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what?! oh no... this cannot be, how will Sweden ever recover?
When is it from?
Dunno, i think quite recent
Wait...are any of these women amputees?
Can't even find it on youtube or their website
Typical broadcast:
she looks cute
why the umbrella tho
I thought polyester was water proof
she has a weird accent. it almost sounds correct but it's definitely off.
don't talk shit about mai waifu's fashion sense
I raise you a goat
Are all Tunisians fapping over Burqa'd girls?
So what? Sweden is trying to be a more diverse country, and a Muslim woman wearing a hijab triggers you to whine about it on Sup Forums? Wow, grow up. It's just a headdress no different than any other covering like a yarmulke or something. At least Muslims retain a sense of religious pride.
As for the other one, it's probably some Christian Iraqi woman. They do exist you know.
>bääättre väder
its scary when you can no longer tell the difference between satire and seriousness in posts from future muslims countries like Canada, France, Germany and Sweden.
Never thought i'd see the day until
That's TV4. The forecast in OP's image is from SVT.
We are enemies.
This should not make you sad. If Germany become muslim that is good for the US.
Still can't find it
all that Muslim sperm thats been pumped up your ass is starting to backup and come through your mouth. Cant believe how far europe has fallen
Europe is fine. If anything Europe will do better if we Krauts are gone.
And if the Muslims drive the strongest economy in the EU against the wall that will weaken the EU immensely and strengthen your position
This has only positives for you.
>t. 60 % white
Oh nöes
Seems like we got BTFO'd
> if the Muslims drive the strongest economy in the EU against the wall
>he thinks everything is about the money
You must be a kike
I'd rather a woman cover herself up rather than slut herself out to thousands of people who simply want to know what the weather forecast is.
No not just the money.
Plenty of reasons to root against Germany.
what you fail to realize is that mexicans abide by our Judo-Christian Ethics, Laws and Culture. I have to deny pussy from young 20-something Mexican girls at work because I have blue eyes.
Enjoy your allahu-ackbars and weekly terrorist attacks. Ill enjoy my mexi-pussy, Catholicism and street tacos. cuck.
You do know that for a very long time Arabs (especially rich ones) didn't really wear headscarfs and that it was even illegal in for example Egypt to wear headscarfs on television.
Retarded pic you've got there, you must be a Turk
Turks don't even hate Germany, he's most likely a Jew or Israeli diaspora.
I think what he's trying to say is he'll miss you krauts when you're gone ....
Be strong and don't take drug, mukay?
Or I am a german who is redpilled on Germans
Call me a Jew or a turk if you want.
Those are upgrades compared to the reality.
And I am saying you shouldn't.
>kike worshipping by mongrels
>a good thing
what ever floats your boat man
With Krauts gone, where can we get the finest tools and workshop kits, you guys still provide the best tools.
German engineering is a meme.
Our tools aren't any better than other tools.
>globalist cult and junk food
You gotta try harder next time, Paco
Your tool sheds are still the best though
Father used to work as construct worker.
Have first hand experience that you guys provide the most accurate and durable tools.
You scare me, fucking liberals. I won't stop being scared until your kind line ditches.
A faggo for the gas, an old bimbo for the cucks, a goat for the musdlimes
well see who has the last laugh.
Look I will never believe anything German is "best"
But let's hypothetically assume that is true.
Still doesn't outweigh the damage we are doing to europe
Still doesn't mean that it is a net positive to remove us.
Top Cuck
>Still doesn't mean that it is a net positive to remove us.
**that is it NOT a net positive to remove us
>nazi battle flag
i rest my case.
They things that need to remove are
>cuck mentality
>kike politician
>degenerate china chink
Don't hate yourself, Hans.
If you hate yourself for the shitty things that those fuckers did, it is unworthy.
Why? Muslims are conservative and uphold family values
I genuinely take the entirety of the middle east and africa in Europe over a single german
le 53%
This is the future of our grandchildren.
But that's because you're a turkroach mongrel. Who the fuck cares what you would "take", you live on benefits already lmao
If you hate yourself, they win.
What makes you think muslim are conservative and upholding?
Their woman are sluts in chain.
They will try to fuck around when their man are not looking.
The obey come with heavy lash, unless you can make western world accept that woman is an object, you can't make a muslim western woman a conserve upholding wife.
Whatever makes you happy.
If you think anyone with a german flag is already a turk then your argument is that germany is already lost
I am fine with that too.
Your standards are now so low, you think of it as a good thing if that happened.
The brain does strange things to stop yourself from committing suicide.
>Sup Forums cant even recognize redpilled germans from normies
Summer sure is sad.
You are a brit.
if anyone prefers muslims over Germans is you guys.
You've either had to work/live around the worst, condescending pieces of shit and for a joke, you're mimicking how they behave and what you've heard from them, or you actually mean this.
The reason why it's so hard to tell is because you're Canadian.
