Let's have this discussion again

Any serious arguments against an EU military?

>inb4 uhhhh uhhhh, the oppressive EU army will march into smaller states and kill all dissenters!

Other urls found in this thread:


Nato didnt march into France to stop them leaving the alliance so im really not sure what conspiracy fears the conservashots have this time.
>the oppressive northern army is stipping us from seceding! REEEE!
>HAH if commiefornia tries to leave we'll just annex it back again!
Redneck retards have no ideological consistancy.

>Any serious arguments against an EU military?
First the EU is not a country, so its army would occupying a nations territory.

Second the EU isn't democratic so people in the EU have no say in the make up of a organization that would lead them to war.

NATO isn't a military.

Next point.

>First the EU is not a country, so its army would occupying a nations territory.

The EU military would not be commanded by the EU, but by the nation states in the EU, so your argument is moot.

>Second the EU isn't democratic
It has pretty much the same system in place as the US or the UK. So I have no idea what you are talking about.

>so people in the EU have no say in the make up of a organization that would lead them to war.
Ok then, if the German chancellor has the only say on German soldiers being sent to war... that means the German people have no say in German soldiers being deployed?

I couldn't think of anything more hilarious than an army of French and Italian faggots led by German autists. You'd all be dead within a week, stupid Euroscum.

>give un-elected
Power hungry government... military power

Yeah, great thinking OP
Now accept refugees at gun-point
Spred 'm cheeks

I'd just like to see who would actually enlist in such a thing.
Or if they cobble this thing out of existing nation's militaries, how many would resign and how many could they get to replace them.

>he doesnt know the EU parliament is elected

Cepп и мoлoт? Tpeбyю cвacтикy! Oнa мeньшe людeй yбилa!

It's not needed. Just keep national militaries and make a European version of NATO.

Why not! The tower of Babble worked out great.
1 Military! 12 languages!
Bound for success!

No. It is pretty much the same thing as removing the guns from a population.

The key change for the EU military is implementing one single language.

What is the advantage of a EU military compared to ?

is it arabic

>Any serious arguments against an EU military?
Yeah, let's give Germany control over a military force that could rival the US's. What could go wrong?

Definitely not, empower each unique European culture not amalgamate it.

Agreed goyim

No European state has its army drilled into fighting nuclear warfare(believe me or not, nuclear war still has boots on the ground fighting, ask anybody who was in military during cold war and you'll hear about their drills where they were pretending to drive APC's in safe corridors between radioactive zones etc. etc.) and the only nuclear power left after Britain leaves will be France with about 300 nukes, god knows how many of them will work. The only realistic opponent EU has on the international arena is Russia, which has 7000 nukes and army drilled specifically to fight nuclear war, conventional training is becoming more and more rudimentary and restricted to professionals as the time progresses, with military doctrine calling for liberal use of tactical warheads.

Therefore the ability of such EU army to competently repel invasion from the single great power it might fight with is equal to zero, therefore leaving a question of what purpose does it serve? It's waste of money at best and EU ZOG occupation force at worst.

Probably nothing, the Germans are afraid of themselves

>the EU is not a country

>has enforced (in theory) border
>has taxation rights
>has a legislative body
>has an executive branch
>has a judicial system
>has a head of state
>has foreign policy
>has trade policy
>has a civil service
>has a law enforcement body
>soon to have a military
>has a diplomatic service
>has seats at the WTO and UN
By what measure is the EU not a state

Since when is communism a fucking religion?
I demand a swastika up there.

The EU is incapable of coming to an agreement on what's for breakfast. How exactly would they manage a military force effectively?

Why would we give germany another massive army... that's NEVER turned out well for Europe. They literally can't stop themselves.

The people who would control the European Army would be un-elected officials that after brexit, proved that they're more willing to see Europe weakened then let a country leave and prosper outside the EU.

The demos doesn't support it. The EU will always be an outsider that meddles, and now its even worse

The EU can't afford a military AND social welfare. Time to decide.

