Mark Levin

Thoughts on Mark Levin? I really enjoy his radio show, have read 2 of his books and am midway through pic related.

Is he /ourguy/? I think he is.

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Literal cuck, muh fiance's son works for Cruz. Trump sucks.

Yes he's /ourguy/ goy.

Muh-ark le-VIN

"Ya big dope!"

Oh, almost forgot (((Levin)))
Buy muh dog book
Buy muh tv show
Buy muh other book
Still have copies of muh other book by my dead dad.

Anyone have a substantive opinion about what he talks about on the show or is this gonna be typical Sup Forums memeing about his religion? Or is it also gonna be redditors upset he didn't support their god emperor from the start but now supports him?

>Opinions I don't like are devoid of substance.

Talk about Levin but don't bring up anything about his background or his recent actions.

He would have been hounding the fuck out of everyone if Trump had lost and would be the biggest "see I told you to vote for the rat" guy out there. Out of touch with why people voted for Trump. Typical "better than thou" conservative attitude like a lot of conservatives who don't like Trump. Runs way too many commercials for his radio show, Rush runs less commercial breaks. Has terrible screeners for his show, lets trash get on the radio then complains about the quality of his callers. The literal second Trump does something that doesn't 100% line up with his "return to the before time in the long long ago" worldview he jumps all over him. But when Trump does things that are exactly what he wants all he does is give halfhearted praise. Even though he is frustrated with the republitards in congress at their spinelessness, he is the reason they get elected since the values he puts out there are so easily ascribed to; muh support Isreal. Muh ban gay marriage. Muh abortion. Muh founding fathers. And because of him and his ilk is why we had Bush, one of the most progressive republican presidents in history. Has a good grasp on legal knowledge though and knows how the courts work I'll give him that.

You have to go back

>devoid of substance repsonse.

Does he talk about commies and how parasitic and disgusting they are--like insects?

If not, I can already see this is going to be a waste of my neural activity. I'd have more fun getting drunk.

Perhaps that's why the countries who've been actively oppressed by communism have the highest rates of alcoholism.

He's definitely 'our guy' for the half of pol that digs on freedom and individual liberties.

The other half of pol is national socialist, and can't get past the fact that he's a joo. For them, he's just part of the Pentaverate's controlled opposition.

Wasn't he a never-trumper?

Shhh we're not supposed to talk about that ITT. OP said so.

The guy is a pro isreali, pro neocon, shill.
He does have some good views on classical liberalism and federalism, but he is in no way /ourguy/

Well he is a jew, so dont ever really trust the guy, he believes any1 who believes 911 was allowed to happen or was a inside job is scum of the earth. He simply will never recognize Israel or Jews as being behind anything nefarious. Honestly in the end he will want war with Iran, fuck (((Him))).

>Too many commercials
I listen to a podcast release of his radio program so I don't get commercials, but I agree that that can be annoying, Alex Jones has the same problem

>Half-hearted praise
I personally like that he doesn't just blindly agree with everything Trump does, and I think his criticisms are often pretty fair

>Out of touch with why people voted Trump.
I disagree, I think he is in touch with most the reasons, and does a good job explaining why the people were so fed up with the system as it was.
This sort of bleeds in to the
>Muh founders
Point you brought up. I don't think people recognize how far from the founding principles our government has gone. He does a good job illustrating why their ideas, and the philosophers behind them, are so important to remember.
Thanks for taking the time to have a non-meme discussion about this by the way.

He would send your kids to fight Shia Muslims for Israel, Iran is not our fight period. He would also remove Assad, again how does this benefit anyone but JEWS.

Tugs, I think so. Plenty of pol came to Trump late (like me). Constitutional conservatives were best served by T. Cruz and S. Walker. Don't forget Trump is *not* a conservative; he's like a mouthy George Bush that adopted conservative principles pragmatically.** I don't think that ever went full Glenn Beck, though; ML just despised Trump's lack of restraint and lack of conservative credentials. Gorsuch shut people like Levin and me up pretty quickly.

**Although I say this, he's honoring every promise that he made.

>“It’s not the Fox News Channel. It’s the Fox Channel. And the Donald Trump Super PAC. This is insanity,” Levin said, referencing coverage of the Trump allegation on “The Five.”

>“They may be laughing today, but they are going to be rubbing their own faces in their own feces! I’ll tell you that after this general election. Because they have humiliated themselves,” he added.

>“We are going to get our asses kicked in the general election, ladies and gentlemen! That’s the trajectory! Maybe it will change, but likely it will not,” he said

His show is terrible. His voice is insufferable. He's a "conservative" Jew. Take that for what it's worth.

