Be me

>be me
>19 yr old Christian Arab living in Nazareth
>kikes mistake me for mudslime all the time
>hate mudslimes, but hate kikes even more
>"enemy of my enemy is my friend" kinda mentality
>lurked around the internet most of my life
>got really good English as result
>mom works with tourist groups that come to Nazareth
>literally doesn't stop working, and because of my English I'm kinda obliged to help her translate
>one day a group of mixed Europeans come to our community center to begin the tour in Nazareth - mostly eastern Europeans
>spot 8/10 ginger grill standing at the back of the group - looks like a goddess among gypsies.
>Obviously doesn't know a word of Hebrew or Arab, so I try insert myself whenever applicable when translating.
>Tour is only 3 days, so not much time for anything
>Walk around town - she spends most of her time talking to me rather than paying attention
>Apparently she's from a 20yr Ireland, and she changed denominations from Catholic to East Orthodox when her mom married some gypsy immigrant or something
>Get way too invested in this girl
>last time of tour, want to ask her for her number so we could text, maybe even Skype or something
>"Hey so uhh, do you think maybe we could, y'know... keep texting or something?"
>She picked up on my intentions from Day 1 apparently
>"Sorry, I don't date Arabs. Thank you for passing my time though"
>Get depressed as fuck when I get home
>Curse the circumstances of my birth.

I personally blame the fucking Jews.

Haha, stupid filthy Arab got shut down.
>living in Nazareth
Fucking hell, I'd kill myself if I had to live in that shithole.

>getting involved with a girl whose mother is batshit enough to marry a fucking gypsy

You dodged a bullet my dude

>"Sorry, I don't date Arabs. Thank you for passing my time though"

Well there you go, do not expect camaderie with europeans just because you are christian/atheist/non muslim, you are still a sandnigger to them

Based girl won't filthy her body with a sandnigger. What did you expect?

post a picture of your face or stfu

Why are christcucks racist?

Nice fanfiction, kiddo, grow up
>>be me
Who the fuck else are you supposed to be, you retard

>enemy of my enemy is my friend

Europeans think of you as an Arab. They don't really differentiate based on religion. It's all about looks.

Plus she probably thought you were ugly. I mean, Arab men cannot really hold a candle to average European men when it comes to looks. Short, tanned and hairy is not attractive.

What the fuck does that even mean?
How long have you been on this site? 2 days?

>be self-denying mudslime
>get BTFO by literally everyone
>cry about it on Sup Forums while larping as a christcuck


>>be me
Stating the obvious there, aren't we?

Lurk more.


The hell are you trying to say? I've always been pointing that out.

What the fuck is this bullshit

Newfag. Lurk moar. Restrain yourself from posting.

I'm saying that as a new immigrant you should adapt to the culture or go back to wherever the fuck you came from.

Nice bandwagon

You think the >be me is a staple of greentext stories?

newfag detected

Don't worry my fellow Arab you'll get a gf one day

I don't only think so, I know it.

Is this /org/, over-reaction general?

fuck off back to /mena/ mudshit

Filthy kikes are shilling real hard

So many triggered Muslims in this thread
looking forward to exterminate you together with Africans

Stick to making hummus , European pussy belong to Tel Aviv ashkenazim.


Bad luck of the draw being an Arab. Find a nice sand nigger to breed with and help win the demographic war against Kikes.


Nasaret is rightfully christian claim. I feel bad for this guy being a christian amongst mudslimes AND jews! Deus vult when?

I go where I please

where did the headscarf go


Habibi, don't sweat it. Find yourself a nice Orthodox Filistini girl who'll make you مقلوبة and كنافة.

Did jew draw that?

Women are good at "making friends". They do this all the time. Use and dump.

Don't let this change you for worse. You're not alone.

This. Muslims and Arabs are fucking BASED, unlike Jews

Dumbass. WTF are you going to with a girl long distance? That's never going to get you anywhere. Next time make a move way faster. That way you can either get somewhere or immediately cut your losses.

Don't be arab, then. I didn't.

Sh-she didn't wear it today

European girls in Europe have no problem fucking middle eastern men.

Fuck off shitskin. What's up with the Negros and shitskins lately on Sup Forums ? ...

>riveting tale chap
stick to lurking, askenashim belong in the ovens of Dachau

>I personally blame the fucking Jews.

In this specific case you're absolutely right to do so.

Always blame jews the more you can, you're everytime below evil they are

sheesh, take it easy.

