What does Sup Forums think about brother Nathanael?

What does Sup Forums think about brother Nathanael?
The pure blood Jew who practices Christianity and hasted his own kind, exposes de Talmud, despises the new world order and calls (((them))) out all the time.
Redpilled? Controlled opposition? Discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:


He says some crazy shit. I think he is ok.

>The Jew who controls America
>Why I left Judaism

Some background for those who are interested.

How does this guy even live without "killing himself" or "having a heart attack"? Seriously, for his age his must hold the record of the person who has lived the most in modern times while talking against them.

I love him, but I think he's too obsessed with hating Jews.

this too

But yeah, who knows, it baffles me that his account hasn't even been taking down by YouTube in 4 years, he has videos of more than 1mil and none of them has been even blocked.
This guy to me is just rather hard to believe, not what he says, I agree on most, but his life as a whole, just seems like a miracle.

>Implying that's a bad thing

he is giving me some orthodox christian vibes
which could make him the only proper priest over there

My fav:


>ywn share some a dark monk beer with bestbro nathanael

Read the protocols.

I find him entertaining though, we'll send him to the camps last.

>Using the happy merchant in real life as a way to avoid being steal or betrayed

Modern day equivalent of St. Paul

Fucking this, right here. This is what we need.

Could be made very easily with machine learning and a training set of kike pics.

I can't afford it but I would probably steal it if it existed.

This is gold

This thread and all these cucked BASED KIKE reddit tier responses proves that you shit skin shills just want everyone to follow your shit skin derived religion and care about it more than race

>T.people invented literature and written word because they were too stupid to remember everything

Varg poster get the fuck out of my thread.

Your religion was invented by shit skins, my religion was invented by the supreme European race

The shit skin shills on Sup Forums don't want you to know that all WN organizations are pro-pagan and use pagan symbols

What the fuck is he about to battle with some vampires or some shit with his 15 crucifixes

>> your religion hasnt been practiced in 1000 years and was made up recently by outcast of European society- like Varg.

Haven't you heard of the inter-dimentional pedophile vampires?

Even if that was the case, that Varg invented Wotanism, it's better to follow the words of a white man then trust a book written by shit skins
Nothing is more cucked than being a shit skin loving Christian

Varg how much does your book cost?


> it's better to follow the words of a white man
White people invented liberalism and homosexuality. Guess we all better become SJW faggots then, right? Since being an SJW faggot is the whitest thing there is. (Aside from a ski instructor.)

I'm not Varg but I got his book SORCERY AND RELIGION IN ANCIENT SCANDINAVIA for about 20 dollars

>anti-white propaganda and lies to justify christcuckianity

Sorry, that's 20 dollars more than the Bible is around here. And I'm poor, like, really poor.

Guess the past 2000 years of European history and all the white men that made that history were cucks. Good argument, user.

evangelists can hop into the oven with everyone else as far as im concerned

He used to live and preach near where I lived in Boston. He also studied at the local Orthodox seminary I went to with my church school. I hear he signed up with some more radical Orthodox offshoot out west.

He's mentally unsound. He's very bigoted and close minded too. I pray for his health and sanity.

>implying people that molest kids aren't draining their souls by stealing their innocence

Honestly, I don't think Jones is that far off calling these people vampires and demons. Evil people are taking away the spiritual energy of these kids, feeding on them like vampires.

>Vlad Dracul, The son of the devil/dragon

Learn history. He denounced Christianity


From the depths of the Carpathians
a tyrant whose family was tortured and bled
by foreign invaders
In 1453 when the final christian stronghold fell
their presence was obliterated by the wolf of carpathia
Come 1456 his tyranny reigned
those who disobeyed him got no mercy
infants impaled through there own mother's chests
the rotting forests of impaled corpses
decaying for months as a warning

As the turkish dogs attacked his keep
his ivory goddess flung herself landing deep
into the river where her body slowly sunk to the bottom
her last breath taken in beautiful suicide
condemned to purgatory for eternity

The impaler takes his revenge
renouncing the cross and drinking the sacrament of eternity
burning these muslim rats alive
taking their life force
immortal and proud
drowning the white light

This... is incredible. Is he /ourguy/?

Is he Jewish? He looks like a dirty Jew

Here, watch the second one.

Your story checks out. But your opinion is unsound desu. I wonder who is behind this post.

>He used to live and preach near where I lived in Boston. He also studied at the local Orthodox seminary I went to with my church school. I hear he signed up with some more radical Orthodox offshoot out west.
>He's mentally unsound. He's very bigoted and close minded too. I pray for his health and sanity.


