Is he everything you wanted?

Is he everything you wanted?

close enough
we've had worse


nice digits

that get was

not getting enough praise
kek is dead

He's a goddamn kike enabler but at least he triggers leftists.

i am very sad




I can't believe you guys actually voted for this fucking idiot after all the shilling they did here.

All they had to do, was for every thread, act like a stupid liberal in the first post, and get a bunch of one post ID bots to reply to them and call them a shill.

and more!

>old Sup Forums would be freaking the hell out right now
>Cirno has killed Kek so many times now that nobody cares anymore

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here
In my arms
Words are very unnecessary
Trump can never do harmmmmm

So much better than Hillary and obama


And chechechechecked.

He's everything we wanted.

I wanted a president who would shitpost on Twitter.

He is, making libshits mad is so satisfying.

He, the god emperor

No, he denounced us

Don't be a pussy (or a shill). He did it for obvious reasons. Stay loyal, user.

He's shit but the alternative was a lot worse so I can't really complain about anything but the two party system.

No. He flip flops on crucial issues, and is too incompetent to keep Russia's assistance a secret. He may have been our guy, but he is quickly destroying his presidency. We should probably start shilling for the reincarnation of Hitler to take up Trump's soon to be vacated seat in office. If we don't have a contingency plan in place, the Democrats will win EVERY election going forward. It's painful truth, but it must be confronted or we will the makers of our own demise.

You sound like an ansgty teenager that didn't even vote. Sorry that's just the vibe you give off.

Nah the normies created their own denomination, making us feel awkward about praising him.

I don't know what you want, do you really think every well-adjusted result is meant to happy with one of two options they're presented with?

I voted Trump. Lesser of two evils.

A lot more. Was lukewarm on Election Day.

For the most part i like what he does.
But my ultimate trump fantasy in terms of trolling is:
Him suddenly claiming he is trans and therefore the first trans president of the usa,
then after a week he claims he is now officially a women which would make him the first women president of the usa.
After that he starts claiming he is gay and becomes the first gay president.
Then he starts claiming he is discovering islam and is now the first muslim president

At this point the left would be basically mindfucked because he took away their victims groups possibility of ever producing their first president in the the entire history of the US, school children would learn about this lol and trump only managed to do this cause the radical left gave him the tools for it loool

This would result in global outrage and furious outrage mode in the us it also would probably start violent protests.

At this point trump needs to secretly pay the cop top dog a billion dollar and give him the order to crack down with his troops and use excessive force producing actual bodies and beat the shit out of as many leftists/progressives/protesters that is even possible.
This dude then says he didnt act on trump orders, resigns, takes his billions and with a new identity lives out his life lol

This is what i want from trump in his last year in power. Never ever gonna happen.

You voted for what's best for the country ,white boi! Congratulations.

All the good shit he promised (tax reform, health care reform, draining the swamp) isn't going to happen with congress/lobbyists controlling DC, which is exactly what I said before the election and lo and behold I was right and 99.99% of the population still doesn't get that the entire concept of the modern president is to be a ringleader of either partisan side.

Except even that is a clusterfuck because each political establishment has so many different caucuses that it literally doesn't matter. Instead of having a few ideological holdouts there's now huge collections, which is why shit like repeal/replace isn't going to happen. Freedom caucus and the moderate GOP will never sabatoge their careers and Trump honestly doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing; he's just scraping for legislative accomplishments like Obama.

Liberal salt is funny but it's not going to give any sort of tangible prosperity. Non-kekistani adults who voted for him the first time likely won't when premiums go up these next few years.

Wasted quints

>muh trump fantasy

Also, not really. But he's okay

I love him so much

High Test

No, but the probability of a politician being everything I wanted is absolutely zero. He's just very much of what I wanted, far more than the negative-value Hillary who would literally be causing active harm.

no, i wanted literally hitler.
instead i got a good goy, but it at the very least fucks with liberals, thats all we all really wanted.

Quints are awesome, Trump is awesome.


Those quints are all I wanted.


fuckin' rare!


Confirmé par Kek

Not quite.

I wanted Trump to win solely for the entertainment value.

So yes.

Yeah, the shitter shattering of arrogant holier-than-thou liberals has been pretty great

Nevar forget

t shareblue

This picture really pushed me over the edge on election night. Her absolute despair is so genuine. It's like her worst nightmare is unfolding right in front of her. Goddamn I get hard again each time I see it.

He's better than the previous ones that's for sure, ideally i'd like a president that...
>Bans/Severely limits immigration
>Cuts foreign funding to any nation, besides extremely close allies (Poland maybe..)
>Allies with Russia/Syria
>Deports Muslims
>More Militaristic


Pretty much.

Fags like you are part of the problem. You're willing to sink our entire cause with a bumbling fool that will never give us what we truly want, even if he wanted to.

I think he's been great. I wish he would have ICE start executing illegals but you can't always get what you want.

And more. Get ready for 2020 boys, campaign year is going to be sooooooo good. Seriously. If you though 2016 was something, clamp your anus now and get ready.


Shhhhh, not yet, the real show hasn't started yet. Stay tuned.

And more