My friend want to suicide what should I tell him to

His gf betrayed him

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Not worth it to kill yourself over a wench, no matter who is in question.


Also but they'll probably tell you to tell him to khms

I usually go with something like "you'll be dead soon enough anyway man, trust me. stop being a pussy faggot and in a few days or weeks you'll be over it."

you should soduku both because how dumb you seem

Not over a woman.


God looks down on suicide

Or if he's not religious

Don't end your life over temporary suffering

no one male or female is worth killing yourself over

How did she betray him? Infidelity?
Tell him to kill her instead. Then he can either kill himself afterward or go to jail and get out on probation in 5-10 years.

Killing yourself over a woman is just about the pussiest thing you can do.

it's actually pronounced Seppuku, and it's a honored Japanese tradition

baka ganjin!!!! lmao

Tell him that life is about overcoming challenges to make you a stronger person. Suffering is like a work out to strengthen your character. Your friend needs to overcome the challenge of his negative feelings. Plus, reincarnation is most likely the outcome of death. If your friend couldn't overcome the challenges of a cushy first world life, then he might reincarnate as a crippled beggar in a shithole to teach him a lesson.

Suduko yourself

No chick is ever worth suicide.
Do something good for your family or community.
I like to help people.
It really does wonders for your life.

If you want to save his life or at least help deter him from kys.
Drugs, fun and then fix it so he bangs another woman.
Pay for it, it costs no more than 2 rounds of drinks.
This creates a different situation where
A) he can't go back to exactly how it was before because of his own actions not hers. He won't feel so justifiably innocent, pure and hurt.
B) help him see there are futures that include women. She's not the only one.

I'm presuming a lot here, without info I have to, but you get the picture.
I've been there. It really fucks you up so bad the only thing that compares to it for horrors is grief.

Call him a coward and call emergency services.

get him an asian hooker.

tell him to kill his gf too

Just let him deal with it by himself, don't get dragged into things that are of no concern to you. That's an issue he has to process by himself, otherwise there is no value. Most you can do is call him to some places with friends, that would help the most.

this needs to be a regular meme

"sudoku yourself, faggot"

lol no tell that delicate flower to go to the gym

Eh, it could be worse

At least his gf didn't cheat on him with his best friend then most of his friends left him
Or at least let him look on that bright side that she betrayed him before he married with her, so he at least got spared by not being robbed through divorce

Just be with him, try to cheer him up, get drunk with him and he should settle this by himself in a matter of months.
You can't just save him, because he is a man and if you cared too much about him it would make him more depressed, because it would make him less of a man and more of a pussy

Even if he kills himself, you wouldn't be to blame, because you tried to help him. It is impossible to save everyone

I'm subsequently with the Polski on this one.

If he is coming to you, a friend, and tripping you out with talk of his own suicide, imagine what he put the girl through emotionally whom he was intimate with.
While you should rightly be concerned you should just steer him to get professional help and not let him drop this emotional atom bomb into your life. He needs therapy but should not be coming to you for it.

Tell him suicide is actually a selfish decision. Everyone he leaves behind, including people he didn't think care about him will be sad including you. His parents will be sad forever. Also it will be expensive, cleaning up after his body, having a proper funeral, all that costs money.

if there was a suicide for every woman that betrayed a man.. there would be no men left.

tell him to go buy some rope..not to hang himself.. but to learn bondage. He'll get to inflict pain on women and fill his needs for vindication after being hurt. plus women are all about being tied up right now.. gotta get on the meme if you want your dick wet.

Tell him to do it pussy

That's such a pointless thing to kill yourself over. Suicide should only be an option when your life is a ruin with no hope of getting better. Like incurable cancer or some shit.
Tell him he's being a faggot

Tell him to do it, but only if he's willing to be creative about it. Like go sky diving an not open his shoot and aim for a flag pole or the middle of an elementary school soccer field.

>Killing yourself over a woman

Even pic related is more alpha than this dude

>continue living in misery and suffering crippling emotional pain so you don't inconvenience other people