind seeing this happen so much

Those will be taxed too.

If you think net neutrality is anti fascist then how much more so will the internet be when Comcast and Netflix control it?

>>ISPs start blocking Sup Forums
someone doesn't understand how DNS resolvers work

one cannot simply block a website

oh sweet summer child

why not exactly?

>normies too stupid to dodge block
>golden age returns
>server costs drop
>Hiro frolicks around throwing money in the air

This is 5D chess on the part of Trump. He knows that if Sup Forums Sup Forums loses containment we will swarm across the internet like a cloud of shitposting locusts sowing chaos and ruin among his enemies. The FCC will begin the process.

>Sup Forums puts Trump in office
That's a funny way to spell Russia.


Net neutrality points a gun at an owner of private property and tells his how to use his property. I desire to dispose of my property as I see fit. I would not take that from another. If you give the government the right to dispose of the ptivate property of another at gunpoiny by what personal self delusion do you believe that the same gun will never be pointed at you?

go to bed Hilary

lol epic

>lol epic
get out

>Net neutrality points a gun at an owner of private property and tells his how to use his property.
my knee jerk is to call you a fucking retard, but first can you better explain what you mean?

Seriously don't get it. How in the fuck is net neutrality not a good thing for consumers? Especially with internet streaming services replacing TV?

I know we're being pessimistic about removal of NN, but to be brutally honest, looking at it from the other side, something good can come from this for the consumer. We did get a dip in gas prices because of a market change in oil. The same can happen here.

Sorry, wrong thread.

>How in the fuck is net neutrality not a good thing for consumers?
It is. Don't let anti NN shills fool you


>We did get a dip in gas prices because of a market change in oil. The same can happen here.
how is this like that?


Don't mind me, just BTFO the anti-net neutrality shills that are spamming the board right now.

If ISPs wanted to block Sup Forums they could do it already. You are a legit tinfoil retarded.


until they got a class action suit

godspeed leaf

Antifag shill

If an big name ISP was determined to keep Sup Forums blocked they could easily tie it up in court for years and bleed hiro dry of money and force him to give up.

Hoping the businessmen who own the cable companies have enough good will. Not saying this will happen, but it's possible. It depends on how woke they think their consumers are and who they can trick.

NOTHING good will come from it.

If you're for a free market and against market regulations, it's not the FCC and Net Neutrality you need to look at, it's the ISP's buying vendor lockins with cities and governments preventing any other competition from taking place.

They are fucking over millions of people and then blame net neutrality for what they are doing.

Destroy the timewarner, cnn, et al. Don't let them get control of the internet.


>and force him to give up.
ideally its the FCC doing the suing on behalf of every consumer. It has worked before with major ISPs blocking skype and VOIP and shit

Listen, leaf, I think you're being too skeptical of this. I'm from Texas. Whenever there was a removal of regulation, things actually got better. Now, the thing here that leaves me uncertain is that these companies are using cables that actually belonged to the government, in addition to the cables they built themselves. So there's a question of whether government can control what is essentially a partial private business. And thats an issue we needed fixed for a very long time.

But there is some good that can come out of this as a consumer.

>Is net neutrality going to make my Netflix cheaper.

Why do you people act as if net neutrality isn't already law?

>Hoping the businessmen who own the cable companies have enough good will.
When was the last time you dealt with these guys? Their motto is literally "fuck you pay us". They will squeeze every last shekel out of you and not give a fuck.

a disturbingly large number of people have it backwards

how many threads are you going to spam this shit in?

>Trump frees us from Sup Forums for good
Thank Kek

I deal with businessmen constantly. Not all of them are this gloom and bloom that most of you are saying they are. They know people will get upset if they have to pay more for something. And good business is still business.

The infrastructure regulations that created the monopolies is a completely different issue than NN.

Please do not conflate them.

Net Neutrality is pure bullshit, its actually the opposite as it gives the FCC purview over the entire internet and takes it out of the hands of the market.

You see, if my ISP blocked a website, which they've never done before, then I would raise hell and switch to another ISP. People would go nuts and cancel them, ISP would either lose alot of business and money or issue an apology and make a 180.

When the FCC, unelected bureaucrats decide to do whatever they want, it could take years for a suit to make it through the courts. There is no oversight. and then what happens when crazy bernie or some libtard gets in office and decides the internet is a cesspool and needs to be cleansed? It's simply a matter of stacking the FCC with good goys.

You fucking plebbit retards that are falling for this are completely insane, you'll let the Current Year Man twist your tiny brains into pretzels instead of stopping and thinking about it for 2 minutes.

fuck you, they already been do this for a long time.
take this man's advice

because all the big providers had to drop it due to normies campaigning against hate sites.

this NN shit is a bunch of hysterical bullshit just like global warming

I'm well aware, but the NN is clearly big enough to constantly attack it every year, meaning companies want it gone for some substantial reason.

>. Whenever there was a removal of regulation, things actually got better.
that happens when removing regulation promotes competition. This isn't going to do that. The major ISPs are separate entities in name only. If NN dies, it's handing the keys to the internet to a hyper greedy cyber cartel

>It's an "I voted for this person therefore I will support every decision he makes regardless out of fanboyism no matter how bad it is" episode

>meaning companies want it gone for some substantial reason.

Yes, so they can nickel and dime you while having zero competition.

Yeah I remember that too

What's the one that's basically p2p and cuts out the ISP who acts as little more than a middleman? I remember there being some heavy redpills dropped about it (that everyone but me seemed already aware of) and some Jew posted some links, but I was suspicious of them.

Then the next thing to do would be for the government or the FCC to create a new rule to balance it out. I'm not saying this is a good fix, but a fix in the direction of the consumer is always good.

Genuinely Curious, There's really only TWC and Comcast. What if both collude and fuck us over?

Free market only works with low barrier to entry

>Hillary gets elected
>Pushes far left judge for SCOTUS
>Passes hate speech laws and SCOTUS backs it
>Sup Forums gets shut down
We loser either way, m8.

shillary would just shutdown Sup Forums on day one if she got to be king retard

It's okay, I'll just get the Sup Forums package with my cable.

I hope you've got croc repellent cause you are in the thick of denial.