If we really went to the moon over 50 years ago, why haven't we been back? The technology should've advanced so rapidly that going to the moon would be trivial. Look at the first cars and how quickly they became mainstream for reference. It doesn't add up.
If we really went to the moon over 50 years ago, why haven't we been back...
We mostly went to the moon as a big fuck you to the communists. Haven't gone back because there's no economically viable reason to. It's gonna be a little while before space mining becomes more profitable than just picking shit off the ground.
aliens banned us from the server
It would always be much easier to fake a moon landing these days too. So why haven't they done that?
Because whats the point? Its a big money hole and you get nothing substantial in return. Cars became popular because they made transport faster and easier. Travelling across the atlantic was worth it because of all the land and resources in the americas. Whats on the moon that has real value in order to make all that investment worthwhile?
Because it's a big fucking rock with no air, water, or food.
>why haven't we been back?
Because we have too many niggers to feed.
there would be even more ways to scrutinize anything they faked, and would create a new wave of people who say the moon landing was fake.
>not realizing russia and the US are in it together.
>not realizing russia and the US were allies in ww2
>not realizing general Patton was killed off for wanting to invade russia
>not realizing the cold war was a big fat phony
>We went to the moon
No you didn't. Use logic. The sun spews out quadrillions of charged particles. If it weren't for our atmosphere and magnetic field, we'd not be alive. When you leave this safe haven you'll get irradiated by the Sun's particle winds.
probably because we found stuff
I can never fucking tell when people are baiting or when they're somehow serious on this fucking board. How do you explain high-orbit space stations?
There's no actual reason to, especially with America's space program gutted as it is right now. It'd cost too much for no profit at all.
Says you, Poland can't into space that also makes it clear why you can't into space since you don't know what shielding is dumb Poland.
>not fully grasping the deadly and extremely hostile hard vacuum of space that is 99.9999 percent of everything up there
>not understanding why idiots in congress don't want to spend money on anything outside of the southern states
out the airlock you go
>There's no actual reason to, especially with America's space program gutted as it is right now.
Pretty much this. Probes can go to the moon for a fraction of the cost. Why send a person up there if not for a specific purpose? Almost all space research can be done on earth or the ISS.
>he doesn't know the sun is only 32 miles in diameter and 3000 miles in the air
>I can never fucking tell when people are baiting or when they're somehow serious on this fucking board. How do you explain high-orbit space stations?
>I can never fucking tell when people are biating, or when they're somehow serious on this fucking board when talking about the holocaust being a hoax
>how do you explain all gas chambers and ovens in the death camps
>> why haven't we been back?
We have gone to the moon 9 times you fucking idiot. We literally HAVE gone back
NINE FUCKING TIMES we've gone there
>why haven't we been back?
they told us not to come back
>Use logic
OK genius, then how did they alter the laws of physics to make their """""fake""""" footage??
Watch Neil Armstrong's body language in Apollo 11 press conference if you still believe we've been anywhere near the moon.
The moon belongs to us, Earth boy
>If realy reach North Pole with dogs in early 20th century, why we don't do the same thing again
>Check mate, "northpolists"
stupid ass bitch, impressive
No answer. Just what I thought you idiots would have to say
Keep penetrating each other's asses,fagits
Soon we'll be the first to colonize the moon.and there'll be no toilets.
infaltion, and the technology we use now far surpasses what we had before and that only INCREASES THE COST, the cost of space flight hasn't gone down. its incredibly stupid to go to the moon we have little reason to go back.
Gonna have nightmares about a poo covered moon now.
poo's with no loo's in space. great not only do you shit in the street you are going to be shitting in zero gravity crapping up the vacuum of space.
hey, dont be sad and in denial , you are stupid
you think the sun is 32 miles
Expanding brain meme
Kikes keep us from going back to the moon
Kikes faked the moon landing
we did go back but the kikes covered it up
Nazis and kikes are fighting a 40+ year war to rule the moon which is hollow and filled with gorgeous women dinosaurs and telepathic technology.
>If we really went to the moon over 50 years ago, why haven't we been back?
Because it became apparent by the 2nd or 3rd trip that there was no reason to spend a ton of money to keep humans alive on the moon.
We'll make the same mistake with Mars, which is even worse in terms of the amount of time it takes to get there.
