The US Has Spent Nearly $5 Trillion on Wars Since 9/11 + 1.3 Million Lives Lost

>Since the September 11 attacks, the United States has spent $3.6 trillion on wars. When you add in the amount of war funding that the departments of State, Defense, and Homeland Security have requested for next year — and then the estimated costs of our present commitments to veterans — the overall price tag comes to $4.79 trillion, according to a new report by Brown University’s Watson Institute.

>For $4.79 trillion we could forgive all outstanding student-loan debt in the United States, provide universal preschool to all American children, buy ourselves a high-speed rail system — and still have a couple trillion left over for a rainy day.

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What makes you think it wouldn't have been worse without those wars?

Who needs a highly educated, healthy population when you can have big bombs?

Wars cost a lot of money

Well the American people get 2% of the money made from military spending while the rest go to the Jews who own the companies who produce military hardware so, I guess it's okay!

so no reason?

Well the American people get 0.00007% of the money made from military spending while the rest go to the Jews who own the companies who produce military hardware so, I guess it's okay!

Simple, very simple.

keep prostituting your women online

Well u could've not done Iraq, Syria and Libya at least and everyone that isn't complete human trash would have been the better for it. Afghanistan is a unsaveable shithole so u problably shud have saved everyone alot of time by just nuking that fucking place.

Pumping more shekels in the propaganda machine that is American Public Education would have just made the Burgers even more retarded.

we went from a relatively small group of extremist to the muslim hoardes we have today. you'd want blood too if it was your people, your family becoming collateral damage in retaliation for something they had nothing to do with

I used to think this way...why not just spend that money on better shit? Then i grew up and realized you cant just spend money ypu dont have and expect to get away with it. Then again thats what theyve been doing this whole time...

99% of those 1,3 million "lives" lost are muslims. Not bad for a start but we need to accelerate the killings if we want to save western civilization.

Jealous? You sound jealous, faggot. Get at me when my population is awake in a couple hours.

>gets wealthy during world wars by selling resources to both sides


yuropoors are obsessed with trains

War is necessary for all the other luxuries of life. Deal with it

((They)) get wealthy user. The American people sure as hell don't. American lives spent to keep either the oil dollar afloat or to keep the military industrial complex rolling.

>You sound jealous, faggot.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the inner ramblings of the deluded fat mind.

unless you are a jew, you aren't getting wealthy from these (((wars)))

Implying leaving Iraq alone would magiclaly improve it and not make it end up like Syria

Lybia was a internal civil war. The US didnt even wanted to go there, they jsut sent a couple planez.

Syria? How is the US involved? It took them years before even aknowledging Syria. Syria is another internal civil war.

Afghanistan? we achieved alot there. Destroyed Al Quaida and their economic base.

Wow ur such a fucking shill i hate u

No. Muslims in 2001 hijacked planes and killed 3000 people at a time.

Now they cna only use cars and drive over people.

YOu are retarded if you think that islamic terrorism got stronger. it didn't. it got DESPERATE.

Also how naive are you??? Stil spitting the same SJW LIE that "terrorists are trying to avenge their families died by American bombings"? Thats a LIE.

I challenge you to prove it.

Most terrorists are from SAUDI ARABIA or SYRIA or ALGERIA where the US didnt drop any fuckign bomb on civilians. Terrorists don't fight for "revenge", they fight for RELIGIOUS FANATISM.

Name me one single known terrorists that had previously lost family due to US bombings.

Us bombings caused VERY FEW civilian deaths. 80% fo deaths of civilians ar edue to terrorists blowing themselves up in markets.

I am a shill ebcause I talk facts?


Im not a partisan biased person like you. i dont base my opinion on "muh emotions and muh evil warz made by the evil white men"

Trains are retardedly expensive in Europe. I don't understand why people still use them. Planes and busses and far cheaper and quicker.

I miss Gadaffi. That old geezer at least ruled with an iron fist and had borders against niggers.
Now there is only chaos and cucks.

>its just an internal civil war goy. The CIA has nothing to do with the Libyan and Syrian conflicts

>The US didnt even wanted to go there, they jsut sent a couple planez.
thats all we needed to do to open the floodgates for the rapefugee hordes to invade europe. btw you are doing a good job of helping them get in, luigi. assuming you aren't a jew, which i doubt. much do you pay for a ticket?

you gotta understand EU population, traffic and train lines are alot more than in Australia where u got 2 lines going straight tru the desertz

Ghaddafi was an idiot, HE destroyed himself. He was toppled by a civil war. GUESS WHY that happened? ebcause he lived in gold-plated houses while the citizens lived in the dust.

Stop IDOLIZING that retard. He wasnt smart, he wasnt a good politician. he was so retarded that he chose BERLUSCONI as a political partner.

