Video: “Goodnight Alt-Right” Music Video Encourages Antifa Violence Against Trump Supporters

This is like Papa Roach-tier nu-metal horseshit

They realize the right is literally orgasming from the thought of the left trying to justify an armed conflict, right?
Almost like how a couple of drunk idiots screaming about how they'll fuck up a tiger in a zoo pen with just their bare fists, then actually slowly believe they can. All that's left is for them to set foot into the pen.

We need to remind them who controls all the guns in this country

I literally cannot wait until this happens.

No let them continue making mistakes. Let them keep pushing.

agree. They're leftist activists and they want to be "hardcore" by doing fucking stupid shit they ought to be jailed for at every moment.

Trump needs to declare these fuckers a terrorist organization and the cops need to get really brutal with them. It's the only way.

This is basically ISIS propaganda shouted by a man with a bleached blonde bowl cut over shitty tough guy metal riffs

Why should we want this content removed though? It's an embarrassment that will recruit more people to our side. Let these progressives show themselves for the cowardly scum they are.

well, yes. but there also has to be an accepted way for normies to get involved in profitably confronting leftist bullshit too.

I believe the anti-media meme is a good way for most to participate, but we need more. Lefties have all sorts of shit, boycotts protests blocking traffic shitposting blahblahblah we need more at every level

Oh for sure. It actually makes me happy. This is the type of stuff that shifts popular opinion closer to our side when they look this crazy.

Wish a commie would.

already been happening tho

Yup. Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.

August 12 unite the right rally will be fucking insane. Just wait

>literally orgasming from the thought of the left trying to justify an armed conflict
sums it up

isnt this good? now we can use this video as an excuse for us reacting with "fear" of our lives.

I'm talking open Antifa terrorist attacks Weathermen style.

>massive high-profile attack
>dozens dead on both sides
>Antifa fags claim responsibility
>declared terrorists, NSA has every post supporting Antifa logged and traced
>hundreds of limp-wristed faggots and SJWs sent to federal pen
>face to face with Aryan brotherhood
>Soros and Leftist political support found
>Democrats banned as a party, members thrown in Gitmo


Yes this is great. Any response from us will be 100% justified in the eyes of the public

reminds me of some riot footage where some nig is emboldened by his fellow looters and struts up too far to a police line, not checking if his buddies were backing him. He got rushed and subdued by a couple cops

This is kinda like the same thing - let them publicly make fools of themselves until they step too far

I remember Anon5 talking about this stuff.

Yep. They have no power and are really fucking desperate. That's why they do dumb shit like this

Might happen, might not. Attacks are happening now, tho. And threats, obviously. As a whole its just meant to shut you down and keep you from recruiting more people to your side out of fear, thus stifling your messaging and shrinking numbers.

The real threat in my view is how leftists always worm their way into organizations then turn them on us. These fuckers will do the same and we'll be dealing with them forever.

Things are going fine for us right now, actually.

To the normie, they see Antifa as car and business burning anarchists that are self-radicalizing at an increasing pace. While the "alt-right" are just some anonymous online people with spicy memes. Sure, the average normie may have leftist leanings, but between watching the continued denigration of our education institutions, the Antifa riots and arsons, and the constant mass-media meltdowns only serve to make them question Leftist ideology in general.

A major deadly attack by Antifa would serve our ends perfectly, we should just keep doing what we're doing and keep teasing them over the internet. Apparently it's enough to inspire homicide from a "tolerant" Democrat.

Also, I don't really even see this as a Left/Right dichotomy, though if I were forced to choose the Right would be my pick. But I just to sow chaos and discord from the comfiness of my recliner.

metalcore is terrible

Yes and so are the people who like it

based analysis,
wish. they. would. shit. or. get. the. fuck. off. of. the. pot.
tl;dr seconded, me too user, me. too.

Shilling for Frank, kek.
