Not having a unified EU airforce is one of the most stupid things

There are 27 countries in the EU, 27. Some are very small like Dutchland or Belgium, while others are large like Sweden or Finland, but with a small population. Others are so small in population and area, they cannot even afford a real airforce (Baltics).

Having a unified EU airforce which can fly over the whole EU territory and shoot down jihadi hijacked airplanes or Russian stealth bombers is a logical next step.

Just compare the EU to the US in active aircraft operated by airforces:

US: 957 F-16s, 287 A-10s, 450 F-15s, 195 F-22s and 70 F-35s

EU: 454 Eurofighters, 131 Rafale, 137 Mirage, 232 Gripen, 463 F-16, 148 F-18, 422 Tornados and 58 MIG-29s.

Nearly 40% of the EU airforce is Russian or American made. And the individual airforces do not even cooperate with each other. The battle readiness is way below that of the US airforce.

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Nobody is interested in your LARP refugee containment army hans

Some countries like Poland even fly equipment from the Soviet Union such as the Su-22!!!

Go back eating fish, fishhead.

Our whole military is broke as fuck. Understaffed, not properly equipped or trained. Yesterday the government stopped all recruiting and training for the military.

EU military will be a total disaster. You had a chance when the UK was included but they were smart and choose their own path.

>Some countries like Poland even fly equipment from the Soviet Union such as the Su-22!!!
it's cheap and sturdy - perfect for mopping up insurgents if any show up

Maybe they should just be part of Russia, for the greater good.

>EU military will be a total disaster.
Not if it is well funded.

Think about it. How much money do you have for your airforce? How much for your navy. What if the Netherlands only focused itself on one of these two branches instead of both. How much money would you then have for that branch?

You guys have 87 F-16s, right? And you are buying F-35s, right? How about you keep on using the F-16s and not buy the F-35s and develop a new pan-European jet fighter together with France and Germany?

Or better even, you transfer the responsibility for air superiority and air battles to the EU military.

You also fly the Mig-29 and the F-16. So essentially, you are dependent on both Russia and the US equally.

Personally I think it is a bad decision to fly equipment from two world powers who do have a history of not liking each other.

European countries are more loosely bound than US states and don't have US arms industry dick quite so far up their asses.

>transfer air superiority to the EU military
yes, that can only go well hans

>Not having a unified EU airforce is one of the most stupid things
Get fucked frau Merkel. The acceptance of any EU militaristic force is the nail in the coffin for the creation of the neo-german empire. Creating a system where countries rely and contribute to a joint readiness force completely eliminates any notions of exit from the EU. Why exactly would it be a priority of the EU to compete with US military capability?

This deluded piece of shit again.
You are supporting your own enslavement, imbecile.

but its way better and way cheaper than anything we can currently produce, if you have an idea of a cheap, that includes maintanance, fighter that can compeat with us/russia, china, then im all for it, but surrendering your air sovereingty no matter how insignificent, is a very bad decision.

m8 we can maintain soviet gear ourselves it's western hardwear that makes us dependent on foreigners

The Netherlands is already sharing air defense with Belgium.

>if we combine our airforces into a single airforce (under my control of course :^)) then we will somehow have more modern planes to fight the nasty Russians!
Get fucked

see, the brit gets it

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.



What language would they even speak to each other in?

None of the eastern euro countries can speak english well and the french would NEVER speak english

I'm not going to pay for other country's protection. Dutchland will do jusf fine without your cuck army which will have different rules to abide by and will be ruled by corrupt retards. No thanks and fuck off

Germany could propose structural reforms to EU military procurement to make it not suck. But that would require admitting that Germany runs the house, and the average normie German still connotes leadership with being a Nazi.

Did Merkel slap you with her tits and give you a concussion?
We have enough Eucracy as it is.

How about you transfer some more of those shekels over to the EU apparatchiks who will use your money to fill your country with hostile foreigners

Airbus-Sanfran is literally a satan-tier corporation. They make Boeing look like benevolent altruists. You Germans should shut down these French conmen or at the very least force them to not rip you off at every turn.

The EU is notoriously corrupt with money

why german of course, and while we are at it, they are going to fly german colors, and german everything, next step why dont we drop the pretense and start calling it german military.

>Germany could propose structural reforms to EU military procurement to make it not suck. But that would require admitting that Germany runs the house
The entire proposition for the existence of such a force, to regulation of said force, to utilization would all be dictated by Germany. Everyone knows this.

>What language would they even speak to each other in?

English is the defacto standard for commercial pilots. I know military is different then civilian, but its not a big stretch.

You mean why not call it Mohammad and Jamal's rescue squad. Saving "women and children" at every turn.