"iron fist" not really, if he had aREAL strong grip on his state he wouldnt have had to hire niggers mercenaries from cambodia to fight (and lose" in the civil war.

He had no loyal troops. Why? because his reign was based on MONEY. All his "trusted" generals and governators were just paid shills. And paid shills change flag easily.

LEFT MSM convinced you retards that American wars are ALWAYS evil and that the Middle East is "our fault".

Same old tactics. Trying to push a GUILT sentiment.

Fuck no, the ME is shit because of sandniggers. Stop blaming it on us.

Lybia: they wanted to threaten the petrodollar, france wanted to position themselves as a military power, their socialist president wanted to prove he was strong. we support radical groups in lybia to topple the government under the guise that we were supporting "the good rebels." in hillarys leaked emails we know the administration knew Gaddafi had a peace plan he was going to put forward to make peace with the "rebels", we ignored it and bomb and made his execution possible. we were selling weapons to local leaders before and after. But we had also sold billions in arms to Libya in the past, those stockpiles filtered into Syria. We never should have got involved when we never had a plan to maintain stability after Gaddafi.

in Iraq we put a Sunni in power that started killing the shia when we left. whoever let that guy take power.... wasnt bright. we left, isis popped up to fight the government and the shia being attacked by the government watched the land change hands. US arms given to Iraq fell into the hands of Isis.

in Syria we dont like Assad, we have been arming "rebels." our weapons in Iraq and Libya filter into Syria. syria is a mess, because we arm terrorists that we fight, and hope for assad to be taken out. the less stable the region the easier it becomes to shape them into puppets.

NO once again you fucking retard. READ AND RESEARCHT HE ACTUAL FACTS!

Ghaddafi lost the war ALONE!


THe war was WON ON THE GROUND BY REBELS in fuckign pick ups. Thats how shitty Ghaddafi was.

Stop acting like WE decide the regime change. We didn't. The Arab springs are internal movements.

Stop repeating the same MSM lie about "us toppling Ghaddafi".

Its simply a lie.

It would be like saying that Louis XVI wasn't toppled by the revolutionaries but bya "secret English plan to destablize France" NO!

You do realize the U.S. has been at war for over 200 years. The reason is simple, they profit from it. War alone has kept America's economy strong. Besides If we didn't have a military, Europe would be .

"they"? WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY? No. Lybia was an internal civil war. The facts are clear. YOu are denyign reality.

Iraq: iraq was indeed a bad mission. but not because of the mission in itself. But because of HOW it was organized. Saddam needed to be removed. 10 years of embargo didn't work. And you suggest MORE embargo? Are you retarded?
Isis popped up. No it didn't. it was already all jihadist movemnts..they trace back tot he 30s and 40s. To the fall of the Ottoman caliphate ergo the last caliphate ERGO muslims tried to make a new caliphate.

Researcht he topic more.

"Syria" US involvement started 2-3 years AFTER the start of the war.
And it was minimal, discontinuous and pointless.

Ergo STOP saying that it was the US. It was not.

Lenin was supported by the Germans in WW1 to destabilize Russia.

Does that mean that the Reich invented Marxism?

No you retarded idiot.

Use your brain.

you do realize you are an edgy 14 y/o who thinks that "wars are (JUST) for profit" in 2017?

Dude grow up...

>Lybia was a internal civil war. The US didnt even wanted to go there, they jsut sent a couple planez.
It wud have, Saddam was Sunni so the Sunnis wouldn't have gone full-on ISIS with him in charge and he kept the Shi'ites in check. He gassed a bunch of Kurds but those are a bunch of commie Turkshits anyway so fuck em.

Gadaffi cud have easily crushed the rebellion if NATO didn't destroy his airforce and bombed his troops and tanks.

Syrian rebels have received a ton of aid from America as well as some from Israel. It also was caused for a large part by the spillover from Iraq, bringing in captures weapons taken from the Iraqi army. ISIS and other groups have also received alot of suppies and weapons from the US allies in the Gulf States.

U achieved jack shit in Afghanistan. Al-Qaida just spilled over all over the place, now u have Al-Shabaab, ISIS, Al-Nusra and Boko Haram just to name a few to deal with and Al-Qaida and the Taliban are still active in Pakistan and Afghanistan and probably rise up agian when the West leaves that shithole. It's just whack-a-mole the way u guys fight terrorists.

More you beat them, more they pay.
>The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967
>1968 Congress increases aid to Israel 450 percent. Military aid jumps from $7 million in 1967 to $25 million in 1968.

And then they will run out of Afghanistan like our of Vietnam, leaving behind happy billionaire bellies, larger debt and more interracial society, earning more international hate.

still belives its as simple as sunni vs are like a fedora tipping kid...the world is more complex. Its not all about sunni and shia. Sunni and shia is liek sayign catholics and protestants..theres tens of different protestant groups and mucha s tens of sunni groups.