He's well studied but he's a jew, and no matter how conservative you are, no matter how much your views on America allign with his, if you make even the smallest slight against Israel you are in his enemy.

His loyalties are not to America, no matter how much he claims to love America.

>"There's been too much of this folks, way too much of this," Levin said. "The crap in the National Enquirer against Ted Cruz, the attacks on Michelle Fields, I mean, I can go right through the list, too much, too much, too much. At some point, you've got to stand up to it."

he's a fucking jew, you have to be retarded to listen to his shit

he supported Ted Cruz and joined the never trump movement right alongside all the other neocon boomer faggots

Go away. This is for the other half of pol that analyzes ideas and not bloodlines - except black people, those things have to go back.

Jews belong in ovens.

He's a filthy jew and controlled opposition. You will not poison MY mind with that jewish garbage.

Excellent analysis - notwithstanding that it disagrees with his own. Counterpoint re: halfhearted praise: it's probably because he sees Trump the way that I do, as someone who is implementing conservatism because of the void left by no popular conservatives and he agreed that he would implement conservatism. I don't think that Trump has a conservative core.

Having said that, Trump has exceeded all expectations; perhaps even to the extent to prove me wrong. We'll see how many regulations he cuts...

>never Trump, never Trump, never Trump
>Trump wins; "yay Trump"

ALL kikes are self serving sell outs.

I bought CRTV to watch Crowder, but I have found Levin to be quite good. There are somethings I don't always agree with him on, but I tend to give him credit due to his experience working as chief of staff for Edwin Meese.

He has some interesting insight, and has broken a few stories himself such as the FISA courts and Obama wiretapping thing a few months back.

I probably won't buy his book, at least anytime soon, but I do find his regular show to be very informative and good at finding facts or angles that are typically hidden by the fake news machine.


I'd rather have him in our corner.

>I don't think that Trump has a conservative core.

That's true, but neither is kike (((Levin))). Since when is shilling for poopdick marriage and trannies "conservative"?

He was always a Cruz missile, but he wants Trump to succeed with conservative policies.

He doesn't hate him. He even interviewed him.

This is long winded but whatever. On the Founders. I think there are a lot of people that understand the founders, the intentions, the law, the way this country is supposed to work. However I think there is a growing "I don't give a fuck about the system, because the system doesn't give a fuck about me" attitude. We are super frustrated with washington. The liberals run that town. The republicans who give lip service to the founders and mascarade as conservatives are there because of how easy it is to draw votes simply by saying "I am for returning to how the founders intended etc etc." Nothing is changing. Obamacare is staying. They will say "oh well we tried" and next election cycle it will be "I am for what the founding fathers intended and conservative values". No they aren't. It's too easy a platform. There is no way to judge what you accomplish by standing on that. This is why we voted for Trump. Trump (and Obama frankly) had the balls to run on some sort of substance which was refreshing. Obama ran on giving free healthcare, Trump on repealing free healthcare, border wall, trade deals etc. So Mark Levin is not really helping anything by constantly harping on how holy the founding fathers were, we get it. They had balls and some good ideas. But we are here, and now. We have a system that is totally corrupt and filled with people who are in office because of "muh founders". It does us no good to hash and rehash what we already know (remember, he's preaching to the choir for the vast majority of his show). Democrats arent going to turn him on and go "oh wow an opposing viewpoint, I think I'll give it a listen." And the ones that do are few and far between. There is value in it, but its not what we need. The nation is suffering severe blood loss, Levin is offering a healthy diet and exercise. Trump is offering a emergency care.

Cuck/kike SAGED in all fields

His passion for classic liberalism and federalism are the main reasons I enjoy his program. I don't agree with everything he says, especially about Israel.

I like that he vehemently loves the constitution and the founders.
I don't like that he's ultra-jew/mega-pro-all-things-israel.
He's stuck in eternal-boomer land. He doesn't get what is happening right now. He thinks there is a resurgence of reagan-esque right instead of shitposting-fascist-nostalgia and anti-white-guilt/race-realism. He just doesn't get it. Not his fault.
His voice is fucking bizarre. I couldn't believe he looked the way he looked after listening to his show for a year until I saw his picture.

He's an old school conservative.


Wow! Thanks for the contribution! Now that I saw this unflattering picture of him I wont listen to his radio show anymore.

Uhhh. Excuse you.

Haha yeah dude he didn't like Trump so now he can never like him EVER! He's not as smart as us pedes man MAGA AWWOOOOO XD

Le substantive comeback.


