do we like him?
Do we like him?
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So far with what hes done yes. I personally think hes pulling a napoleon and is gonna save france and destroy the EU.
We will see.
We will soon see.
I wonder what red pilled him
was it nice?
Don't be foolish fags. Even if politicians seem 'red-pilled' they are just doing it for appearance. They all take orders, it's just how our world works.
didn't he work for jewish bankers
the red pill was living in france
Macron is caught at the centre of a power triad vying for influence and control over him
which will win out is yet to be seen or whether a frankenstein fusion of all 3 interests can be sustained
we live in interesting times
Opinion currently reserved. Thought he was an irredeemable globalist crypto-jew banker scumbag. We'll see.
At the very least, he might be a catalyst to something positive or something >happening
>amerilards liking the merkel/jew controled puppet
everything makes sense now
>hurr does muh hivemind approve???
U been under a rock mate?
He's been good at maneuvering how he is perceived by normies. A capable navigator in our BASED memetic era. He'll continue the EU refugee insanity though, and he's owned by the central banking cartels
Jury is still out.
Sun-King of France?
The refugees causing shit allow him to keep the country under martial law letting him rule like jupiter
But Napoleon's dream was a European-wide empire. I swear, Ameriburgers are so stupid.
Remember when Merkel was "based" for a little while after admitting there was a refugee problem?
I know he's been dropping truth bombs about niggers left and right, but is he pro or anti migrant?
No? All of us still hated her.
He wants an empire based in French politics, not German.
Still sucks because I can't speak frog.
He is a politician, it's his job to make you think he is doing good, you naive fucks.
>wants to give even more power to corporations over a middle class that is about to snap, allowing the rich to get even more rich.
>wants to kill the parliament.
>forcing anti-liberty laws so the parliament have little control over them.
>copy pastes european laws into french ones. (he can't disobey merkel)
>totally not a jew guise :^)
sorry but your memes are not an argument.
I wish foreigners would stop talking about politics they can't understand.
Macron bows to the Bogdanoffs
he must have realized the terrorists, the EU and immigrants are fucking france and has decided to Make France Great Again™
>didn't he work for jewish bankers
at the end of the day we all do ...
this thousandfold
>it's a politician's job to cater to a small multicultural minority on Sup Forums
>work for jewish banker
>implying we all do
No, I'm NEET.
Now, fuck off fucking shill.
and since the only thing that matter in Sup Forums is immigration, no he wont stop it, and wont do anything to stop it (EU orders), will eventually punish Poland for not taking immigrants.
"There is no french culture" anyway according to him.
>So far with what hes done yes.
What has he done so far apart from talking?
he wants to expel illegal migrants dwelling on the streets. (Official statement the other day)
I agree with anons though, there need to be action, not only words.
You are stupid. Napoleon didn't want a euro wide empire but he eventually created one because the monarchs of Europe kept challenging him and he kept beating them and moving borders on order to keep them from trying again.
He is a granny fucker.
Huh. So sort of how the EU functions by endorsing pro-EU governments and dictating elections skeptical of it.
Better than the socialists. Still a Neoliberal.
Fuck no, the guy is a degenerate bankster. Does he have kids? No. Does he care about the future of France? No. Is he a NeoCon cunt? Yes. The guy is a fraud. He serves Oligarchy.
No more like Austria and Prussia attacked him and when he beat them he took Magdeburg from Prussia because of its military value. He took Italy from Austria in exchange for Venice in order to create a French sphere in Italy while decreasing austrian manpower. His empire was created out of defense not ambition.
what he did exactly?
he got bogpilled
Remember that you're replying to an Amerishart. They literally evaluate their country leaders based on how good their Twitter bants are.
Do you think the EU is just a spontaneous blob formed by politicians out of a lack for a better thing to do? Its aim is to preserve peace in Europe, halt Russia's expansionist tendencies, and limit US influence on the continent.
Nope, not until we see him completely destroy progressive France. Need proof first.
Hes rhetoric is good lets see if he bax it up.
Personally i would love to see a good relationship between the Gauls and the Burgers
>completely destroy progressive France
PLease tell me who the fuck this guy is and why i keep seeing him in every fucking picture???
Explain to me this bog pill
fucking elderly women is the patrician's choice
WHO the fuck are these bogpilled guys??
Who are the bogs?
He deserves a fair chance.
Do you need a quick rundown?
So what you're asking for is a quick run down?
Too soon....Waiting to see some big happenings from Macron.
>Mass deportations of Non white/French immigrants
>Raids on leftist activists
>A ban on George Soros
Even a huge disagreement with the EU will be a start.
Every video on YT is some bullshit robot voice talking about aliens
you got me there bro
Here a quick rundown:
-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
You all are fucking idiots if you like Macron.
How can you not see this is just another jewish trick that's trying to appeal to YOU and not to the idiotic masses?
This weird fella is a legit insane madman on a power-trip. We've never heard of him before, and suddenly this literally who who's only 39 and married to a 65 year old woman rises to the top and everyone's talking about him.