"could have easilycrushed the rebellioN"

NO HE WOULDNT! ANd the proof is that he had to call in nigger mercenaries form the sub saharian africa. Cous he had no loyalists. Same for Assad. you claimed it was the USW making him lsoe..still the US stopped any aid, Russia helped Assad and STILL he cannot crush the rebels..why? Because the rebels ar ethe MAJORITY! Deal with it. Muslims are mostly radicals. Stop claiming that radicals ar e aminority. Rebels are THE MAJORITY! That doesnt make em good but theya re MORE . Deal with it.

YOua re dleuded. YOu keep repeating the same MEME about the US arming rebels. Its a fuckign MEME created by MSM anti-american media.

"afgahnistan" is not under taliban rule anymroe. That was the point. No one wanted to amke em like europe you retard. We jsut didnt want Talibans controlling the land, forming armies there and making illegal traffics. We achieved alot. YOU dont see it because you are a dumb biased cunt.

"western leaves that shithoel" hahahaha ANd you think problems will magically disappear by avoidign em? Typical KID self entitled and with 0 world experience.

Thats called isolationism. It worked so well in the past..right?

comparing Vietnam to Iraq..same stuff..youa re all the same..kid I understand you discovered the Vietnam fake cause for the war..still I dont see how thats relevant..unless you THINK that that magically makes ALL wars like that...are you that retarded?

Nobody will take you seriously if you keep using reddit spacing

Just compare 2 exemples: isolationism=non intervention=NORTH KOREA vs interventionism=IRAQ.

Which one is safer and less of a problem for the western world?

Iraq? A corrupt, problematic, democracy OR North Korea, a nuclear dictatotrship?

YOu retards. Problems dont fix itself magically.


ITs always EASY to criticize AFTER the events.

YOu pussies cannot do shit in your life for the same reason. Always criticizing others never acting.

What a pitifull life.

Better TRY and fail than not trying at all.

Your mindset is FLAWED

Isn't american army just a big money laundering scheme?

Never even used reddit once in my life.

I use spaces for ADHD retards who wouldnt be able to follow tru.


what next? make love not war?

this topic about US interventionism beeing bad by default is the GENDER GAP of politics.

Everyone repeats it, no one ever verifies it.

yes? war is fucking stupid, and if you are pro-war you are not thinking with your fucking wallet because you are the one paying you stupid fucking idiot.

if i were an arms dealer would think the opposite, but it makes no fucking sense being pro-war when you're the one paying

there are 1.7 billion muslims in the world - burgers wasted so much time and money just to kill 0.1% of them ... wouldn't call this very effective strategy

>pic unrelated

>spent money killing a million muds
>could have been spent better
>what brits actually believe

Have fun paying your jizya you fucking slave.

The whole (((refugee crisis))) is a result of American wars. Stop allying with those faggots and encourage any American you know to support isolationism. Let them drown in their own shit.

>he hasn't yet figured out exactly how powerful and pervasive the Arms Manufacturing and sales industry is in Merkinland...

Dude, there are better things to keep you up at night worrying over.

Look at why NK is making nukes. Time and time again they say it's to deter US aggression. Kim would have basically no motivation to dump all his time and money into nukes if they didn't worry about Americans bringing (((freedom))).

>1.3 Million lives lost
>implying brown lives matter

a very small amount of those are American so who gives a shit.

Wars make money, what is the military industrial complex? How new are you

The migrant crisis is the result of Euros losing their fucking minds and deciding to take in every stray nigger who can get within a thousand miles of Berlin.

If they had the common sense to execute these beggar filth it'd be more like flies drowning in a trap than a crisis.

youd do well arguing with yourself.

the US needs to stop arming Extremists and Toppling leaders.

especially when they are Leaders we previous Armed with billion of dollar in weaponry that can fall into anyone's hands once they are gone.

>but not because of the mission in itself. But because of HOW it was organized.
we had no right to go in there and we should never have sold him weapons that he could use on his own people.

>10 years of embargo didn't work
those efforts old hurt civilians. the people at the top dont care. of course it wouldnt work.

>And you suggest MORE embargo? Are you retarded?
how far within the depths of your ass did you have to go to pull that out. you responded to my one and only post in this thread where i made no mention of embargos or sanctions.

>Isis popped up. No it didn't. it was already all jihadist movements
there are tons of jihadist movements, and when one splits off from another to do its own thing, you have a New One. it pops up

>they trace back tot he 30s and 40s.
wow cool, which ones did we arm? any local leaders that we support with financial or military aid that happens to fall into the hands of jihadist?