The thing about Levin is he is an academic and isn't a sycophant for Trump. But when he defends Trump, he means it.

Mark Levin defends Don Jr.

>Look how ugly he looks haha loool XD

You have to go back

Again, I am BTFO by your substantive rebuttals.

I've listened to Levin since I was 14. I KNEW he was going to go for Cruz. Cruz is a constitutional lawyer.

Levin is a constitutional lawyer. Duh.

But in the end he endorsed Trump.

There is something fundamental wrong with someone who was that far off during the election. Trump may not have the constitution memorized, but the choice between him and Hillary was a no brainer. Especially when he didn't disclose his personal stake in Cruz. How can someone like that be trusted ever again?

He was fairly open with his support for Cruz as I recall, you're basically saying that if someone didn't think Trump would win (read: ~40% of Republican primary voters and all Democrat primary voters) that something is "wrong" with them. I don't think that's a fair assessment to make.

Dumb faggot shill, like the other trumpcucks on this board. Guys like him, Rush, hannity etc just prey on morons in flyover states for money while keeping them in a state of "victim mentality" which is why flyover america is currently a shithole.

It's really not so different than rappers & niggers; e.g. rapping about thugs and gangs etc for profit while perpetuating victimhood.

Supporting Cruz, I get. Going full retard and declaring yourself a never trumper is something else.

That was before the nomination.

The primaries were brutal. Levin actually discussed being NeverTrump.

But he endorsed Trump in the end.

He flip flopped on his "never" at the last minute. Core principles BTFO.

>look at this jew, he's fucking based, right? #/ourguy/
kill yourself

>Jill Stein
>Hillary Clinton
>Gary Johnson

>Donald Trump

That's a real nail-biter for who to vote for, isn't it.

Another neocon Jew promoting muh Constitution and some weird way promoting Israel.

I'll pass.

I wish someday the GOP will leave it's Jewish cocksucking policies and move towards a party for white Americans instead of shlomos and Rubios. The tides our turning though.

Shhh! Don't talk about his religion! Good goy!

Yeah I remember that. I also remember him saying fuck it like three days later and then continuing to decimate liberals as he has always done.

The election is over, his defenses of Trump are very honest and thorough, ok so he didn't like him during the primary, I don't care now. I still believe his analysis and commentary is valuable even though he and I backed a different horse.

wtf I hate principled stands now.


Nice fucking try but it isn't "victim mentality" ushering in hordes of illegal beaners and printing infinity h1bs to take jobs away from the midwest and third generation Americans that have paid taxes into the system the whole time.

It's not "victim mentality" making sure any new pipeline or industry is crushed to death because it endangers Chief Spotted Newt Fuckslittle or offends the sensibilities of some leftist journo bitch sitting on in a coastal city coast imaging what a flyover state looks like from the ground while lance and bruce sip champagne from her shoe.

>Jewry is about religion

>He was fairly open with his support for Cruz as I recall,
He never told his audience he had relatives working for the Cruz campaign.

That's just bait to make it easier to convince you to support wars for Israel when the time is ripe.

Ah I didn't know about this, though it's not like he controls what his family does. I don't think that influences his opinions even if he should have disclosed that.

I absolutely love this man and what he stands for. I would take a bullet for him.
And I mean it!

Totally /ourguy/. He's even kind of dumb like us.

I love.

The way.

He often pauses.

Midsentence. Almost as if.

He needs time.

To think.




Or should I call them Demoncrats?





Many years ago.

But let's move on.

How is that relevant?

Levin calls Trump out when he does something wrong, and defends and praises him when he does something right.




Agreed and I would add Reagan to that. Levin wistfully pines for the good old days of Reagan at the drop of a hat. I used to listen to him for years but less and less from 2014 on and pretty much not at all since after Trump got the nomination and he was still sore over Cruz losing out. He knows his shit but pretending if only we could go back to 1980 things would be a paradise isn't particularly useful. That was tried with the tea party movement during the Obama years and what did we get in office? 90% sellouts and neocons. The populist wave the Trump ushered in at least has a chance to actually accomplish something but Levin is vehemently against populism. For now I'm not sure he offers anything more than a history lesson and a few good ideas about the courts.

>cries like a little bitch victim
>i-i-its n-not victim mentality!

Kill yourself you effeminate little faggot.

He's a filthy kike. Call his show and ask him about the USS Liberty. He will side w/ Israel over the U.S. always.


Too much of a kike.

Yes but he's not as dumb as Glenn Beck.