Racist Trump supporter fined $5,000 and must attend Asian-American studies course

>Tami Barker cancelled Dyne Suh’s booking, telling her in a message: "One word says it all. Asian.”
>Later, she added: “I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners” and “It’s why we have Trump”.


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you have to be completely out of your fucking mind to let some stranger squat in your home when you're gone. of all the trendy things now, this airbnb is the most baffling to me.

Racist and sexist much?

Fined $5000 by who? Why should she pay?

are you serious?

why mention the Trump supporter part

>The fine was imposed due to a new agreement between AirBnB and California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).

Read the fucking article ffs. It's the third sentence in.

The fine is unconstitutional.

It explains her reasoning for not renting to "foreigners".

> “I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners... It’s why we have Trump”.

>single white woman hates Asian women

I'm shocked.

yes, both. but let's be serious. uber creeps me out a little. but this airbnb is just insane. we are told as kids to not trust strangers, and then we grow up and think the strangers have changed but they're still the same strangers and the advice is solid. i'll never understand airbnb

being this new

Yes Sir.

>Make agreement
>renege on agreement because "lol fuck you slopey"

>Get fined for violating an agreement.

And people wonder why we laugh at Ancaps.

did you just fucking assume xir's gender?

to score points from liberals. maybe she's hoping they'll start a gofundme for her suffering

>must undergo re-education

This whole fucking thing was a sham, but it happened in commiefornia. Bullshit is the law of the land there, should've moved to a state where you actually have rights as a citizen and property owner.

Freedom of association has been ignored since the 60's

It's not for free you shithead. It's literally le free market letting everyone have a chance to make some side money renting out a room or house

To add to this, I hope the owner challenges this further and takes it up with a higher court. So many commiefornia laws are unconstitutional.

this doesn't tell the whole story
quick rundown
>Asian lady books for just here
>later tries to get another family to join here
>host says no it's a 2 person rental
>Asian bitch flips her shit
>stereotypical of Asian
not even racist

If you own the property but don't live there, why wouldn't you do it?

Are you literally too poor to understand economics? Do you not own more than one property?

I'm Asian and this white woman sounds like a cunt. I hope she gets sued for this and driven into bankrupcy for dissing Asians.

spotted the 15 year old that has absolutely no idea about law

“If you think 4 people and 2 dogs ate getting a room fir $50 a night on big bear mountain during the busiest weekend of the year ..… You are insanely high,” the host texted her, according to Suh’s screenshots of the exchange. The host, identified as “Tami” in the images, also called Suh “a con artist” and canceled the reservation.

Suh said she was shocked, then protested, telling the host that she had screenshots of their earlier messages showing she had agreed to the reservation changes.

This is from the original WaPo article below but there is no screenshots of the pre-agreed arrangement for two extra people but plenty of screenshots of the abusive part.
Why if you're so racist you won't rent to asians rent to someone you can clearly see is asian then turn them down for that fact?



Remember to archive

Businesses can't legally discriminate by race. That's the law of the land. If you disagree with the law, go through the legal or legislative process to change it. Similar thing I tell to people who oppose deportation of illegal immigrants.

The cancellation fee for hosts is $100, not $5000, shekelberg.

>must attend brainwashing studies course

found the airbnb employee. i know it's not for free. i see where i wasn't clear, though, and why you got summoned. i didn't mean i have trouble believing the business exists. i have trouble believing there's a market for it.

fuck no. if you own the property but don't live there, this is called being a landlord. you rent it out on a lease - often yearly - with a person who is under a contract that favors you incredibly, deposits - and this is a person you've probably met and probably is something of a known quantity. this is much more value-added on your property, but hey, what do i know? i dont even understand "economics" hope you die bro

>literally le free market
only a millennial could think this

How do you figure, Ludwig?

>Wrongdoing on Asians(they're usually not a problem)
>Making Trump supporters look bad
>Not wrongdoing on niggers

it's pretty obvious you dont give a flying fuck about the people around you . kys

it's just companies chasing after the uber and lyft market.

next thing will be people renting out their wives for bbc.

fuck you chink

Tami should sue because that fine is illegal.

Also, the Chinese have no soul.

>you have to be completely out of your fucking mind to let some stranger squat in your home when you're gone. of all the trendy things now, this airbnb is the most baffling to me.

It's like cuckolding but for houses

I'd imagine it is but I guess she didn't fight it in court

Go home, Chong. America is not for your kind.


how exactly do you fine someone for this? can't she just quit bnb and tell them to fuck off?

around me? like if i was on vacation and my neighbor (who i know) asked me if his visiting relative or friend could squat? i'd probably still say no, but depending on my relationship with my neighbor, i'd remind them of the boyscout rule and might even ok it.

what i'm driving at is you absolutely are the one who must kill yourself if you're defining "people around you" to include strangers.

this is done on craigslist, i'm sure. you know what? and im going to drop this one here because im too busy. but you know how many boats rot? there's a licensing issue and you're open to boating accidents, but you could make an airbnb but for boats that are just tax hell sitting in harbors or in storage. most people dont ever use them

Her legal fees is going to be more than 5000, and what if she doesn't win...

All of it is unconstitutional.

>cool soviet laws

I wonder how many of these Air BnB places have hidden cameras. I would never use that service and don't see why anyone does.

us Asian don't fuck around. we are a lot smarter than you inferior Whites. if you piss us off, we are smart enough to sue your ass into the ground and make you pay for life.

>Hating asians
I get hating blacks and latinos, but why asians tho?

