Why does the media keep telling us we're supposed to hate Russia? Is this some nu-McCarthyism?

Why does the media keep telling us we're supposed to hate Russia? Is this some nu-McCarthyism?

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Because the media is run by jews

Because Russia is communist. Communism was invented by the Jews and pushed by the Jews throughout the history. Anything communism related is Jew related. USA might have it's fair share of Jews, but Russia is owned by them, literally.

If you support communism ideologies, you support Jews. Simple as that.

It's time to chose your side Sup Forums

>Because Russia is communist.
Then how is it that I can commission over priced furry porn from Russian artists? Not that I do it, but I can.

>new McCarthyism

This time it's not about idiology but about ethnicity and nationality.

They need a new foreign boogeyman since hating muslims is not politically correct anymore.

mate have you been living under a rock for the last 30 years?

iz not new. going to school in the 70's they haid air raid drills and told us kids to hide under the desk cause russia is going to nuke us. now we are all 50+ and most sheeple dont realize they were brainwashed . now people revert to childhood fears when russia mentioned. hence this trump russia narrative

have you?


every fucking time

because there always needs to be an imaginary bad guy

nato has already squashed all but a few of the small countries in the middle east and any large entities over there are now our allies/customer regardless of how big of a scumbag they are (saudi arabia)

there's also the hyper politically correct movement reaching full steam - white people have to be the bad guy at all times, and who is a bigger white nation than russia

nato only assfucks south america surreptitiously for the same reason that they don't send military to mexico - they don't want to shit in their own back yard, better to keep the bombs and blood flowing as far away from home as possible

Because if Russia and Germany worked together they would become too powerful (economically) for America's (((masters))) to control. ZOG needs the world to be divided and easy to control. WW1, WW2, Sovietism, and the Cold War were ALL so that Eurasia STAYS weak and exploitable.

>Why does the media keep telling us we're supposed to hate Russia? Is this some nu-McCarthyism?
Why does russian media keep telling them we're supposed to hate USA? Is this some nu-Stalinizm?

Yeah, I want to know. I, too, do not commission over priced furry porn from Russian artists.

Because you're an ignorant dumbass brainwashed by russian trolls and they know what they're talking about.

Because the media kikes have been throwing a yearlong reeeeeee and refuse to admit they spent the entire time on nothing burgers and kicking themselves in the dick.

It's pissing me off though. My fiance is Russian and while it's for some reason not okay to discuss a bunch of illegal, criminal, job-stealing Mexishits in this overton window it apparently is okay to treat Russians like they're all treasonous, KGB agents working to destroy the US because they're white. Bigotry is acceptable to the MSM but only against whites.

Military industrial complex needs an enemy. Kikes are too busy selling out American workers to china, so that leaves Russia to be the enemy.

So the jews are behind communism, when they seem to be benefitting the most from capitalism? My, what a skilled people, truly behind everything!

Also Russia has been a capitalism for 23 years you dumb wank.

Yeah user, it's not the recent military actions against sovereign countries, constant threatening its neighbors, financing the most anti-west organisations in Europe and endless spy scandals done by Russian intelligence. It's not any of that. It's just a big media conspiracy.

What do you say about dividing Ukraine between us, polebro? Lwiw is rightful polish clay

If those are reasons to hate Russia and make agressive geopolitical moves against, we might as well invade 3/4ths of the world (again).

No, thank you.

media isn't an authority. don't believe snake oil businessmen

Russia is a mostly-white, mostly-Christian nation that isn't on board with the NWO, faggot marriage or globalism in general.

We're the multi-kulti progressive, secular internationalists. Of course our (((media))) would be against them in the current year.

It's the Cold War 2.0, we've just switched sides.
>feels prettty bad famalam



Maybe Russian men are all idiots? Every Slavic woman I've met has been like some old-school feminist ideal of a smart capable woman who just wants a man to add to her life and move forward together but not be dependent on. That's why I never got the docile wife meme of Slavs. They're more like Asians in that they need to respect you. You can't be some bum.

Nice try, Russia.


They're literally whiter AND more Christian per capita than we are. Post smug faces all you like, it's getting to be kinda pathetic to be shilling for Los Estados Unidos at this point.

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