George Washington colluded with the French to commit treason against the British Empire

As such we must rejoin the British Empire and become an agrarian colony in accordance with the navigation acts. Whigs and "Patriot" traitors BTFO!

Posting in a 7/10 thread that will sink like a stone

I can't believe these patriotards support that absolutist Louis over his majesty King George III.

Tory's and Loyalists are the only True Colonials.. "Americans" gtfo!

Death to all monarchies.

Say it with me patriotard "her majesty".

>Join Englandistan
>They import 13 million sandniggers


George Blumpfkington BTFO

You've been saying this since July 4th, but where is the proof of collision? The only places that say collusion occurred are in Tory newspapers!

Why do you support that dictator King Louis, are you a frog shill spreading absolutism?


>rejoin the British Empire
The empire of Mohammed?

YOU chose to rape and murder children for the purposes of hoarding more power.

YOU chose to attack us in service of bankers and satanic larping faggots.
Now you will face the consequences.

Are you actually taking this thread seriously???

Hang Washington, long live King George!

How can the Whigs ever compete???

Not if ICE keeps doing its job. We'll be at 70% by next election if they keep up

That still means that Britcuts has more whities than Americunts

Implying the continental congress didn't send Ben Franklin to meet Louis at Versailles.

Implying there weren't French uniforms at the siege of Yorktown.

Implying the French fleet didn't tie up the British navy.

I just hate sand spookies and people of color in general. Keep them away from me and life is Pensacola at dusk every day of the week

Sure thing Pierre.

Once America's white population is below 50% I'll fucking laugh the shit out of you Amerifats