Chink hate thread

Chink hate thread - apparently reddit is down and they are coming here so let's get them to fuck off edition.

Other urls found in this thread:




Bump I love these threads


same bump











That's some Houdini-level disappearing act.






So when visiting asian countries one should never be in the streets

Jesus Christ

or elevators, escalators ect.. actually I would not go there at all



If you watch closely you can see the woman in the car get her arm severed.

this looks fake as fuck

pretty sure it is


Why the fuck is she walking in the road


To be honest those maggots probably saved that mans life, or at least gave him a better chance at living. Otherwise the gangrene would've led to


Damn. That one caught me off guard. I thought the dude on the bike got away...but nope.






holy shit

>driver likely the only causality
This is and odd sort of justice


Do you have the one with 4 people pushing a metal frame that bumps into a high voltage power line?

I think I do let me see

Anyone else find these threads oddly comfy?
Are chinks the most chill people ever?
>eh maybe i should stop
>well no that would be a hassle ill just run them over

Mother of God, there was nothing left of that chap

So a question, do these things never happen in other countries? Are you really telling me this happens exclusively in asian countries? hmmm... ok. Whatever you say. I will believe you without doing any research myself. Because I'm a sheep.

>driver is gone
>pedestrian is just staring at him
>people on bikes passing him by, ignoring him

Are these people human?

why is it called a hate thread?every time people posts traffic accidents,dog eating,elevators/escalators,"redpills" that needs citations
i don't see anything to hate

Yeah, they've got no good Samaritan laws there.

So if someone gets run over right in front of you, and are gasping for help with their dying breaths... and you help them but they die anyway. Their family will come after you for killing them, and you'll have to pay.

That's why people just carry on like nothing happened.

I was one of the first on site to a major crash in north china during winter, the people died of hypothermia. If they were moved from the crashed car, into someone else's car with the heater running, they would have survived. But no-one wanted to touch them in-case they died while in their care.

When something like this happens to a member of the family, they act like any normal person would, trying to help, and render aid. But to a stranger, it's just not worth it.

I'd say it's humbling, accidents like this aren't unheard of in Europe or The U.S. . Dumb shit happens to people for no discernible reason that we can see.

China has a ton more because of population density and corrupt government, though. Read once that the reason most people ignore accidents is because helping in any way can make you fiscally responsible for damages, even if you were a bystander and had no part in the accident itself.

...and the fucking asshole just drove off like nothing happened.

Holy shit. Parents worst nightmare.

The thing is, I live in an area with a lot of asian people, and not once. Not once have I heard of seen anything like what I see here happen. So do these kinds of threads just exist to try to inject racism into young impressionable minds? I dont get it. Its always chink this, nigger that, but you never see the videos of the mass shootings other races commit *cough*

Maybe Im looking too closely into it, if so Im sorry. Im just confused that racists always act like their race is 100% innocent, and never makes any mistakes. Mah master race and all that stuff right


because some dumbass added the flames

because apparently when someone not white makes a mistake or gets in an accident, we have to hate their entire race. I will never understand you people. Ever.

Why don't these people give a fuck when people die around them?

This shit is blowing my mind. It's the same in every webm.

>get away from the truck
>get crushed by a pole instead

That's some Final Destination shit right there.

White man cannot compete with superior Asian music:

Fake. This shit is edited. Original vid no fire

Actually keked. This shit is like cheesy slapstick.

>here bro ill close it with my head

I live in a 'sanctuary city' and subhumans tend to walk in roads like nothing is there.

Why did he go all the way through? Wouldn't it just rip his arm off?


He's wearing a shirt.

Insanely lucky


Fake as shit. CG wheel and cartoon arm.

DWA offense.

hey eternal faggot I know reddit is down but you need to fuck off now

>Why don't these people give a fuck when people die around them?

Because there are literally a billion of them. Humans aren't meant to live in groups that large. When there are that many people, each individual is worthless.

We belong in tribal groups of 10-150 max, where we can actually know and value everyone in our group, not in countries and cities of millions.

>let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes



Never had a bad day?

Around slants never relax.

China is dog eat dog. Everything is about the hustle.

More webms of nigs dying painfully plz

Holy fuck that took an unexpected turn. Literally.
He just solidified the Asian bad driver stereotype.




He mastered the art of the spin.

Gyro would be proud.

Wtf happened here!?



Some involving blacks would be nice.