The whole Mars colonization idea is a pile of shit. It would be far easier and actually make more sense to colonize the Marianas Trench but that would not appeal to the Trekkies who want to live on Mars with their tricorders.
that's what the space suits are for
>hey, dont be sad and in denial , you are stupid
>you think the sun is 32 miles
>>he doesn't know the sun is only 32 miles in diameter and 3000 miles in the air
... far easier?
... make more sense?
Are you fucking retarded?
you know if you don't believe we went to the moon you can get a telescope and see the flag
Gonna fill up the craters with poo
>3000 miles in the air
and god put it up there, right?
There was a time when the consensus here was that it's all fake, which it is. It's a very touchy subject for the elite and the shills here because if they are publicly caught out on such a huge lie, then the normies won't trust them anymore in regards to anything.
I can see how people were fooled when they were watching it on miniature black an white low red boxes, but there's really no excuse for that kind of ignorance in this modern world. Anyone who gets past the 'that's crazy' stage and actually looks into it will always realise it's actually laughably and obviously fake.
I feel so proud already
"Yes, the flag is still on the moon, but you can't see it using a telescope. ... The largest optical wavelength telescope that we have now is the Keck Telescope in Hawaii which is 10 meters in diameter. The Hubble Space Telescope is only 2.4 meters in diameter - much too small!Jun 25, 2015"
>It's there goy...you just can't see it! Never mind that we can see most of the known fucking universe with the hubble which is 1/5th of the size of earths telescopes, you can't see the flag because reasons.
Stanley Kubrick. Thats all im saying, bitch.
yeahs ure goyim, and the gas chambers, ovens, and death camps are real, right?
there are only 2 real views you can have of the world. either things were designed by an intelligent creator, or the world was created by random chance.
>and god put it up there, right?
and the sun just by randomness appeared and created 9 planets from debris, right?
1. He alread mentioned him in the very OP. Learn to fucking read.
2. Kubrick is shit director.
Because the cold war ended and robots got got good enough to make human exploration cost-ineffective.
oh wait
and the germans put them in gas chambers and ovens, right?
>2. Kubrick is shit director.
You mean: "I don't like/understand his style".
Which is fine. Kubrick is something else.
no, we went to be moon, because flat earth
Hollywood does it several times a year, and it looks better every time.
yes it did, it's something called gravity, you stupid moron, christian sheep
>... far easier?
>... make more sense?
>Are you fucking retarded?
yes, yes, and no.
Colonizing mars would cost billions if not trillions simply to get the food there. Sending food to the bottom of the ocean would be trivial in comparison.
We can learn things at the bottom of the ocean about our planet. Having people on mars will not learn anything that a rover can learn.
Both are impractical. One is doable, the other is not.
Lack of public interest after several moon landings killed the program.
There is literally no reason to go to the moon, or Mars. When the USA did it, it was bravado to upstage the USSR.
Any thought of going to the moon, Mars etc. is just a waste of tax dollars and natural resources.
we're talking about the moon or about jews?
you stupid bitch
you see, you are just a collective of non sense, non sense that makes you feel confy
I've always found it interesting how moon landing deniers will go on about "seeing for yourself" and looking at the evidence when you can quite literally set up a telescope in your back yard and look at the ISS. Having a permanent human population LIVING IN ORBIT is so much more fantastic than putting humans on the moon.
>set up a telescope in your back yard and look at the ISS
this is the funniest lie ever. maybe you mean you can set up a telescope and see ISIS? actually you can probably do that just looking out the window.
>people dont realize that with 60s technology faking the moon landing would actually be more difficult than actually going to the moon
That. And the fact there wasn't even much public interest for the first one until it was launched.
Feeding millions of useless niggers and medicaid for 500 pound lardasses is also a waste of tax dollars. It's just that this way we have even less to show for it.
NASA has been told in no uncertain terms not to return to the Moon. There are service-to-self ET's that have taken up residence on the dark side of the Moon.
"Service-to-self" means negative, dark or evil.
"Service-to-other" means good, helpful and well intentioned.
Nice meme dude, but in all seriousness looking at the ISS is a pretty feel good moment. There are services that track it's orbital position so you can find out when it will next be visible from wherever you are.
There's nothing useful on the moon. Doing it for lulz is a waste of money and robots surpass meat tourists for actual exploration.
Because it was expensive and after multiple landings and accidents people lost interest.
What kind of things are there to do there?
