Konichiwa user-kun, I'm here to worship your howaito penisu!

Konichiwa user-kun, I'm here to worship your howaito penisu!


>attempting to start sexual interactions before we have consolidated power against our mutual enemies via wedlock

nice try

>*proceeds to suck as much white peens as humanly possible*
based ultranationalists

do people spam the same threads day after day because they think theirs specifically is unique and not utter garbage?

cracker munchers are as bad yellow fever faggots

Why is this Chinese girl suppose to be speaking Japanese?

>single n

Disgraceful to weebs everywhere

Who is this civic nationalist?

>falling for the yellow jew
Yes yes, american you so clever, you must have big big penis


Also why are asian women the most treasonous of all race traitors. Shameless rejection of their own race to fuck White and even Middle-Eastern men.

Absolutely Haram.

Because they know that asian "men" also want BWC.

go away flat faced slant eyed chink

This picture aligns with my interests.

Why are Asian women so fucking cute compared to every other race?

Eating cute puppies make them cute. You should boil your dog too.

She loves sucking kike dicks.

Look closer

>It's a trap

Not always just broke up hugely with a Vietnamese girl who turned out to be a sociopath.

You guys seriously need to go to Bangkok.

>is unfamiliar with the German
How I envy you, guamnon

Did she like eating dog? Like blowtorch them alive or some shit? Or is that just a Chinese thing?

Not to my knowledge, but looked doggish without makeup.
About as smart as one, too.

We need more based black men and based Muslim men to breed with white women inshallah

And more pigs to fuck Muslim bitches in the ass. Just like Mohammed did in Hadith.

What does this say?


Not my proudest fap