European IQ

Helmuth Nyborg discusses the negative consequences of immigration and how it will pull the average IQ down. Political correctness vs data statistics and science.

Whats Sup Forumss opinion?

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nobody could have predicted this

He wants that chink immigration lol.

Why isn't your post on danish(?) like your arguments, too?

He is just stating that if people from high IQ countries come the average IQ will increase. Not saying he wants immigration to happen or not.

It wont increase. Chinese have like 1 point higher IQ than Danish so they would have to be half of the population to increase the average IQ by 1 point

Dr. Phil. Helmuth Nyborg on low-IQ pp(
- Pessimism of outlook on life and the future, feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, slowing of thougt and action, and frequently are preoccupied with death and suicide.
-They make efforts to hide psychopathology, attempt to fake good test record, reveal difficulties in reading and interpreting test statements or comprehending test instructions, and reveal neurotic or moderate psychotic reactions or behavioral disturbances that affect test cooperation.
-They experience social uneasiness in social situations or in dealing with others, attempt to deny their impulses, temptations, and mental aberrations, and show strong self-depreciatory trends.
(direct quote from his presentation)
Therefore Sup Forums or Sup Forums as a whole should not be used by a single high-IQ.

Not saying IQ is everything, culture plays a big role, sadly many immigrants with low IQ also live the gangsta life and are good for nothing.

Math is not your strong point, uh?

This is an amazing interview!

Was this published on national television? It's basically a less retarded and national version of the infamous Janusz Korwin-Mikke interview by Piers Morgan:

Yes it was publish on state tax payer tv. There is more on youtube aswell.

I remember not too many years ago Denmarks radio very often published and discussed controversial studies and it's never really been a problem to talk about taboo. Political correctness is slowly changing that and our news is increasingly leftist biased.

Sup Forums is the opposite of those traits though. The fact Sup Forums is mostly right wing shows people do have hope and are still willing to fight. Being low IQ would be to surrender to the EU, or to hate Trump like all the psychopathic "liberals" do right now. Low IQ people are the ones who come here and try to derail the board, to get everyone to just dissolve back into the low energy population, because they cannot handle any opposition or dissenting thought, such things invade your comfort zones and make you afraid. Maybe one day you'll be caught up in a war, and you'll lose, because your ideas are so poisonous you have to lie to get people to accept them, people certainly won't fight for them, they don't even vote for them, and you tend to be physically weak, emasculated specimens.

Falling IQ is a disaster, and it isn't discussed nearly enough. Most people don't really DO anything in their lives, in terms of advancing the state of the species. They just exist. But smarter ones are able to maintain and perhaps occasionally improve the systems designed by others.

When IQ falls, so does the capacity for civilization as we know it. Things don't fall apart suddenly due to declining IQ, which makes the trend very dangerous, because there probably won't be a single big incident or disaster which highlights "the IQ problem." It will just be a slow and general decline in the condition of almost everything.

burning half of the population on the altar of civilization is going to be a bitch though

According to the 2nd source German avg IQ fell by 4 points in 7 years from 2003 to 2010.
Thats just peculiar, I wonder how it looks today another 7 years later.

Most likely going downhill, i also worry most German will give in to the political correct opinions and not say what they believe but say what they think is socially acceptable. Trying to fit in rather than speak the truth is the worst thing that can happen.

That's great and all, but how in the fuck are we supposed to understand what he's saying?

Lowering the average IQ doesn't mean lowering the amount of smart people.

What's meant to happen is that people with high status and high IQ remain the same since they're unlikely to intermingle with refugees so you leave the elite untouched. In the meantime, what you're lowering is people in the middle who ask for good work ethics and conditions, refuse abusive laws and reject goverment intervention in their lifes.

So if you manage to dumb down the overall population you keep the privileged people to a controled amount and increase the consumer and grunt worker classes to form an easier to manipulate population.

Sometimes a lot of complex words words are used in the process to reach a simple conclusion, and this is a perfect example.

Everyone in Sup Forums (perhaps every white male) knows that there is a mental/behavioral difference between races - and we are firsthand witnesses of this. We don't need fancy studies or educations to be perfectly aware of this - it simply follows from experience and exposure to the problem. Call it IQ or something else, but IQ is understood to be easily measurable, so there is a point in using this measurement.

And this happens all the time. But in order to respond to our observations, our current society taught us that we must democratically manifest this. That is, make a political plan to cope for the consequences of our observations/conclusions and present them in the political scene to gather the necessary power by attracting like-minded.