Don't feel dejected

Ginger Stacy will make up excuses to turn down every guy except Chad

its been hours. post face op

>being a poor Arab in Israel
>Expect to land a 8/10 Irish ginger

There is people right now getting good jobs and getting /fit/ who still can not land this type of qts, know your sexual market value
Well what surprises my is that you didn't rape her

>>kikes mistake me for mudslime all the time
That's hardly what's happening.
This desu.

I don't care if you're Christian friendo. I'm slightly biased against Arabs in general but it's more a cultural than religious thing. Do you behave and think like a European, excluding all the weird liberal faggotry that's going on with some of them? If so, I don't care if you're an atheist or Buddhist or Zoroastrian. Well, actually I'm kind of disgusted by Islam but I have the luxury of not liking things for no particular reason so yeah.

Syria is a good case study. Urban Syria is not much different from parts of Europe. The sandniggers live out in rural villages for the most part. All the IS and Al Nusra recruits probably lived in northern Syria

>muh all eastern europeans are gypsies

Just the romanians you shitskin faggot

>calling out ">be me" retardation makes one a newfag

No, it was always a retard indicator (actually originating from newfags who thought a greentext story has to start with "be X" because that's what they often saw) and just because it became culturally accepted around here doesn't mean that fact has changed.


>"Sorry, I don't date Arabs"
Good gal. Knows her worth.
Heritage(race/genetics) is more important than any religion of political stance, as it cannot be changed at will.
Keep your grubby hands off anthing non-Arab, OP. Race mixing is degenerate.

Someone get that chick a medal. Stay with your own kind

>Curse the circumstances of my birth.
If you are a Christian you should be happy with who you are. This girl made the right decision.

Expecting something from a tourist who will go back to her country in a few days. You shouldn't even have tried.

>I personally blame the fucking Jews

Did you fall for the Sup Forumsmaymay that white women date brown men on a regular basis? In reality, it almost never happens. If you're non-white, you need to be a Chad to get with an average-looking white woman and a rich Chad to get with a 8/10 white woman

based irish girl


Jesus christ lurk more you stupid faggot

I feel sorry for you lad, wish you better luck next time

get me a qt arab christian girl hhehehe pls

u should have tell her ur not a muslim

also heres a bit of advice irish girls are good and bad its like a bag of shite with gold nuggets mixed through it

Who else would you be?


Sorry for your loss lad, but us Micks are secretly quite racist, even against the likes of the Poles.

"be me" is the fastest way to spot a foreigner trying to ape our greentext style, everyone replying to that post is a moron. The OP is probably from Reddit.

hey man, how hard is it to score a girl like pic related in Ireland as a Muslim from Lebanon? I kinda look Spanish

>us Micks are secretly quite racist, even against the likes of the Poles

You can only be racist against humans.

Because non-whites are trash and borne of Satan's tribes. They are inherently enemies of God.

>all these replies
summer is real

add 50 kg and you get an irish woman. Do you still want her?

You're being manipulated by your brain's reward system. The sight of a female triggers the release of neurotransmitters which make you feel good, but also anxious and excited.
So remember that women are very much like an opiate, so be mindful of the feelings you are experiencing and why you are experiencing them and don't get frustrated or angry over it.

Hurt Muhammad

She does not race mix, and you should not.
End of story.
Find a nice lebanese or syrian Christian qt. And stay far from our lands.


rare af i never see any the yokes ive seena re alway ugly af

>Sorry, I don't date Arabs
Are you sure she knew you were christian?

Also this.

To think, if Arabs didn't suffer from centuries of consignment your features would probably be less intense. You may look more like a dark white.

I think you dodged a bullet, mate. Good luck though.

That is a blatant lie.

fuck, 2d > 3d after all

OP Here.

The only reason I ever managed to get close to her was because of our shared faith in Jesus Christ.

I mean Cousin marriage

>being christian
>in the middle east
>in 2017

Why would anyone associate with you since your life expectancy probably won't go beyond 2030 ?

people tell me i dont look Arab until i start talkin

how can I unsubscribe from your blog?

Dude you are ugly.

hang in there f a m l a d

Colombian mestizo / 10

ar*b thing was just an excuse, you're kinda ugly bro sorry

If you write a 7 like that, then you don't even deserve to breed.


>as a muslim from Lebanon
>fuck off back to /mena/ mudshit
>looking forward to exterminate muslims and africans
>muslims and arabs are based, unlike jews
In how many parts do you have your personality split in?

kekxcellente read. will work out for you one day.