Germany will never ever have an army again. Maybe a migrant army but they can only have molotovs.

Common procurement, requiring states to have operational, deployable troops (currently, many smaller states have less than 5% of their troops deployable to crisis regions), focusing on modern warfare rather than old school Soviet scenario type war (e.g. more Navy units than classic tank units), introducing minimum standards such as language skills and common communication linkups between states, reducing overhead, setting minimum standards for officers and professional soldiers in terms of fitness and equipment handling, building up a common EU military airspace (currently, each state defends its small airspace with its own minimal airforce), building up a common air transport system and in flight tanker system, building up a common military intelligence servce (rather than relying on 27 parallel structures which do not share information), having regular common training exercises, having an EU headquarters where state's military generals can discuss and coordinate international missions, streamlining supply and depot lines used for all EU states rather than each just for one state, etc. etc.

tldr - the same reasons why the US has one single military applies in Europe

Why would Germany be in charge of an european army when themselves don't have an army?
If it ever happens it would be France leading it as we are the only military force remaining now that UK left

So they want colonial policing task force like Americans have or like British had?

All of human history, perhaps?

God, leftists and globalists are diseased in the head.

fml i might join this army.

What they want is all states in EU Invest in defense and stop let the US UK and France spending money to protect your ass.
Even if we will never compete with US or Russia on military scale I think it would be more fair if all European states invest in military and not only UK and France.
You realise atm if the US let us down Poland is mighty Russia within 10 days?

ONLY if it exists in addition to each country's own army

>You realise atm if the US let us down Poland is mighty Russia within 10 days?
We're spending 2% of GDP on armaments already and despite lower spending monetary-wise analytics rate our military above German one so I don't get the idea why would we be in the camp that doesn't spend enough on the military.

Russia will take over Poland in 10 days anyway because their doctrine calls for widespread use of tactical nuclear warheads so as long as "EU military" doesn't have nuclear deterrent value(pro tip - your nukes are probably 70% non-functional), it's worthless anyway.

Know what OP?
I have no arguments.

Do it.

That only means it has to be improved and,expanded. Nato doesnt have the ability to defend most of its eastern members. Nato would win the war sure but only through a liberation campaign. A centralized european army could react faster and more organized than countless small militaries trying to work together.

>The EU military would not be commanded by the EU, but by the nation states in the EU
Okay, then by who and how would a strategy be agreed upon? Would anyone have overriding veto power?

Lack of a countries individual military means the lack of the ability to decide for itself what is and is not worthy of military action in regards to the state and ideals of said country. With a universal military those who submit also submit control over their military because there has to be one central leadership, and I think we all know who wants that.

uh yes, the E Jew will soon fall

>A centralized european army could react faster
Or trade disliked member states for a peace treaty.

That would still be 80nukes. Considering that less than 20 are enough to send any country back to the stone age...

Not enough to win a nuclear war though.

The thing is that Russia can rebuild after such war. They'll grab tons of reparations and just make it work somewhat. People have very shallow understanding of nuclear war, pro tip - you can fight it and you can win it. The retardo hippie "if nuclear war happens everybody loses" mantra is tired, boring and straight up wrong.

EU should probably have its own army since otherwise it is easy prey to foreign invaders. Europeans should realize that they are much more alike than unlike and that there are more nefarious forces lurking outside of Europe.

> Any serious arguments against an EU military?

Why does a trading bloc need a military?

> The EU military would not be commanded by the EU, but by the nation states in the EU, so your argument is moot.

Then what makes it an EU army?

We wont loose east prussia a second time.

>Then what makes it an EU army?

Oh look, it's the German globalist again.

>let the US UK and France spending money to protect your ass.
Sorry, Frenchie, but GErman spending on the military is higher than in France. Look it up.

And you burn quite some money on your aircraft carrier and nukes, so the gap on non-nuclear troops is even wider.

