Shia LaCuck BTFO‘i-am-deeply-ashamed’/ar-BBEjjmS

"In footage obtained by TMZ, LaBeouf goes on a racist rant inside the police station, telling a black police officer he's "going to hell" because of the color of his skin. Later, LaBeouf accused the cops of being racist."

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Never fuck with the chans.

No kidding. We've driven him to complete insanity.


Is this the Trump curse at work once again?

RIP Ladiesman217

We well never forgetti u ledesma-two one seven


I totally forgot about this scene and honestly it was the best scene in the movie along with the police interrogation.

possibly the only 30 seconds of value Shia has ever provided in his life

These new transformers movies are getting a bit too gritty

Did we cause this?

Shia is in jail? Fuck, now what do we do?

Has 4chin finally gotten to him?
I mean we already got him, but have we started fucking his mind?

Was Shia not telling the black cop he's going to hell because "you lock up your own kind"? I remember him saying something like that.

Maybe that living Ln-a-woods stunt actully uncucked the liberal from him.

He was a bit dangerous for some of those kids to be around with that camera bullshit, he's not right in the head.

Soon, he will become one of us.

No, it was more like.
Shia:your going to hell
White cop:why, that's not very nice.
Shia: Because your black

He didn't preface it or say anything that would indicate he was trying to say "your going to hell because your black (and you are working for the man/fighting the resistance/typical pinko commie garbage)
I'm sure his (((publicist)))) will try to spin it to look not racist, but it was pretty fucking racist. Short of calling the cop a nigger, this is way worse than Mel Gibson's "meltdown"/speaking the truth, and that made Mel a virtual pariah for years. Now Shia is a member of the tribe, unlike Gibson, so he may get redemption fast tracked but idk. This honestly seems too bad to come back from imho senpai.

Nah, this is a planned fall. ""'Suicide'"' in 6 months. You can be sure the Hollywood CIA div has him on some intense goofballs.

>norman rockwell 1950s america, white picket fence and fuck you
what the fuck did he mean by this?

Mel was a pariah because of what he said about the jew. Shia is a jew, and kikes are going to protect their own over one of their old products.

It's kind of awe inspiring in a way. Sup Forums managed to take a guy who had everything in the world going for him, millions of dollars, A List celebrity status, (((connections)))), and we drove him to complete destruction. It's pretty fucking terrifying and amazing at the same time.


Where's the video of him saying that to the black cop?

All he needed was a little nudge, and those shitskins from reddit provided that nudge. Sup Forums only came into play during part 3, electric tennessee.

It's because of those new strains of the marijuana, no pol.

break him out with drones

This is the start of his redemption arc, folks. Sit back and enjoy the ride. He will be one of us, soon.

Imagine your political beliefs being so unfounded that getting a little drunk and angry makes you do a 180

Clearly, Sup Forums has to get arrested and fuck with him IN JAIL

Maybe he started visiting pol after hwndu dissaster.

Nah this is something else. Trump even tweeted in 2014 that Shia was a great guy when sober but he hoped he would sober up before it was too late. This is addiction through and through

Nah man this was racist but it wasn't based in it. This was an addict trying to make people killing his buzz feel bad. He would have said anything and I genuinely believe he is sorry for saying it (mostly because it's a dumb as fuck thing to say.) He was just trying to hurt people he felt were hurting him. Common tactic of the addict trying to explain away his shitty behavior.

He's been like this for years.

There is no video because it didn't happen, Sup Forums is lying to you again as usual as always

Jesus fucking Christ, I can honestly imagine Shia becoming cricket. Homeless, on drugs 24/7 and giving blow jobs to men for money hahah