I hate liberals more every single day

I hate liberals more every single day.

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for it was true. I always thought it was taboo, but once I started fapping to traps, I liked it even more than regular women. Its the best of both worlds. Men even make better women than women.

>"but why won't you fuck a mentally ill man with a chopped off penis you transracist bigot?"

But pee-pee makes my wee-wee soft :(

Kys, faggot.

>Fingolian as fuck

>women with penises

You're gay user come to terms.

We're going to need a new DSM for this much insanity.

>I hate
Yes, that typically is the reaction among the weak-minded when faced with the uncomfortable possibility that their entire worldview is archaic and, well, completely fucking arbitrary to the current condition.


Dude you're just homosexual. Stop making excuses. That or it's an actual psychotic element that you need to address.

i hope someone rapes and murders you.

I had a conversation about this with a liberal once.

I told her that my reasoning for not dating a tranny is that they can't give me babies. This appeared to hit her like a ton of bricks - all she could say was, "But...why would anyone want to have a child?"

>women with penises

Things have gotten so bad here. There is no going back. Considering all of this, it is good we will all eventually die.

This is it.

This photo sums up current year better than any other I've seen yet. Someone needs to take this back to the 1950s and show everyone what will happen if they let the hippies win the culture war a decade later.

>Influenced by our cissexist society

Or maybe it's just plain old biology.
But we must not think such things because feelings could get hurt in the process

I wonder if any trannies actually think like this or if its click bait.


As a transwoman that's a distinct possibility. Thanks to the ignorant, I can just about flip a coin to see if it at least part of that will happen.

Odd that you think I should be raped, though. It's almost as if you're projecting your own hatred of YOUR desires onto me rather than actually being upset at me or Riley. Must suck being scared of your own mind.

lol we're gonna need a new APA when being right-leaning can get you a court order to take psych meds but demanding extreme life-altering surgery and hormonal treatments because you dont like being a man is considered perfectly normal and even desirable.

>I wonder if any trannies actually think like this or if its click bait.

Every tranny I've ever talked to has held this exact opinion, even the ones who are intelligent enough to know better. It's practically a necessary precondition for their lifestyle.

>women with penises
Nice double thinking there, brainwashed complete I feel pity for that dude

You are now and always will be a man in a dress wearing makeup. Damn those Y chromosomes, huh?

What did any of that mean?

basically nothing changed in our structure from the Cro-magnon man.
Learning socstud crap in uni won't make you an ubermensch, urbanite monkey

its a cute feminine penis, user
there's no reason anyone would get so upset by it

traps are gay

I'm MtF

Riley Dennis is a fucking moron. Regular cis women do not have penises. Cis men grow up in a society where trannies are 1 in ten thousand people, most people will go there entire life without seeing one. Of fucking COURSE cis men are *generally* going to want a woman with a vagina, that's the norm. It's not transphobia, it's just reality.

Her point is stupid anyway because even if way less guys are into trans women, there's still probably 100 or more guys into trans girls for every trans girl that exists.

Wait until you get a load of these assholes



>to some degre

DO YOU NOT EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER. Its fucking true too and you know it. Its the same reason back in the classical age homosexuality was incredibly prominant, and then it magically became scorned with Christcucks. Homosexuality is instinctually a white phenomenon. He obvious said, TO SOME DEGREE. and that is generally true.

I would pray for your suffering but I know I won't need to.

>Liberals scream "Gender is a social construct!"
>Society quietly tolerates the idea.
>Liberals scream "Gender must be forcefully corrected!"
>Society quietly tolerates a massive propaganda campaign aimed at our youth and encourages genital mutilation.
>Liberals scream "Sexual preferences are a social construct!"
>Society quietly tolerates the idea.
>Liberals scream "Sexual preferences must be forcefully corrected!"
>Society quietly tolerates a massive propaganda campaign aimed at our youth and encourages punishment of anyone caught still engaging in heteronormative sexual activity.
>Liberals scream "Employers are not inclusive enough! Diversity hiring should include 50/50 cis/trans employment as well as 50/50 male/female employment!"
>Society quietly tolerates the idea.
>Etc etc etc

Men and maleness are under attack. Islam is the answer.

Not wanting shit on your dick is white privilege.

If it has a penis, it is not a woman. Let these words be inscribed in stone.

Hahaha no, naturally occurring homosexuality is rare among white men, but common among niggers because of their high estrogen, which also makes them irrational and violent.

Thinking about Y chromosomes as if they had literally anything to do with the conversation is as pointless as discussing why the wrapping paper on your Christmas Gift devalued it by 30% - just because you can talk about it doesn't mean you're not an ignorant retard.

>women with penises

What the fuck is wrong with the West?

so what do you say about sex change trannies?


Never ever confuse the left with liberals.

yeah no shit It's why I have become a hermit, only time I leave me house is for smokes and booze

Dennis Riley might be the most tranny looking tranny I've seen in a long time. At least some of them TRY to look feminine.

>not realizing and coming to terms with the fact that hatred is the most powerful and useful emotion.

Not in our structure, but in our knowledge. We now understand some things better than we did in the past. We call that progress. It's the same way we got things like glasses, also.



You know nearly 50% of Trans in the US anhero?