>Okay, then by who and how would a strategy be agreed upon?
Just as now. Each military engagement requires the consent of the state involved. If 3 out of 27 states get involved in a war, it is just the troops of those states which are deployed.

>Would anyone have overriding veto power?

It already has but they need to unite them.

A serious argument: An actual EU army will create a feedback loop of escalation due to the security dilemma with Russia. NATO cooperation provides the security needed while not creating as much tension as an actual EU army would create.

Alternate argument. The transition period to an EU army would create a tendency towards double taxation, once for each national army and again for a functional EU army. Furthermore the tax costs would probably not be well distributed among the EU states causing further political radicalization among the member states. This extra taxation and political radicalization during a period of anemic european growth is not worth the subsequent effects. Once again NATO provides enough of the benefits of an EU army without the economic and political downsides.

I still think an EU army would be better though.

>fourth reich wants to build an army

I''m not european, I dont really give a fuck personally. But how is the political structure of the EU different than fascism?

why would you want to arm them?

>unelected officials
No wonder you dumbfucks decided to leave, don't even know how the eu works

Oh look at this EU army, it's more American mongorel shit trying to extract more money and import more niggers for EU army.

France has twice as many soldiers as Germany.
And I don't count the nuclear power.

A war between France and Germany would end in 3 days.

Not saying they don't have an army, it's probably the third power in Europe. But it's still nowhere close to France or UK

>Any serious arguments against an EU military?

Yes, I'm about to move to an EU country for a job in one of my companies remote office.

I don't want to pay so that bunch of eurocucks go on welfare and prance around with guns playing cowboy.

EU will start ww3 and will lose it.

it is better to disband EU and nato to have many national armies.

You are enemy of europe if you are against EU or EU army.

The EU is not a state. An army would validate their claim of being the european government

No you fucking krautcuck, you are not getting an army. And if you try the burgers will bomb you yet again

Thats the trick here. Officially, germany will not have an army at all. They just happen to be in charge of the european army and alas, that army is preparing for offensive combat. Its all the bad EU and definitely not the germans

The EU will globalise.
Seriously, we need an EU army to balance the power of the US and Russia. We need an EU army to be a superpower again.

Fuck brexit too.

ITT: krauts larping behind EU flag wanting France and UK to die for their stupid Union.

why would we want to support western european neocolonial interests? why would spain want to defend us from r*ssia? it will never happen anyway.

can someone shop a swasitka in there?

t. Frenchman after Treaty of Versailles

Look on the positive side, refugees love dictators so if Führer Merkel gets her army they'll all feel right at home

...but that's exactly the point here. NATO was a military alliance of free and sovereign countries and the EU is a proper union now trying to stripe countries of their own military and establishing a federal army loyal to Brussels.

He doesn't know that the seven presidents aren't or that the parliament only have a say in 1 of the 7 branches

>should germany have its own "european" army

fuck no

Its a economical unio, but those eurocrats from Germany and France are pushing to making it a nation.

And kindy fuckers start doing 2% of your budget for military since you are allready in NATO.

>creating a real life Militaires Sans Frontières
What could possibly go wrong?

there hasn't been a vote for it. too many muslims. no single language and power structure leads to incohesion. it would be retsrded. final argument: why do you need one? doesnt the burden of evidence fall upon you, the one making the claim for the army?

The EU would be fine if it actually cared about Europeans; It doesn't and shows no signs of doing so in the future.

Those shills should start with fulfiling NATO obligations. Not creating hurr durr european army.

Welcome to modern politics, where they do something illogical and to argue against it they uphold you to the sternest of logic.

Yeah. Because who gives a fuck. It is decaying from the inside. Those who wish ill on Europe have already played heir hand and are just watching it rot. What is there to attack but a souless "economic space" with no global value beyond that service?

Concidering how irresponsible they have been this all raises questions as to how others will view the emerging what-ever-the-fuck it becomes.
This is not like the US and a "melting pot" based somewhat on the principles of meritocracy either, but a cluster fuck of tribes, incentive to segregate/domineer over integrating and criminal conspiracy (directed at natives).