The moon Nazis will launch a kinetic bombardment if we go back.
We haven't gone back because it is not economically viable to do so. Its not complicated. And we know the landings happened because we still communicate with the LRRR array that was left by Apollo 15. Lasers are fired at the moon and reflected back in lunar laser ranging experiments all over the world on a weekly basis. Its retarded to suggest we didn't land on the moon when there is irrefutable proof that we did.
>he doesn't realize that gravity is a huge hoax
was relating it to the integrity of information.
the moonlanding is holocaust tier propaganda
>stupid bitch
sure is summer in here. please fuck off back to /r/atheism
you could put there telescopes, to avoid the atmosphere.
you could put there satelites, or militar bases. think about droping misils from the moon.
rural and suburban retard
>you could put there telescopes, to avoid the atmosphere.
Or we could put them in orbit, where half of their field of view isn't blocked by the fucking moon you retard
>u could put there satelites, or militar bases. think about droping misils from the moon.
Honestly I'm amazed that you didn't choke on your tongue whilst writing that
>Having a permanent human population LIVING IN ORBIT is so much more fantastic than putting humans on the moon.
lmao no
launching a sealed container that can maintain a stable orbit around earth is what a highschool kid could do, given the resources. at least for the past 20-30 years.
landing on moon without breaking anything & Relaunching the capsule back to earth is something else altogether
why do you think they haven't made reusable rockets and shit before spaceX?
The moon is made of cheese friend
staging based for exploring solar system. testing equipment for mars colonization.
If we are ever going to send humans into the solar system a permanent moon base is the logical first step.
If we can't achieve a moon base then mars is a pipe dream.
>why do you think they haven't made reusable rockets and shit before spaceX?
What about the space shuttle, huh
What exactly is wrong with this?
>hurr durr it doesn't look like the starship Enterprise!
So what? NASA went for function over aesthetics. Parts of the lander needed to be replaced at any time during construction and testing, so molded plastic or thick sheet metal would have been a bad choice for the outer hull. And there is no atmospheric drag in space to require something that durable anyway.
Mars is a pipe dream
>And we know the landings happened because we still communicate with the LRRR array that was left by Apollo 15.
yes it's not like they could've sent unmanned things there which is the case with mars and literally every single other spacecraft we've sent outside earth orbit.
>Its retarded to suggest we didn't land on the moon when there is irrefutable proof that we did.
landing on the moon isn't denied by anyone.
Man landing on moon & coming back alive is.
yeah, space x is bullshit scam. they aren't doing anything new. just cutting costs by using other people's tech without having the overhead of the big mil contractors which are corrupt as fuck.
Not alot to do up there since they aliens wont let inside untill we get our shit together
>Mars is a pipe dream
right, but NASA switched from moon exploration to mars exploration because mars was new so they would have a justification for failing. they cant go to the moon either.
are you drank?
Doesn't look like a landing site to me. No trace of displacement of any kind whatsoever.
What it looks like: It was placed there.
>What about the space shuttle, huh
>months long preparation for the next mission after landing,
If unmanned probes made in the 60s could survive the conditions of deep space and land safely on the Moon, why would it have been impossible to do the same with live humans?
>landing on the moon isn't denied by anyone.
Yeah, it is?
there are people who outright deny that NASA even exists and claim that the whole thing is a fabricated story to cover expenses being used for other things
do you even read the posts?
it isn't the landing that is questioned
it's the re-launching that is questioned
This is funny because back in 1969 they didnt have the tech to fake it
Space is highly classified. This is not communicated to the media. Only a small portion of information gathered is shared with the public. ET's and evidence of their existence is highly classified. That is why segments of actual Moon footage has been reconstructed in-theater to replace any footage which may show evidence of ET's to the public.
The two most gaurded secrets are as follows:
1. The ongoing presence of aliens (ET's)
2. The exsitance and return of Planet X aka Nibiru.
>Man landing on moon & coming back alive is.
Only by retarded underachievers who, rather than actually do something productive with their lives, instead entertain discredited conspiracy theories so they can pretend to themselves that they are smarter than the "sheeple"
If you have the entirety of human knowledge at your fingertips, and somehow you STILL think the moon landings are fake, you are a special kind of stupid.
So they successfully landed on the moon, but thought "that wasn't impressive enough, lets fake re-launching"?
What added gain was there for faking that extra part?