He lives in my state.
I think I might try to visit him someday.

i like him

Brother Nathanael is a righteous man.


I have read biographies on Vlad. The only thing that is in doubt with regards to his religion os whether his was Catholic or Orthodox. Dracula does mean "son of the dragon"- Because his dad was put in the "order of the dragon " by the pope as a reward for his service to the church for turk killing.
Seriously you need to learn history.
>> Have fun LARPing

He is orthodox nigga

He's the best Jew since Bobby Fischer who, in his own turn, was the best Jew since Stanley Jewbrick.

Starting with Jesus; every now and then the lord gifts us with a based Jew, it's a rare occurrence but a good one.

Just calling to see if you want to buy the MYFAROG expansion pack.

His name translated to dragon and devil because both of those words mean the same thing. The dragon has always been synonymous with demon or devil
Ordo Dracul was an occult order
Satans deepest and most ancient origins are as a dragon, the dragon is the spirit, which is the ascended serpent. The serpent symbol in the bible is the damned dragon by ''god'' to crawl on it's belly, and symbolic of the soul, while the dragon is symbolic of the ascended sprit of Lucifer
All Satans most deepest origins are dragons
I.e Tiamat and the wargod born from her draconian blood Kingu and his11 demons of Chaos corresponding to Satan and the 11 qliffotic shells and demons
There is nothing more anti-christian than the devil
His name means son of the devil and his family were known for being occultist, like his relative Elizabeth Bathory who bathed in virgin blood, which is an occult vampiric practice

Vlad Dracul was also a known drinker of blood, an occult practice which is done to absorb life force

Christcucks don't realize that pretty much every elite throughout history was some kind of occultist, but there are many allegiances within occultism. Even most ''popes'' and Christian figureheads within politics

*anti-christian than the Dragon
Slip of the mind, since these words are synonymous.

The emblem of Ordo Dracul was also a parallel to Ouroboros, a pagan symbol, where the dragon is seen as primordial chaos and eternity
Which is the ultimate blasphemy to Christianity and can relate to the fact that dragons within paganism are always seen as symbols of eternity (the oldest and first gods and goddesses were dragons like Tiamat the dragon mother who created Kingu/Satan), wisdom(chaos-gnosis), and spirit(synonymous with chaos)
Christians have always hated spirituality, look at the greek word Daemon, it means spirit, the Christians turned that into ''demon'' which is an evil beings
This is because christianity is anti-spiritual, for those without a soul (clay born like Adam and Abel) and not born from the fire of spirit like Cain who is of the serpent's blood

>"{The Order of the Dragon (Latin: Societas Draconistarum, lit. "Society of the Dragonists") was a monarchical chivalric order for selected nobility, founded in 1408 by Sigismund, King of Hungary (r. 1387–1437) and later Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1433–1437). It was fashioned after the military orders of the Crusades, requiring its initiates to defend the cross and fight the enemies of Christianity, in particular the Ottoman Turks.
The Order flourished during the first half of the 15th century, primarily in Germany and Italy. After Sigismund's death in 1437, its importance declined in Western Europe, but after the Fall of Constantinople of 1453, it continued to play a role in Hungary including Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Romania, which bore the brunt of the Ottoman incursions.
Vlad Țepeș, the figure who inspired Dracula, was a member of the Order, as well as his father, Vlad II Dracul.}
The Brotherhood of the Wolf
Hundreds of years before Christ, the Dacians (called "Agathyrsoi" by Herodotus in the fourth volume of his Histories) were the first recorded people to live in Transylvania. They tattooed their faces, arms, and legs according to their rank in society, and dyed their hair dark blue.
Herodotus wrote of several Dacian legends and rituals, such as the priests of Zalmoxis who kept the secret of incantations that could make human beings immortal, and the ritual practice of wrapping a young man who wished to become a warrior in the skin of a wolf (some men were said to be able to change themselves each year for several days into the form of a wolf). Modern historians have theorized that hallucinogenic mushrooms were used in the wolf-pelt ceremony, allowing the men to experience a complete psychological transformation into wolves.

