The Jewish Death Sentence of Sweden

Good essay about the genocidal (((problems))) Sweden is currently facing:

"Sweden… A beautiful Aryan European Nordic country filled with peaceful, loving and charming people. A Nation with a rich and vast history, with archeological findings of their rich ancestry still being found to this very day – the Jewish led Christians did not succeed in destroying everything that Sweden had always been – well, that is until now, in our modern day times. Today Sweden is not anymore one of the top 5 Nations on this planet – it was one of the most successful, peaceful, technologically advanced Nations on this planet. It was a White European Nation with virtually no crime, a flourishing society and Ethnic people who felt safe, loved and secure within their own borders. It was a Nation filled with beautiful people, music, history, heritage, ancestry, mystery and represents one of the earliest sources of European people upon this planet – some even say that it indeed is the very source out of which our people started to spread. Should it therefore surprise us that the Jews have targeted it for extermination? Should it surprise us that the Jews have never ever stopped destroying Sweden after having won World War Two with their Masonic and Communist buddies?"

Other urls found in this thread:

>no archive
whelp, time to do a 360 and walk away

Haha sorry I don't know where Nordbro is

>360 and walk away

180 puts you in the opposite direction.
360 means you end up facing the same direction.

desu Swedes are stuck up and arrogant as fuck. Even now when their country and society is in a death spiral they are acting like they are superior to everyone else.

okay newfag

how nu r u ?

Maybe so but damn this world would suck without some Nordic chicks

that's where you're wrong, kiddo

Here's an archive for you spergs


everyone who posted above me. kyselves please.

make me, nigger

>Hitler considered Swedish people to be racially superior
>had literal state funded breeding programs to create superior aryan children between Germanic and Scandinavian peoples
>Germany and Sweden are two of the most cucked countries on the planet
Not a (((coincidence))) that the native populations of these countries are being destroyed.


Well just keep going then fucko

sure, this can be a /worstcharacter/ thread

>black ABBA coming out soon.

Daily reminder that the main (but not only) purpose of archiving is to deny the site clicks, pageviews, and ad revenue. If the site is /OurSite/, we would not want to deny them such things, etc. That being said, I am not familiar with Renegade Tribune, and so an archive is in fact appreciated for purposes of avoiding IP doxing attempts. Cheers.

he knows that you fucking pleb, he's being ironic.

you got a turd in your pocket or something?

... funny you should mention those

part 2

and part 3 (final)