Then she will have fought the good fight and stood up for justice against tyranny and oppression.


Fucking figures.

I read this story, this gook booked it on airbnb then when she was like 20 minutes away she's like "o, and 3 of my friends are coming too."
Seems like a gook move to me

I like how weebs on Sup Forums pretend gooks' shit doesn't stink.

The last time whites got genuinely mad at Asians, we invented new weapons capable of destroying the planet and exterminating all life. And you really want to fuck with us? Just fuck off back home and go back to eating dogs and buried rotten eggs.

she didn't discriminate. the asian lady violated the agreement

>muh freemarkets!
God i wish you libertarians just disappeared in the middle of the night.

chinese tourists are legit trash tier.

Discrimination is not a crime.


I thought Sup Forums said Jews weren't white.


this fuckin leaf went full sjw

Not a weeb, asian americans don't seems to fuck things up like other races.

This is stupid. I have and AirBnB and refuse non-whites all the fucking time.

You simply have to not say this is for this specific reason. They can't blame you if you do not admit.

all you got to do is keep your mouth shut and you can discriminate anytime. My employer doesn't hire anyone but whites, but he's not over her saying "we're not hiring you because you're a nigger".

Asians are whiny SJWs and have hopped aboard the anti-white hate genocide train in a HUGE way. Asians are actually quite a huge danger because unlike the other races they are cunning. They seek to replace the white man as the jews new top goy

you also think pol is one person.
shows how much you know

Jews didn't do it, they just stole the credit.

And then they stole the bomb and gave it to the russians.

yea my boss does the same thing.

I've stayed at two while traveling in areas where the hotel cost was too damn high to justify. One was a really, really fancy lakefront place that was dirt cheap because the owner was a real estate agent who couldn't sell it and decided to buy it herself to rent out rooms. The other was a poor-ass Asian family in Queens who were struggling to make ends meet.

Kevin Kish here. The Department of Discrimination. See you in court, you racist scum. Expect to take some courses on asian-americans as your punishment.

>Jews didn't do it

Are you stupid? I'm not even talking about Oppenheimer. This is the real creator of the atom bomb:


who da faq is that.
Nigger i don't care

Tami is probably just dumb, the fine is issued

>due to a new agreement between AirBnB and California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).

which likely means that the fine is imposed by the state DFEH on Airbnb, rather than on Tami. However, the contract between Tami and Airbnb probably stipulates that if Airbnb is fined by the state due to the actions by a person renting their space to others on the platform, the person who committed the violation must reimburse Airbnb for the fine. If she agreed in the contract to a reimbursement like this, she's probably screwed; if not, she can probably sue.

This fine doesn't come from the federal Civil Rights Act, because there is an exemption in that law that allows discrimination in renting and innkeeping if you have three or less rooms available for rent.



Accept a booking in advance from someone called Dyne Suh

>hur dur won't have any Asians in my house you better fly all the way back home

How can you be so retarded and inconsiderate?

Obviously a phony. He stole the secrets of white physics and took credit for the work of others. It's just a shame he was spared the ovens.

Go back to kikebook. You're literally inferior and don't belong here.

Maybe they thought Suh was a black last name. Like this guy for example.

Live in Houston , Texas southwest part of town is gook central . Fucking gooks always trying to scam whites , rent apartment it becomes little Vietnam with 10 instead of two on lease . Have to spend time and money to evict them , they cry racism every time . City jumps on ass tries to fine me have to prove GOOKS R liars every time . Niggers and Spics do the same fuck hate them all . Needless to say JEW lawyers to willingly to help gooks, spics and niggers bunch of ACLU cunts .

You can make loads more money with Airbnb than leasing for year at a time


Billy Bob? Is that you?


well i'd hope so, because you're exposed to a ridiculous amount of additional risk

This was the cunt who decided to invite bring extra people and only told the owners at the last second. Then she acted all bitchy and offended when they told he to fuck off.

She wasn't refused for being Asian. She was refused for trying to change the agreement at the last minute. The owners should have just kept their mouth shut.

What an eloquent reply.

Discrimination on the basis of national origin is prohibited by the constitution. It may not be a crime, but it can - and is - prohibited by various state and federal laws. Learn how your government works and how it stands for before you claim you know what is good for it.

one anecdote. But still, I am a nationalist and I am white. So get it straight. You enjoy your commie fucky country and we will enjoy our countries thanks.
We dont need your frozen dim-sim street-dog meat.

Manufactured controversy. Nothing to see here.

they added 2 people to the reservation last minute and wouldn't pay for it so the host did nothing wrong.

very typical of asians to pull shit like this so it's stereotypical at best but not racist.

No. The defense lawyer, Edward Lee, should have taken this to the Supreme Court. Violation of Freedom.

>Was entirely in the right if she broke her agreement and brining extra people to cheat the system
>Woman brought race into it and now they crucified her for wrong think

We are on our way to becoming thought police for SJWs

she didn't discriminate based on race. the asian girl tried to add 2 people last minute and wouldn't pay. she was trying to break the rental agreement and the other girl had a right to cancel anyway for a fee.

Once more of these online companies come out and property owners put their properties up, it'll drive down hotel pricing significantly once it's over saturated.

This is actually a good thing. Both for tourism for yourself, and tourism for your country. Hotel prices are ridiculous right now.

The first amendment states freedom of discrimination.

hate speech is protected, threatening speech is not

Found the commie.

Oy vey. Freedom is prohibited in the constitution.

The controversy is the entire legal apparatus.

I always thought the re-education camps in USA was just a movie meme for plot.