Why not start the Fourth Reich in the Midwest?

Why not start the Fourth Reich in the Midwest?

>majority germanic heritage
>family values
>90%+ white states
>high IQ
>tallest in the Union

IA, MN, SD, ND, NE, KS, MO, WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, WV, KT, WY, CO, OK and MI

Things we need
>coat of arms
>national anthem
>Which city should we purge first
>after we purge all the cities which one should be our capital
>how should we get our secession movement going?
>an agenda for the secession movement

>itt obese larpers

Are we going to reform the Iron Brigade?

>lots of Niggers
>In economic decline
>full of uneducated trump supporters- all they are is mob

Annex the South, we will fight for you


MN is beyond saving

lol The thing Hitler did wrong was not kill all the Jews

Those states are too white to be Southern, Real southern states are filled with niggers.

C-can Idaho join?

i really hope youre joking....

Fuck off jews are the scum of the earth pic related is what they've done to our boys.

if we do midwexit we need to keep circumcision and take it from the jews

Purge Chicago first, followed by Detroit.

Any Hoosier bros on? 812 checking in.

purge chicago, detroity, madison, flint, and clear rapids. Exactly in that order.

We need to ban it it's nothing more than a medical scam.

today we will remind them

Capital Locations:
>Eau Claire WI
>Cedar Rapids IA.
North Berkley (Madison) and Chiraq (Chicago) are god awful locations do to the large population of rich east coast college students and SoCal transplants.... and great mistakes is near chitown fyi

literally minneapolis and madison are the only blacked regions but they hold the most population. Don't base a state off it's capitals.


Jews play both sides in elections.

Eau Claire's a nice town and all, but it's a college town and full of fucking liberals and commies. Like, fuck. I vote for Cedar Rapids.

This will help...

I want to secure the white race in the US but I dont want an anglo wife, I want an Iberian... Wat do

Should we make some redpilled memes and put #midwexit on them and put them on twitter?

You know that circumcision is a healthy thing right? Better to be circumcised than uncircumcised

Same. All in favor for Cedar Rapids as the capital type "Aye"

You're talking to a Wisconsinite here, nigger. I meant that WI and MN are both conservative, but have huge liberal cities.

lol someone should get that trending

how do you explain the failure that is iowa?

i remember my first red pill

Fuck off, Kike

No it's not stop believing in that bullshit. The kikes scammed your parents into giving up over half of your penis sensitivity so they can put it in their cream.

I thought pretty everything below Tomah was the liberals are at?

Aye. If I can propose a new capital, however, northern WI would work. WI is the most midwest midwestern state. Somewhere along the great lakes.

Correction. The Twin Cities are beyond saving. Rest of the state is fine minus the Iron Range which can be saved fairly easily with a little bit of work.

Raze Minneapolis though.

As long as it's from Europe, I'm fine with it. No mixed Amerindian filth.

>let's go live in the midwest

well how about like, no

when i have enough money i'm moving to vermont because it is white. I don't care if it is overwhelmingly liberal, it is almost snow pure white

Can I import a wife from spain and then when the US doesnt need more whites leave to spain with family?

we're not asking people to move here, we're securing our master genetics

Yes, Midwest needs borders against spics and nigs before its too late.

This is bait, but you're still a filthy kike

I wonder why W! is always forgotten about? As for nothern WI how about Hayward or Appleton?

Minnesota here.

No Jew touched my cock. I think it's mostly the Scandanavicucks that fall for Dr. Schekelsteins little pecker shekel scheme.

>Midwest needs borders against spics and nigs before its too late
Bitch I live in St. Louis it's been too late for fifty years

(((They))) fear the midwesterner

I call for Lincoln Nebraska to be our capital

That flag is terrible

You could make Chicago your capital, kek.

>I live in St. Louis
Get outta here ya Dixiefag!

Appleton is a bretty good place. I don't know much about it, but I had a nice burger and beer there once on a road trip. I'm thinking more like up north, though.

>one of if not the most degenerate place in North America
>in the fourth reich

He's 100% right

Thats why I was thinking of Hayward because they have the international lumberjack championships there and redneck paradise! that would be perfect for the capital

Nothing a cleansing fire in Minneapolis couldn't fix.

Daily reminder that we have one of the highest standard of living in the world (and the States at that).

There's a reason why we are the best in the Midwest.

Now imagine how much better we could be if liberals weren't importing Low IQ brown people and giving them our tax dollars.

the only thing you have going for you is a fucking mall

I won't fall for your tricks, shekelstein. Move to illinois before you're completely blacked.

No it's not

Typical dumb AmeriFat who's too lazy to wash his duck with soap so would rather have the Jews mutilate it

Wisconsin is literally Minnesota but worse in every measurable way.

I do enjoy vacationing in Door County though. Only shame is I have to drive through Green Bay to get there.

>majority germanic heritage
>family values
>90%+ white states
>high IQ
>tallest in the Union
also no warm water port access...

>40k from going red

Nice LARP fantasy

>rural and suburban retard states are so irrelevant that they bond together to make a country so they can be come relevant
Lol @ your lives

wisconsin doesn't have a shitty accent though

most people in the cities have literally moved from wisconsin

your argument is shit

>move to a black state to avoid blacks
>ill eh no way education

>I do enjoy vacationing in Door County though

Get out

Ignore him he's just making us look bad.


theres enough snakes in that city already
love the place though

>175 lbs
>Full ride through college

Guess the only thing I can't prove it if I'm ugly or not, sorry user.

They also don't have "Minnesota Nice" aka Canadian smug

Minnesota is libtard SJW central. They elected that cuck Al Franken. Good luck with red pilling those people.

Yes we have a big mall along with having one of the highest standards of living in the world.

The Mall is okay. Would be better if it had a Brooks Brothers in it so I wouldn't have to drive down to the belly of the beast and rant about cleansing fires everytime I want to buy clothes.

>Al Franken

According to the democratic party of MN, he is going to run 2020.

Comfy livings in Iowa. The heart of the Fourth Reich


this is a compfortable larp thread, nice job op

>comfortable larp thread

It is Midwest....

sorry lad, that is Southern territory

Top Ruski tovarich.

I unironically support midwexit.

Yeah but we have the native reservation that would have to be wiped out and we would need more infrastructure as time goes on
T.Hayward user

stop jerking off, and you'll lose you Iberian fetish. Problem solved, no Moorish rape baby

Ohio fag checking in. Would support.

Iowa didn't want their voting records audited and has slight liberal leanings. Guess they don't realize a good thing until they lose it.

Still get in touch with the Minnesota altright men on the daily stormer book club. It may be beyond saving, but at least we will be safer and have a better, more meaningful survival if we are groups rather than individuals.

>including philadelphia and fucking toronto but excluding utah and idaho

By all means Nazicucks, secede from the union. We'd all be far better off without your whiny asses.

Missouri is Dixie you tard

>shitty accent

The accent is by far one of our best qualities in addition to

aka Extreme Passive Aggressiveness

Sorry, been going there since longer than you have been alive. What city do you live in?

How to fix Minnesota:

Remove Lutherans
Remove Scandinavians
Remove all the Ethnic People the liberals imported
Send the Gimme Dats back to Chicago

I'm perfectly fine with Wisconsins staying as long as they don't wear those God awful cheese helmets.

Have fun turning into a third world shithole without us.

Disgusting. Get those shitty stars off beautiful Russian flag.


Fuck the midwest.

>what is the St.Lawrence Seaway

do you midwest fags realize y'alls states aren't even red pilled?

Fuck you too nigger

hes feelin froggy



You voted for freeing the niggers, cuck.

>highest IQ