Who are they going to fight?

>Its a economical union

Are you getting paid the same Pawel? Are you getting taxed the same Pawel? Did you get to bring friends Pawel?

No, the union exists on market level. It isn't an economical union. For example you don't have access to quantitative easing if the fuckers don't allow you to, same as us. How the fuck is that an economic union? We are essentially free-trade provinces for the nations with heavy industries.

Sorry it used to be economic union. As in EWG times.

Now french and krauts fucked it up. I`m completly aware what they did to you.
Or how Germans and French used "union grants" to push thier companies into polish/czech/slovak market.

Not to mention how they screwed us with nord stream 2.

List is long. And now those shills whant to cover thier incopetent armies and low spending on them with "european" army.

The solution to mass unemployed refugees could be to put them into a grand European army with which they would then have total control over the populace and a distinct lack of empathy toward the natives, loyal to the state and capable of enforcing any conceivable tyranny they might desire. Perhaps to create another Holodomor.

The Kalergi Plan

Soviet engineered famine of 1933

Says the moronic cunt who has no idea how the EU works

no eu military

(unless it is used to fight american military of course)

EU should go back to being a trade union exclusively

>Any serious arguments against an EU military?
An EU military would have to abide by the commands of the EU political leadership (unless it turns into Junta). The EU leadership does not have the best interests of citizens in mind. Look at how they treat the folk in peripheral countries. EU military is by definition 'globalist'. Some of us are nationalists.

People inside ivory towers need to have less power, not more.

The funniest of all thing is this: they plan to man this euro-army with the ackbars they're importing because a) they are absolutely expendable and b) they have no ties to our peoples and would shoot without hesitating.

But their most important trait is this: they are absolutely incompetent. If they actually ever get to implement this, we will witness a revolution so bloody that no single kike (actual or just globalist) will be left alive on our soils

>People inside ivory towers need to have less power, not more.
good statement

unless it's my ivorty tower of course (:

fixed the caption, too early here

Don't worry your little head about that.

Fuck your globalist ass, Schlomo


France is the only decent military not under USA control
EU military force is useless

I was thinking about that too. If you advocate in favor of a 'continental' army USA style, it means you have some kind of threat in mind (or you want to kill nationalism even further). So which threat you want to repel, the muzzies and africans? EU already allows them in, so will the army. The Americans? They are our 'allies' and we would lose anyway, continental or not. The Russians? It's best as it is already, I'm not going to wait for commands from cucked eu leadership to defend my country, they might not even care for it. I'm sitting duck without an army, hoping the asshole who pulls the strings considers me worth saving? Fuck that.

If the EU army existed then Germany, the EU hegemon, would be able to throw its weight around despite currently having a shit-tier military. France having the most powerful military in the EU is a good counterbalance to Germany having the largest economy, ensuring that the top two EU countries balance each other out. The EU army is more or less clandestine German rearming, except this time instead of trying to make white people great again Germany is trying to force Europeans to breed with niggers to produce a subservient slave race to be ruled over by the elites.

>If they actually ever get to implement this, we will witness a revolution so bloody that no single kike (actual or just globalist) will be left alive on our soils

If they implement this, it'll be something very similar to a UN peacekeeping force, except half as competent. France isn't going to hand over any significant portion of it's military to Germany.

Europe already has an army, multiple infact.

>confusing the EU with Europe


France does have stronger military but the difference isn't as huge as you think.
Given that Germans would be the defending side if France invaded and would have easier time with logistics and manuvering since they'd be on the home turf, situation where French win is possible but far from ensured.

This is a strange and out of touch image which is fitting considering your understanding of the EU. He clearly means unelected by the citizens.

> it'll be something very similar to a UN peacekeeping force, except half as competent

And the UN peacekeeper have an astounding reputation of being competent, kek

>France isn't going to hand over any significant portion of it's military to Germany.

Obviously. Most european armies are used to shooting Germans, not taking orders from them.