>And it was minimal, discontinuous and pointless.
we have soldiers on the ground now. we were providing support to "rebel" factions. we lot track of a lot of that friendly support. the US has been looking for a reason to step in and remove assad, but their friendly peaceful rebel narrative disappeared when the people we armed started beheading people and showing sympathy to isis and refugees&friends starting flooding North.

we gave weapons to somalia, they attacked their neighbors withour weapons, we with drew and their government fell to warlords. we assisted in libya, their leader fell and now its a complete shithole. we removed saddam and now they are struggles 15 years later to not be a complete shithole, syria is in the process of deshitholing when we tried our darndest to shithole it

What excuse would they have to leave their country if there weren't wars being fought as a result of American intervention? Your country is full of nothing but the dumbest of faggots who can't see that history is a continuum of events, and not just some, "We saved the day. This story ends here until a new supervillain arises." bullshit.

just eat a dick you retarded imperialistic warmonger
>hurr durr, lets give extremist osama and his merry men weapon and infrastructure
whoops i accidently the middle east
>hurrrrrrr lets bomb neighboring countries of israel to smitherins even thought israel started shit first
duur why do the arabs hate us?
>lets kill saddam fucking hussein for no reason
derpyderpderp why are so many different anti american factions on the rise, i don't understand what is a power vaccuum?
>lets prop up the fsa, give them tow missles and trucks
herpderpdidu why are they joining isis with our toys?

just fucking die burger, please, just leave the world alone

You forgot to archive it

>theguardian com/world/2003/apr/11/usa.iraq
>businessinsider com/why-isis-uses-toyota-trucks-2015-10?IR=T
>businessinsider com/cia-supplied-anti-tank-missiles-turned-syria-into-a-proxy-war-by-happenstance-2015-10?IR=T

>1999 -- $2.3T "lost"
>2000 -- $1.4T "lost"
>couple of years ago -- $2.5T" lost

((($5 trillion)))

$40,000 in welfare benefits for shitting out kids is what's providing the pull. That's obscene wealth for most of these shit holes and all they have to do is cast themselves into the sea and claim they're a child. US should send out homeless population while they're taking all comers.

Euros should actually be thanking us because the rational behind taking all these people is that they're going to be boosting the economy by comprising a permanent underclass. Before this they had to beg borrow and steal just to get a handful lol of Turks but we provided them the cover to import every flavor of black dick under the sun.

I am amazed at all the cucked Americans itt actually defending neocon Fight4Israel (((Wars))).
This is as bluepilled as you can fucking get.

>amazed about americans being dumb imbeciles
why again?

Anything for you, oh great Merchant.

Sir or Madam, war is redistribution of wealth to the wealthy.
Your idea of other things to do with wealth is redistribution to the people.
>surely you jest.

Yes, good lad (Russell), yes my good goay, I mean boy.


Thank you, Gaggle. I actually meant Rumsfuck when I typed Rumsfield.
Correction noted. I'll be a good goay.

Well, you can't just gas them all nowadays.

You have to get them to kill each other (whilst selling them weapons) and drone the odd group for shits and giggles.

It pays for itself and works well in the end, but yeah, it's a slow thing.

Paul Kurzberg (Mossad) & Omer Marmari &
Oded Ellner & Yaron Shmuel & Sivan Kurzberg (Mossad) & Dominik Suter (Mossad) & Shmuel Dahan & Almaliach Naor &

The first person to reportedly die on 9/11 was who Sup Forums?

>Daniel "Danny" Lewin
>an elite Israeli commando
>dual Israel/American citizen
>a "super Zionist" according to biography
>son of openly rabid Zionist poet
>he was seated in 9B on American Airlines Flight 11, first plane to hit WTC
>seated directly behind hijacker Mohamed Atta, directly in front of another hijacker in 10B
>Lewin was a captain in Seyeret Matkal, the Israel Defense Force's most secretive, elite unit
>Lewin's Unit 269 specialized in hijackings, paratrooping, international terrorism, impersonating Arabs down to complexion and hair, impersonating flight mechanics and crew to infiltrate airports
>Lewin spoke fluent Arabic
>trained in martial arts, could kill a man with a pen or credit card; could squat 500lbs
>younger, surviving brothers are IDF
>visited Israel multiple times in 2001
>father visited him in US for first time in Sept 2001, and departed Sept 10 2001

Did you know Sup Forums that the first person to die on 9/11 was Israel's very own Rambo?

Oh, and he was a billionaire by age 29 from his Internet security/traffic company Akamai Technologies, which now handles 1 billion IP addresses worldwide from 80 countries, including Israel.

Israel and the Deep State have concealed this story from Americans, but are finally readying it for public consumption, in time for the invasion of Iran and Syria.

Did Daniel Lewin actually die? Or were the hijackers Sayeret Matkal agents impersonating Muslims, who gassed the passengers, killed the pilots, then parachuted out, while base stations remotely flew the Boeings into termination.

Fuck Israel. They are guilty as sin.

How much money did they make with it though?