San Fransico Yes!

Seriously when will San Fransisco stop being such an absolute embarrassment to the rest of the country? This is all some shit from 2017 alone...

They are dropping $200,000,000 into a fucking net.. to save the lives of suicidal people who jump of the Golden Gate Bridge.

47th annual gay pride parade... ya 47 years in a row of faggotry parades

Then there was the time that there were a shitload of robberies by niggers, and spics on the public transportation and it was all on video footage... that will not be released b/c it will hurt the reputation of minorities, and perpetuate racism, and stereotypes...

Do I even gotta bring up Berkeley?

Seriously San Fransisco shape the fuck up, or the rest of the US is going to nuke you. We are not fucking around anymore. Also stop giving the rest of the country aids.

Other urls found in this thread:


Checked. Why didn't you archive?

>time com/4736962/golden-gate-bridge-suicide-net

Thank you bot, I was too lazy because I know you do that for me.


Won't they just scramble over the net and fall anyway?

>Won't they just scramble over the net and fall anyway?

That's why the put a 2nd net under the 1st net

yes, that was the argument made against it. somehow the "second chance at life" theory won out against common sense.

> common sense
>san francisco

>jump on to net
>jump off net

For 200,000,000 that net better be made of technology from the year 2400

Someone needs to jump onto the net then sue the city for getting hurt.

Hopefully they jump from buildings now and hit the hipsters and SJWhores when they impact.

>tally up suicide rates in first year
>98% trannies
>don't release statistics because it might make trans people transphobic about themselves and throw themselves into a net

It's a weird old world

>jump onto net
>die of hypothermia in the dark above ocean windchill and sf freezing temps

natural disaster when?

If trannies want to die and become shark bait they should be allowed to die and become shark bait.

Besides, can't someone just jump onto the net from the bridge and then jump into the river from the net, which is at the same height as the bridge?


Ya but we're lazy. Easier just to go on suffering then go through all that bother.

I was on a trip with my college to San Francisco, and they made us go through the tenderloin, to see "the poor neglected areas of oppression" of the city, and the first thing I saw when I walked in was a nigger sticking a needle in his arm. Every street smelled of shit and piss and crack, and other degenerates leer at you from every direction looking for a gibsmedat. The college's purpose of this was obviously to evoke some sense of sympathy for these "people" and show the results of wealth inequality, but all I felt was disgust and I only thought that every single nigger in that place was only there because they were fucking crack-whore degenerates. Does this make me a bad person, Sup Forums?

Just let these people kill themselves. Why should we care?

and second one is electrified

I thought it was going to be a net. Not like this.

Truth is waysist

nah, you're good