Post feminine or larping

Same. Reconciliation is impossible.



We did not circle the drain, we went straight down.

These freaks are so sick and evil

is that a boy? sauce?

They never will truly be what they have seek to become. Biological processes of their original gender will persist.

Fuck off already with your off topic bullshit.

I'm really surprised Islam isn't more popular around here. They hate the jews, throw gays off buildings, and put women in their place. It is pretty much the wet dream of this place.

I hate pedophiles and serial killers.

Guess that makes me weak minded better not hate appreciate spread the love l0l

>actually believing estrogen makes you violent
prison stats around the world say otherwise

Not even remotely. There's a reason all movies use green for power (when they're not using the sun - gold), and that's because it's the color of compassion.

You guys are supposed to be meme magicians and still don't know the basics of colors. C'mon, take the medicine from the poison. That's the challenge of this age.

Or, maybe, it's because I would like to have children. I didn't realize that the biological imperative of procreation is now considered "transphobic."

It's 40% attempt suicide, not actually die, and that statistic is grossly overexagerrated

>y chromosomes have nothing to do with a conversation about gender
One day you're going to wake up and look in a mirror and realize that you've been living a joke of a life. That you are not a woman and never could be a woman and that you've ruined your body and your life by trying to be something that you aren't. At that moment you will pick up the razor blade and open your arteries, or maybe it'll be the pill bottle. Regardless you will die by your own hand because you just couldn't accept the immutable truth of biology.

When you have this lightbulb moment leading up to your suicide, I want you to remember this post.

Oh please please please let this become the dominant thought among Libs. I would love nothing more than to throw this in the face of all the fags and queers and lezzies when we take away their right to marriage.

I hate jews. They made me think traps were all sexy. One day I meet a trap from online, was a big fat dude who looked nothing like a chick, wanted to drive off but it was too late, he ended up sucking my dick. I couldn't get hard to save my life but ended up blowing in his mouth soft (They really are better at giving head than chicks) drop him off and feel disgusted. I shower once i gey home vleabing my divk 20 times. He messages me to blow me again and I never respond. I feel like such a faggot, but atleast I know I'm not actually gay

This is a step backward from that. This is telling straight men they have to fuck trannies that still have a dick. It's transphobic to not fuck them in the ass if they want it.

I dunno user, I disagree with it's argument but think about it... are traps and trannys as crazy as real women?

There inbred pedophile degenerates

Keep trying Ahmed

Youre in luck!

That will happen in time.

You deserve whatever happens to you if you lead a man on without telling him the truth

If i cut my dick off and sew it onto my forehead does that me a eunichorn?

At some point in the future we will be vindicated and people will be embarassed they ever tolerated this shit. They'll deny they were ever into it like when all fads end.

>t. semite desertcuck
literally half the Germanic Stories about gods involve homosexuality, not to mention how prevalent it was in Greco-Latin culture. Go read for 5 minutes and you see it. Fucking another man wasn't seen as feminine at all, and it basically stopped once desert Jews said it was immoral.

No you are actually gay faggot

So are a good portion of the people here...

Homosexuality is the result of child sexual abuse.


you should find a fire and stand in it.

you need to turn this into a meme or if I ever stop being lazy I will steal it

No im not. I couldnt get hard and felt so disgusted and never did it again. It was a lesson learned thing.

>As a low test beta man with a stabbed-up dick I...


yup yup yup

Well... Chromosomes actually are part of the conversation. If it effects a person's sexual market value it's not something we can just dismiss as a nonfactor.

TransWomen cannot have children of their own for one, and that's a big deal for people who are getting on with life.

>I hate liberals more every single day.
Why do liberals frighten you into soiling yourself? What is it liberals do that make you shit your skirts? Why do they terrify you so much? Why do you have hot streams of steaming piss running down your girly legs every time someone mentions "liberals"?

Red pill: We know all of these memes are invented, not real.

I don't even like anal sex with women how am I supposed to get turned on by some crazy mans shit hole

Hate is how they divide us and keep us in control.

So either your are a deep state shill or a deep state minion projecting what the deep state wants.

> Which is it op? Which are (you).

>Fucking another man wasn't seen as feminine at all

Just like in prison.

>maybe you're not a faggot because of society and not because of innate biological urges that exist to propagate our species

They make themselves look more and more retarded as the days go by.
This is why Trump won.


> "Go against your innate biological urges, or you're sexist."

Traps are still gay right?
Press 1 for yes

That's one of the more sensible things I have heard them say actually

The Islamophobe criticizes the marriage of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and a alleged pre-teen Aisha not because it is opposed to pedophilia but because it envies the prophet because he had sex with a pre-teen.

>my argument
>posts opinion

not an argument

>Hate is how they divide us and keep us in control
That doesn't make sense.

the "men are for pleasure, women are for reproduction," was pretty much a universally agreed upon thing in classical age Europe. (no birth control, and no have 90 kids and live in poverty dogma)

I'm losing track of all these made up words.

He didn't say he's afraid of them, he said he hates them. Learn to read, libshit.

Women with penises inside of them? Is that what this degenerate means by "women with penises"?

its just a real shame that you are probably gonna commit suicide, i dont hate you i just feel bad for you.