There are mass shootings every day in the U.S. because of your disgusting outdated gun laws. Why don't you guys just ban guns? Morons, I tell ya.

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You should worry about all the Chinese invading your country and not our freedom guns.

eat shit kike

guns are not the problem, niggers and cultural marxists are.

everyone outside america doesn't own 1.2 guns per capita
that's 1.2 guns for every man, woman and child

i thought the mass shootings were because of niggers, not gun laws ?

yeah, this.

Not by people who had guns put to the back of their head.
Outside the usa, most gun deaths are committed by governments.


Day of rake when?

In death to america nuke America

How bout mind your own fucking business?!!

Or your pansy ass can fucking
COME AND TAKE IT motherfucker.


MORE Statistics

Observation and Solution

Maybe, just maybe, it's the people holding the guns.

Spoiler: It's niggers.

They are viewed as idiotic by nearly everyone either pro gun or anti gun in the US too.

>Crime goes down for 30 years
>Guns are a problem
Why should we take out a constitutional amendment, much more one of the first 10, just because you don't like guns? 10,000 homicides a year in a country of 300,000,000+ people isn't significant enough.

There's mass shootings all over the world. They happen for the same reason they happen in the US.

I have found the ultimate rhetorical weapon against the liberals concerning the 2cnd amendment; the one part they love to harp on is "well regulated". You can't get into a 2cnd amendment debate without this phrase coming up because liberals love regulations.

So here it is; the term "well regulated" as used in the 2cnd amendment during the 1700s was taken to mean "in proper functioning order", common phrases would be "a well regulated clock keeps time precisely" or "a well regulated knife cuts easily".

Please adopt this into your debate repertoire so that it becomes common knowledge and immunizes us from the liberals mental poison.

maybe in Canada but here they are definitely not viewed as idiotic, but as inspiring

What if I told you

Nobody outside of America matters

Why don't we go ahead and outlaw alcohol while we're at it? I mean, it worked so well during Prohibition! Oh wait, it didn't. At. All.

I was going to type out a longer, more eloquent rebuttal, but then I noticed the flag.

"God created man. Sam Colt made all men equal."

Also, this "muh freedumbs" rhetoric just goes to show how brainwashed and hopeless people can be.

Fuck off leaf

America keep your guns and defend your property and family

No more like the morons in Canada don't know how to elect a normal government.

In 1 year all Canadians will wish they had the same gun rights. With your open door to Mexico be prepared to have you asshole gaped 1,000 times over

Prohibition + Niggers = 95% of gun violence

Because I'll bet you that the bulk of Venezuelans are kicking themselves right about now for giving away their guns.

>viewed as idiotic by everyone outside america



Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

>blacks kill one another at insane rates with guns, so we need to destroy constitutional rights for everyone else

The US isn't nearly as powerful as it once was.
> US ignored for majority of the time at the G20 because they're boring

>Typical British poster.

Friendly reminder that the US is the only country where the government is meant to be "for the people, by the people" as opposed to every other country where each citizen is the property of the state.

If you guys ever give up the first and second you will be the biggest laughing stock of all future history to come.

srs question
do non americans think they matter?

Your the fucking moron cause you dont understand 4 simple words SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Besides, good luck with the ammending procedures.

Guys i apologize for my countrymen. They seem to only get more retarded every day

>There are mass shootings every day in the U.S.

Niggers and white trash*
Negligent deaths are everywhere in the US.
>little girl with uzi kills her instructor because instructor gave her a gun her couldn't handle
>father shoots daughter in the head because he thought the gun was empty

Got a source on that? That's interesting.

What if I told you that 26% of canadian households owned guns, compared to 32% of american households?
What if I told you that 6% difference in gun ownership couldnt possibly explain the massive difference in homicide rates?
What if I told you the difference in homicide rates between the USA and Canada was almost entirely explained by demographic differences?
Would you still be such a leafy piece of shit?

>Why don't you guys just ban guns?

we made a national promise to can corporations first

Chicago has the strictest gun laws in this country. Look how that went.

What if I told you it would be super awesome if you came on over to do something about it.

I'm super fucken jealous of US gun laws. Every man on the planet is.

I want some stupid big rifle with shitloads of stupid mods on it, like fifty sights, lasers and a muzzle brake for the muzzle brake.

why not just ban murder

Default answer is...invade us faggot

Stop. Just stop.

All the mass shootings lately have been done by whites.

Hh you know how many people die cause cars or terrorism attacts. If that doesn't care you, you should not talk abbout weapons freedom. Cause there die more than 10.000 cause cars, and u carry about 200 - 300 cause guns. Hh. Stfu canadian asshole

I wish i could own guns like americans can. Can't even get a handgun around here, fucking sucks.

Why you so racist against guns
You want a firearm ban? Just because my guns are black??

unintelligible, go to sleep

there are cyber attacks daily!
ban computers now!

Because criminals obey laws right? While that may work in your tiny ass country where all 2mill of you are packed in 1 city, the US is fucking huge. It is not possible to have police cover everything all the time. The places you see mass shootings are the places with very strict gun laws for a reason.

We can get hand guns they are just limited to stuff like 6 shot revolvers


I should hope that you aren't implying that we give a shit? One of the things that makes the U.S. the U.S. is that we don't care what any other countries think.

Thanks be to the universe for removing these fucking dumbshits from the gene pool.

in other news, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

our guns are literally the only thing between us and death. Eurofags patiently wait for Ahmed to rape them like the pray animals they seems to want to be.

>appeal to ridicule
>appeal to the majority
Is there ANY weaker """arguments""" than these?

>granting the government even MORE power
As if

if you don't want other men to have a right to defend themselves against other men and the state you are a homosexual

Need to ban niggers, not guns.

You aren't a rural white voter.
You are shareblue.
Literally no one outside of cities gives two flying fucks about culture or race. We just want jobs and a healthy economy so we can raise our kids and carve out our slice.

You can't fake being rural.

yeah the worst shootings are usually in dems "free gun zones" what does that tell you leaf?
Also in austria and switzerland there are more guns per capita than in the us and they dont have gun violence issues beyond the norm.
The problem in the us is that having a gun morphed into the culture its a cultural thing while in austria its something you have in the attic and dont talk about.... we instead have a drinking culture with everyone being more or less forced to drink themselves stupid lel
You have to change the perceptions of guns into something that is ok to talk about in privat and on the range/hunt but talking about in public or showing off like a cowboy gets you at least a bit shamed. That would be imo the right path.

Why does the world care that we have gun's in America... Its our country. We don't want you here. Go fuck yourself faggot

we need more leaf memes in this thread

He thinks he is rural since he can sometimes see a cow on the ride to work.

Molon Labe, nigger.