>God Emperor felicitates Fulgrim for the efficience of his work and reign on Chemos, colorised, circa 30.254
He just cut 850 millions out of our army budget.
He is globalist, pro lgbt, pro immigration.
He literaly said that there is no such a thing as french culture.
He is Merkel bis. With a penis.
I like the fact he is threatening the EU rather than allowing them to threaten France
> Le sort yourselves out or we Frexit.
All our leaders in the UK are fucking pathetic.
He is destabalising merkels reich which aids our interests
No. This is all just parlor tricks. Macron sees himself as Napoleon, hence the Jupiterian thoughts. What you fail to see is that a lot of Napoleon's diplomacy came from Talleyrand, the greatest statesman France ever had. He's the only one to successfully navigate the French Monarchy, the Revolution, Napoleon, and the Restoration of the Monarchy, as a respected and feared statesmen, as his nickname was The Limping Devil.
You really shouldn't fall for this.
Maybe Macron wants the top Job in the EU if their is one . Or create one. the framework is already there
May is practically apologising to the EU for her state voting to leave. Fuck it makes me angry
No he's not. That's why it's called a TRICK you fucking kiwi.
EU kikes would never have allowed someone who would intentionally or unintentionally aid our interests.
The phone call that saved Europe
Oh shit, is his wife one of THEM?!?!?
>He literaly said that there is no such a thing as french culture.
Was that not taken out of context? I think he said after that their is french cultures not one french culture.
A quick run down of the Bogdandoff Twins ( the BogPill)
at the present no, but he is appearing to be an interesting element add to the mix.
A quick run down of the Bogdandoff Twins ( the BogPill)
This time with the Pic.
OK so instead of listening to a robotic voice on yt i get to read pasta on Sup Forums Thanks man.
It doesn't always work as planned. Death and a fear of hell pushed the globalist agenda hard these past eight years. Pride blinded them to the change Trump would bring, and now they have been setback by decades at least.
Yes, he watched some Varg videos and got red-pilled
I just read Macron Par Macron and have been following French politics recently (I can read French well).
He's not as bad as a Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, and he's certainly better than I initially expected, but he's still very much pro-Europe (in a protectionist sense), and pro-multiculturalism (though he does admit it needs change).
He is not "pro-immigration" though. This is just silly populist language. He wants to strengthen Europe's borders to make it like one big nation where there is free movement within but refugees and migrants struggle to get in. He even criticises Merkel's inviting of migrants into her own countries. He commends her for being compassionate, but suggests that it is unfortunate and should never have really happened - indeed, it wouldn't have happened if they strengthened the borders and sent aid to Libya and Syria.
His image as being mysterious and powerful is a callback to his royalist sympathies, saying he regrets the fall of the monarchy and that French politics is empty without a figure like De Gaulle - so he wants to be Gaulliste. That being said, I'm not sure how this makes him based? I'm a monarchist, but it's hardly like he's *actually* bringing back the monarchy.
He was right about the Africa thing and I'm so glad it pissed of Black Lives Matter folks. He's pro-laïcité (including the Burkini ban) and names the word 'Islamist' which surprised me given how weak he was on that stuff during the campaign. Also, I like what he's doing to the French economy with the help of figures from the traditional right wing party of the country (though one could debate whether Le Maire and Phillipe are actually right wing).
It was taken out of context and exaggerated by populist retards, but still not the type of statement you'd want from a head of state. If it helps, Macron is a big fan of French culture, literature and art, so if it came to it I feel he'd defend it over foreign influences. did we never notice?!
Shills are shilling hard theses times,
don't let you get fooled Sup Forums.
>It was taken out of context and exaggerated by populist retards, but still not the type of statement you'd want from a head of state
"Il n'y a pas de culture française. Il y a une culture en France" ne peut être interprété que d'une seule manière. Tout comme:
>Il n'y a pas de vin français. Il y a du vin en France
Ok so they studied physics, caused some controversy around the peer review system and made a TV show.
Then they got plastic surgery and now a picture of one of them has emerged standing next to Macroni.
That seems to be the extent of these guys accomplishments.
sounds like you need a long rundown
burkini !
Il tell you how to deactivate the BOG-DA-BOTs if you want?
I do not like them
They are no saviours, no angels
The hindus were not stupid
Yep he claims it's open to outside influences. Like how Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was heavily inspired by the Italians. Does that mean it's not British? But does that mean it's not solely British? Yes. I'm making a shoddy attempt at defending it because, as I say, I don't agree with him and I think it would be much clearer to simply state that there is a french culture. But I think, more than anything, that he was making a point for European-wide collaboration. The way I think it was misinterpreted was that many saw it as him completely disrespecting France by saying its artists are incapable of creating culture.
>The way I think it was misinterpreted was that many saw it as him completely disrespecting France
We're a very proud people, and he knows it. Maybe he said it to sow chaos and the misunderstanding it did, maybe he did it for entirely different reasons. I just don't trust the guy. He's too duplicitous.