Have you hugged a Jew today user?

Have you hugged a Jew today user?

I tried, but most of them look like pic related, so I chickened out.

No but I keep getting fucked by them over at Bank of America

There may be good jews.

But gassing them along with all jews will cause far less human misery then leaving the bad Jews ungassed.

It is simple math really.

There is no dagger jabbed in by back, so no.

I want her to gas me desu.

Jewish woman are all ugly looking as fuck, they usually have fridge bodys, that hook nose and overall strange deformed faces.

comes from all the incest and inbreeding.


>over 98 percent Slav and Euro

user, Jews live in Israel and look like Arabs.

The fake ones in the West are just that. Fake.

I want to die now, I never knew about her ...