>plan was massively flawed
>bu-bu-bu-but user, you never gave me massive amounts of your money to test it
>tfw this is the reason why everyone hates jewmoney but jewmoney can't see it.

>how about you give us all your stuff and we'll "protect" you?

We fell for this meme a long time ago Hans

Who the fuck is going to invade Europe? You have enough planes between all of your countries. Plus there is nato. Also, let's be real here. If Russia decided to invade you Ehud have the full support of the U.S. and Britain's military. Everyone just needs too pay their fair share for NATO. You'll save a lot more money just doing that.

I don't disagree, but Germans are still terrified of leading anything. Given the disastrous outcomes in the World Wars due to German leadership, maybe the normies have this one right.

>Not if it is well funded
German military is 4th or 5th best funded military or something, doesn't help it much as it's rated well below ours.

It is true, if they are all unified it is easier to set the european air force from any other and destroy it.

>no source
Enligthen me about the marvellous airbus

damn dude, my sides

This. And you can't even drink with germans. 3 rounds in and they start about ww2 and nazis and how they're sorry.

>join the glorious EU Navy
>just like the roman days
>spend your military career scooping niggers out of the med

This retarded German again.

Look, it doesn't work like this. We have Airbus, they have boeing.
Airbus was basically founded by governments, and now look where they are.
The EU is a failed project how ever you look at it.

Our airforce is incapable of wiping it's own ass. Not that I want an eu airforce, just saying

>Germany wanting another army they control spread out all over Europe

Well, you're consistent, Fritz, I'll give you that.


Correct terminology or fuck right off, you cunts.


>Given the disastrous outcomes in the World Wars due to German leadership

We don't want the EU to have a military PERIOD
Any EU military would be German led. There are camps in Germany.....again. Germany is looking to become THE economic power of Europe.....again. Germany.....again. We're not doing this a 3rd fucking time. If the EU attempts to build an army, we should kick Germany's shit in. Not all f the EU, just Germany. Drop a nuke on Brussels or at the very least clusterbomb the fuck out of them before they draft all those fucking Muslims into their military in return for citizenship.

How about we let the Russians bomb the shit out of Germany and France. Then we can be the camp guards.
>tfw making Hans build you luxurious cars and well made electrical tools for free

It is. A collection of aircraft is called a fleet.

It works if you only think of border defense. When it comes to foreign policy noone wants to share their manpower abroad for sonething they not agree to.
You would have to castrate national parliaments and with this esentially abolish nations in the EU to Marke it work.

World War I
>"Hey let's poke through Belgium to get at France, Britain will never react"

World War II
>"Hey let's let the whole British Army escape on civilian watercraft while we chillax outside of Dunkirk for a bit"

German """leadership"""

Confirmed retard

It's not funny. I have business partners there and can't refuse to drink with them and every time I have to control myself as to not grab the pitcher and start whacking them over their heads.

You forgot

>"lets get into a personal pissing match between Hitler and Stalin in the middle of winter


>"lets spend half our resources on complex propaganda weapons that are finicky and hardly work right.

alright, I thought you were referring to something else.

I like to think that Hitler spared them at Dunkirk because he thought the English would come around.

No, germans are just a bunch of losers.

That air force already exists. It's called America. Eat fuck.

AEW, Strategic airlift, Inflight refueling, EW, ASW, and ISR should all be handled by joint NATO partnerships. Fighters and attack aircraft should be operated independently.

It works for the NATO E-3 Sentry. Proofs me wrong.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the German Panzer divisions getting lost and losing contact with each other because they were out of comm range.

Of course it was all just "good will" on old uncle Adolf's part.

Economical gains are the goto justification for the EU to deceive the people, even if it actually harms the economy like the euro.

This is, of course, about building more of a EU superstate, in this case the army, and people should be discussing if they want a EU that is similar to the USA or not.

People also need to realize that, as soon as the EU has an army, you can't leave the EU anymore without a war.

I said I like to think, not that's what happened

Will these planes be actual aircraft that can go up 40,000 feet or will they be made of cardboard to match the broomstick guns you currently use?

I like to think of Henry Cavill holding me in his arms as we make sweet passionate love to eachother.

You rally are a mong have you ever heard of the battle of the Marne? , well if not let me educate you its 1914 the whole entente force is in retreat and it looks like the Germans will reach paris by the end of the week if they keep marching. The soldiers of the German army are tired worn out and low on supplies but they are ordered to carry on, however when they reached the allied positions due to there shoddy state they got butchered and forced to retreat to there own defensive postilions thus setting up the stalemate of trench warfare. Hitler stopped to refit his Panzers because he didn't want another battle of the Marne that and Goering assured him that the Luftwaffe could whipe them out on the beaches

You're not getting our nukes Kraut

It's always Germany and Belgium who make these threads. Germany should have stayed as West and East Germany, and Belgium shouldn't exist.