And this is where we as a society and democracy are wrong, because a democracy (and journalism in general) is based on these assumptions:
>"Free speech" (in the sense that you won't get punished by the justice system for publicly stating something) should motivate you to politically state what you believe to be true.
>Building an optimal rule set (in the form of the law) is the correct way of enforcing the will of the people.

Those are inaccurate assumptions. In this TED talk

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt make the following two observations about human nature
>We are tribal - that is, we are motivated to take care of our "tribe" rather than some "rule set"
>We didn't develop our high intelligence as a species to seek the truth, but to manipulate each other for personal winnings.

Democracy is an unnatural formula for living.

Genius sperm banks are needed.


it may have fallen on average bu I'm pretty sure the elites aren't mixxing with sandniggers.

>still no eugenics programs

Yeah homogeneity really works after all. But that means we have to exclude minorities and not redistribute the oppressive (95%) peoples resources to the oppressed (5%). Humans crave uniformity to enable any form of cooperation, seems like the humanists and politicians are forgetting.

Pro tip: If your life is shit it's most likely your own fault and lack of ability that does it not society. But that's a horrible realization and it's easy to play the oppression game.

I don't speak Northern German, but I heard this guy on Molyneux before.

Molymeme talked about the very same thing.
he said that if a society's average IQ drops below 90 you don't have a free society anymore.

makes sense because there will be more crime and more police and more surveillance.

seems possible
race realism is getting bigger and bigger here as well though
all the damage done can be easily reversed through eugenics but at this point no nation is redpilled enough for that and even more right wing ones would get heavily criticised thanks to PC culture

>makes sense because there will be more crime and more police and more surveillance.
that's what's wanted

You mean the negative consequence of uncontrolled immigration. There should be laws in place to make sure that only competent people can come in.

If only competent people come in it means there are less competent people in the 3rd world, leading to more poverty and more "refugees" and economic migrants. Starving them of education is bad for both.

Well, i don't care about 3rd world countries, i only care about my nation(and nations which affect my nation). It creates more refugees? Doesn't matter to a nation which only lets in Europeans or competent people.

To be honest, i'm rather pleased to know that the third world is hurt by braindrain. It's easier to take advantage of such countries if they have less educated people.

Well the only problem is that is the worse the situation is in the 3rd world the worse it is for us. We should do our best to alleviate needless suffering in the world, but without it coming at our own expense.

>i'm rather pleased to know that the third world is hurt by braindrain. It's easier to take advantage of such countries if they have less educated people.

Nice jewing, i guess humanity is not so different after all.

How is it worse for us if the 3rd world countries stay the same as they are now? I already stated why refugees wouldn't affect us.
And no,we don't need to alleviate the suffering in the world. We're responsible for our people not for the world.

>Nice jewing, i guess humanity is not so different after all.
Nice jewing? Because i'm a nationalist who cares about my nation and my neighbours? Because i don't care much about shitskin countries? Nice try Shlomo.

When i say you should care about the world it does not mean you should not care about your country first. Of course you should, everyone should.

3rd world poverty does affect the first world since more and more will try to cross the border and get into our countries where they can live an "easy" life

>3rd world poverty does affect the first world since more and more will try to cross the border and get into our countries where they can live an "easy" life
I repeat myself for the third time. That doesn't apply to a scenario were only competent people are let in. And in case you've forgotten what you were arguing against....i proposed to only let in competent people.
So that argument you're making is basically refuted by the very thing you're arguing against.

His argument is twice as strong with good math

I would like to repeat myself aswell and quote Helmuth himself: "We also have to think that when we take the highest educated people from poor countries we will starve the poor countries from high IQ and i don't think that moral."

Also you don't protect your people by taking high IQ people mixing will happen and the heritage will die. We rely on ourselves and our education system to lift us up.

>muh fugging IQ reeeee

when you''ll stop with this?
also IQ is the last thing to worry about.

Damn... I don't have depressions. I just have a low IQ. That's even less curable.

You don't have to repeat yourself. I already answerd that by saying that i don't care about these countries and only care about my nation and nations which affect my nation(i'm also extremly biased towards Germanic people).

>Also you don't protect your people by taking high IQ people mixing will happen and the heritage will die.
You think there are so many smart Africans? I don't think so and we can always enforce maximum figures for immigration if it's true that there are indeed so many smart 3rd worlders. That's why it's called controlled immigration.

There are 1.2 billion Africans right now and it is estimated to double in 35 years, in time if we did (hypothetically) take in all the smart people we would be overrun.

Yes, but if you read my text carefully than you notice how i wrote.
>we can always enforce maximum figures for immigration if it's true that there are indeed so many smart 3rd worlders. That's why it's called controlled immigration.