Pewdiepie tackles the wage gap


"Im saying there is no gender gap, its been debunked several times"

how long until its taken down?

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the absolute madman!! Who can stop him?

Makes me kek that a tonne of the other top YTers are cucks but the most big one is relatively altrightish


Mfw pewdie pies next video in on (((pure coincidences)))

Janusz is the only hope for Poland
+ he is absolute mad man

it will be demonitized pretty quickly, but i dont know about being taken down.

Our problem is not fucking pewdiepie getting taken down.

Our problem is how /ourguy/ Korwin was presented. This "interview" was so horrible that nothing constructive can be said about /ourguy/ except the fact that he barely speaks english. Pewdiepie didnt lurk at all and voiced precisely what korwin thinks about wage gap.

Pewdiepie didnt fucking taken most important red pill - research

The fucking Brittish guy is the most despicable person i've ever seen.

Piers Morgan. Despite his white knighting he is despised across the isles and spend most of his time sucking trumps jew loving cock in america.

He is a good guy.

nice link

It's our job to deliver the research to the normies in consumable meme form because the general populous is retarded.

I sight the kikes as my example of how easy it is to lead the herd of cattle to the slaughter based off just blatant self contradicting lies.

Got you fampai

>Our problem is how /ourguy/ Korwin was presented.
It's the same here in Poland. He's smart and shit, but he has terrible problems with PR.
He says things like "by the Hitler taxes were lower" and pretty much everyone parrots "Korwin said that by the Hitler it was better"

pewds is more influental. it's all about milenials getting their dose of redpills. it is good thing that he alkredy made his milions and is not leaving Jewtube anytime soon. To bad others chanels since jewadpocalipse killed so many /ourchanels/ like "gradeaundera" i relly miss that sand nigger.

He is on a mission to redpill as many people as possible. I fucking love him.

confirmed /ourguy/

he's a fag but atleast he's handing out a decent pill.

check out some of the people he follows on twitter

does he stutter like this in polish too

how the fuck do you follow 474 people on twitter?

the only good thing about him is that he likes Trump for some reason

How long until he makes a video collaboration with one of them? Then his viewers will start watching them as well (think what you want of them, they still deliver red pills)

O kurwa.
Kekłem mocno

a new WSJ article incoming!


Pewdiepie has a lot of influence on young kids, this is good.

See more people. This is just a standard beta show host


I could very well see Rubin inviting him to his show since they're both very free speech oriented and Rubin isn't as much of an activist as Stef, pjw or Lauren

Dem sick burns

Kek Spoke of Him

Whats that link nigger?
Do you expect me to copy this shit manually?

Ty french bro.

We thought we got rid of him for a while but not even Murrica could stand this cunt and they threw him back.

This faggotbrozz is textbook "How To Redpill Normies". Act aloof and centrist. Play both side but drop consumable redpills subversively. Outjew the Jews in their game

Pewdiepie is /ourguy/ for sure.

Piers is such a fucking cock lord.
Instead of trying to have an actual discussion he completely ignored what the guy had to say and started throwing insults.
Absolute disgrace.