Fuck off you disgusting EU Army kike.

> Nearly 40% of the EU airforce is Russian or American made.

Not a problem at all. Pic you posted is a problem. Why waste fuckton money on development of modern craft, when you can buy it from America and save money you would spend on development

Krauts controlling an "eu army" totally isn't a way for krauts to have nukes legally

>Why waste fuckton money on development of modern craft
R&D shekels for the economical elite

wtf is Dutchland?

how come every german is a eu shill, jesus i used to think it was a maymay but every single cuckhans on pol is eu shill and want a eu superstate.
Hope ahmed and muhammed slaugther all of you godless, culture- and valueless swines.

there is no such thing as honour and pride in germany

Ready against what? The EU and the US are allies and a fight between two major atomic powers will not happen anytime soon.

The EU should try to fix their economic problems before they focus on their 4th reich army.

>You're not getting our nukes Kraut
Oh yes they Croissant.

>when you can buy it from America and save money you would spend on development
You are arguing from the pov of a small, unimportant country, which the EU is not.
If the EU is to be a global player, it needs to have its own military industry.

we have so good experience in building aircrafts together in the EU that this aircraft will be released while the rest on earth got some low orbit aircrafts or have space shuttles for traveling ...


and some more ...

Hitler bypassed Paris altogether, cutting through straight to the sea and cutting the French front in half

The Swedish Gripen comes to mind. Hungary and Czechia fly it for a reason - it is cheap, but capable. Even stinking Brazil wants it.

>refugee containment army

I don't think Mehmet here speaks about containing the mudslime horde. He's talking about preventing the coming Russian purge of the Euro-Caliphate.

Oh gosh please be a fake, the eurofighter project was so awful and we don't really need to replace the rafale...

Brits should not be discussing this subject. You are buying F-35s (yes, buhhh hu, end manufacturing is in the UK... but who cares, it is still an American made fighter with American made software) and is not in the EU any more.

Not your problem, not your fight.

It worked well. You are just then told by the victors that it was a bad idea.

Do you honestly think we're going to allow the EU to militarise on our doorstep?

You honestly think that? Bahahahahahaha, see you on the battlefield Heinz Ketchup bin Saur Kraut the Twentieth.


is the A400M fixed yet? should be good eventually

Fuck that!! So that merkel can use V4's air resource to pickup and deliver shitskins straight from Africa?

> well funded

>German military is 4th or 5th best funded military or something, doesn't help it much as it's rated well below ours.
I do not believe the German military is rated below the Polish military. Not even Poland would claim that. Especially not the Polish airforce.

>EU: 454 Eurofighters

Austria was overcharged for expenses that included lobbying and alleged kickbacks

Austria is seeking as much as 1.1 billion euros ($1.16 billion) from Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH and its main shareholder, Airbus Group SE, after a probe concluded the companies deceived the government in a 2003 purchase of fighter jets.

>self-locking Nut 29000 € per piece
>o3.54 inch rubber seals 14554 € per piece
>110 Washers o1.6 inch for 123757 Euro
>you are dependent on US
Fuck you Fritz

>Brits should not be discussing this subject.
Actually we should be discussing this and we will be and you know what else? We're going to stop you from arming up..

So suck on it, suck deep and slow and savour every bit of my throbbing british cock you little bitch slut.

Don't you all Euro faggots participate in Joint Strike Fighter program? Soon everybody will be flying F-35's and countries outside of program probably will join it too. Why do you worry so much? Father US will take care of you.

Just another German scam to force something on EU countries and feed their industry and budget exploiting others.

Who you again? You guys even have an army?

Of course you'd want that (((Kraut)))

>We don't want the EU to have a military PERIOD
>American flag

We know America hates a strong Europe. You do not have to remind us all the time.

kek fucked with you once, can do it all the way again, just for the fun

It looks great, still a shit load of problems, specially the engines and probably not useable as they thought, so they think about to buy some c-130 kek

If the EU is accepting of anybody, why do they need an army?

We never asked you to join the EU, Croatia. Never. Now to do not pretend you joined against your will just 2 years ago.

>Joins the Eurovision
>Thinks it's the EU
Keep your beak out of this fight you little shit, when we need your pathetic "men" to be cannon fodder again, we'll call on you.

I know that m8 i'm just saying it was the reason he stopped cause he saw what happened in ww1 and he went 'lol no thx'