>Once psychologically transformed into a wolf and thereby initiated into the Brotherhood of the Wolf, the Dacian warrior would enter fearlessly and ferociously into battle under the banner of the Wolf Dragon, an animal with the head of a wolf and the body of a dragon. The Royal Order of the Dragon, into which the historical Prince Dracula's father was initiated at Nuremberg in 1431 (the year of Dracula's birth), was a branch of the Brotherhood of the Wolf, which had already survived for two thousand years. Almost 500 years after that, a picture was taken in the early 20th Century showing a shepherd in the Pindus Mountains of northwestern Greece holding a staff with a carving of the Wolf Dragon at the top.
Roman legions first invaded Transylvania in the 1st Century B.C., and the Dacians responded by building six defensive fortresses in the Orăştie Mountains near present-day Deva at the southwest border with Wallachia. The ruins of the six fortresses, comprising a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1999, can be seen today. Some of the ruins include the circular remnants of sanctuaries reminiscent of a mini-Stonehenge or of the Tholos Temple at Delphi, Greece; near another fortress is a circular stone solar calendar.

The ruling classes, or boyars, of Romania at the time of Prince Dracula were Magyars, who were of Hungarian extraction, and Szekelys, who believed themselves to be descended from the Huns. Bram Stoker has Count Dracula claim Szekely heritage, and his descent from Attila the Hun, to Jonathan Harker in Chapter III:
We Szekelys have a right to be proud, for in our veins flows the blood of many brave races who fought as the lion fights, for lordship. . . . What devil or what witch was ever so great as Attila, whose blood is in these veins?
The Szekelys may be said to be the only true Transylvanians, having guarded the land's borders long before the Magyar invasion and Hungarian rule. Their allegiance was only to the sacred soil of Transylvania, no matter who held temporary political dominion over them at any given time. Among their descendants are Prince Charles of England and his sons, Princes William and Harry.
Nevertheless, the historical Vlad Dracula the Impaler can be traced genetically much further back than the Szekelys and the Huns: Dracula's distant ancestors were the Dacian Wolf Dragon warriors themselves.
Vlad and the Ordo Dracul
Bram Stoker's classic vampire character Dracula was named after the 15th century Romanian prince Vlad Dracul III, who earned his place in history by impaling his enemies alive. During the early 1400s, Vlad's father, Vlad II, was the military governor of Transylvania and was made a member of The Order of the Dragon (Ordo Dracul) by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigmund for his part in protecting Christian Europe against the invading Ottoman Empire. After his indoctrination into this secret society of Christian knights in 1431, Vlad's father became known as Vlad Dracul, meaning Vlad "the Dragon." When his son Vlad III was born, he became known as Dracula, meaning "Son of the Dragon," or "Son of the Devil," as some would have it.

Vlad Dracul III, also known as Vlad the Impaler, defended his beloved homeland with savage acts of barbarism. During his bloody reign, he delighted in torturing and murdering anyone who dared to trespass upon his domain. Vlad impaled his victims, skewering them on tall wooden stakes and leaving them on display along the borders of his territory as a warning to discourage invading armies. This favorite method of execution earned him the name Vlad Tepes, meaning Vlad "the Impaler." It is believed that Vlad executed somewhere between 40,000 and 100,000 people in this cruel and horrific fashion.
One of the most notable instances of Vlad's sadistic acts concerned the impalement of hundreds of Saxon merchants at a place called Timpa Hill. Vlad allegedly feasted among the field of dying bodies as they writhed in agony, and was even said to drink the blood of his victims from a bowl. Some may consider Vlad a sadistic bloodthirsty ghoul, but others insist that his ruthless measures were a necessary strategy to restore order to his beloved homeland and keep invading armies at bay.
Vlad was killed in battle in 1476. His corpse was decapitated, and his severed head was put on display in the Turkish capital of Istanbul, while his headless body was allegedly buried at the monastery of Snagov, just outside of Bucharest. In Romania, Dracula is heralded as a national hero who sacrificed his life fighting for his country's independence, however, according to legend, his savage acts and Excommunication from the Church have doomed him to wander the world as one of the undead.

attention seeker

Hello kike

Just starting on your info drop now, if you could give any insights into this map is appreciate it. Particularly Set/Anubis

Thanks again for posting

>What does Sup Forums think about brother Nathanael?
pic related

I would think the funniest part is that YouTube has sent this man one of their Silver buttons for 100k subscribers, yet still has done nothing about it

he ok, and a good Orthodox

t.someone who hasn't watched a single one of his videos

stupid allcaps kike no spy in my church freaky faggot

I'm not sure about the map. I know that Set is the god of Chaos, war, storms, destruction and darkness and one of the greatest origins of what later became called Satan.
And Anubis is actually associated and paralleled with Azrael the angel of death
Both being funerary gods. He is the lord of jackals and opener of the way. According to Charles Pace the bastard son of Set-an and Aset (Isis)

Sounds like you paid 20 dollars too much.

Varg is a fucking joke.

what's this from?

His going to burn in Hell.

>can't into controlled opposition mechanics
Lurk more before posting, newfag