Either way, you really fucking annoyed me. Cunt.
But you are a turk though. And it has nothing to do with flags, you just spout classic roach insecurities, because you're a foreign subhuman living in one of the best countries in the world.
Whom exactly are turks replacing anyways, you fuck your own cousins like the genetic trash that you are.
This is europe, mehmet, we had more ethnic clashes than you have hairs on your ass, cheer up and maybe go tag a lamppost that you want to be executed against in the future.
>showing her wrist
fucking whore
If I admit that Turks aren't a huge step up from germans will that make you happy?
I really don't care if you hate turks
Hell if you want to cull them after they have replaced us I really don't care.
I just know we Germans are the worst and we are the biggest problem. So that means I am fully committed to solving the German Problem.
That doesn't mean there aren't other groups that could be problems after we are gone.
Look here Fritz, EVERY Western country at the moment is dealing with progressives hen-pecking people for being rightfully considered about major demographic shifts.
The problem I have with you, Canada and Sweden is, even on this board, I hear the same sanctimonious shit coming out of your mouth.
Every other Western country actually tells it like it is, but much larger numbers of you cunts on /pol actually believe this shit along with the progressives.
It's unbelievable. You cannot get away from your brainwashing.
No on in the UK wants the muslims here by choice, but at least on /pol we express that thought.
>Christian Iraqi woman
>they do exist you know
See you are focused on the wrong thing
I don't want muslims here. I just want Germans gone. It doesn't matter who replaces us. I couldn't care less.
The refugee crisis is just a rope to hang ourselves with.
If you have another group of people fleeing their country en masse and with high birthrates I would want them in Germany.
Again to hammer it home. I don't care who replaces us. It is imperative that we are replaced.
Why do you keep talking like a complete mongrel and then pretend to be "german". It doesn't make sense, since any "point" you're trying to argue, instantly goes down the shitter, where most of the trash you spout belongs.
You've got your mongrel existence crisis, because you're a mongrel and you know that mongrels are worthless. Why talk about Germans though, what do you have in common with them aside from the passport? Mongrelboy
>line ditches
>through wood chipper into the back of a manure slinging truck
We need to do things in an ecologically friendly way user, think green!
I have a fucking Ariernachweis from one of my nazi Grandfathers. The fact that I am not German enough for you is insane.
But I still appreciate the hate. Because your point is that you definitely recognize me as a subhuman and I am 100% german generations upwards. So you are correct. You just don't know that Germans are worse than any other group
no you don't, mongrelboy
you're a turkish redditposter, fuck outta here mongrel
a fucking leaf
reddit loves Germans
Sup Forums hates Germans
You are the redditor here
>needing a nachweis to prove you're arier
Do you even know what they are. He got one because he was big in the hitler youth and my entire family on that side was very nationalistic.
actually Sup Forums is filled to the brim with mongrelized shitskins who like to role-play right-wing
the fact that ALL 4chinster meetups of all time have been mongrel photo-ops, backs me, and the fact that reddit is subhuman-propaganda central, fucks you
fuck outta here, roacho
>and the fact that reddit is subhuman-propaganda central,
And they love Germans
What does that tell us?
I read somewhere that in the last 5 years the average swedish penis has shrunk by 50%
I'll be a refugee in Iraq to hunt dat ass
no way this is real
>he was big
Für dich.
it is.
but it is like 10 years old. svt did some project called halal tv and they had shit like this. it ran for like 7 episodes or something
From 2008
It tells us that germany is under attack from pro-subhuman propaganda.
Doesn't change the fact that you're a mongrel with an existential crisis, with ONE GRANDPA "allegedly" involved with the nazis.
Like, I held off on that fact for a bit, but if you only had one nazi relative, you're a fucking mongrel deluxe; pretty much all my ancestors were nazis, sucks to be you though mongrelboy.
Must feel tough knowing that you had ONE PURE GRANDPA, and then the rest of your genes are literal trash.
Wanna tell us what shithole your other parents crawled out of?
>but if you only had one nazi relative,
No my other grandpa was also a Nazi. Just not that big into it. I have two Nazi grandfathers but only one got an Ariernachweis.
t...this is a joke right?
Germany is a joke, yes.
you wont recover cuck
i'm not laughing
Well it is a German joke.
> my other grandpa
yeah yeah, let's go and start backpedalling now huh mehmet?
and what were you great grandfathers doing?
at least get your story right next time, dumbass
Are you saying she's not swedish?
They sacrificed that goat later in the name of Allah
>from ONE OF my nazi grandfathers
>implying I have two
Your reading comprehension is terrible.
Also you want me to rattle off what my 4 great grandfathers were and did?
Are you trying to find me?
Dude the guy is a retarded cuck but you're being stupid right now
>but only one got an Ariernachweis
you had to have one after Nürnberger Rassengesetze got installed. everyone had to prove their family line for 5 generations, 7 if you tried to get into SS.