Sup Forums is so afraid of homosexuals that they will deny this
No one is afraid of gays. It's just hard to tolerate you after you claim discrimination but then sexually harass people in the workplace
>I get that's not all gay people
But it's disproportionate....gay guys make shit uncomfortable for straight dudes and funny for women because they see you as pets
This is why we are in decline. Be yourself be gay but don't be a faggot
Kill yourself faggot.
>but then sexually harass people in the workplace
>it's disproportionate
What, really?
How comes I've never been sexually harassed by gays?
I mean, I don't think I'm hideous...
If I were to just rub dicks with another guy, would that be considered sodomy? Asking for a friend.
I fucking hate this. I've hated this since I was a young kid. Homophobia. What a fucking inane title. I'm not afraid of faggots, I just don't like them. It's the same stupidity as the whole "you don't like gays because you are gay but in the closet ;)" shit. Fuck off.
lions don't usually stick their barbed penises into eachother's assholes
I'm willing to go out on a limb and assume you are.
dicks touching is gay. sucking a womans penis is fine though. if you dont want to be gay pay heed. pic related
They're always talking about muh nonbinary, muh discrimination, muh intolerance in the workplace. But if you so much as hint you voted for Trump or agree with any position of his you will likely be shunned by everyone there or worse fired.
oh yea being gay is natural everything is born gay plants, mamals, insects, animals, reptiles, crustaceans.
. huhh noow how tf do they reproduce???? sage
>any physical displays of affection between men is invariably gay
This is a meme that has only popped up in the last 30 years or so and it's one of the main reasons why millennials are forever alone.
In a "normal" close friendship between young men
>rough and tumble
>pats on back
>arm over shoulder
In a "normal" "best friendship" between males in the current year:
>ew don't touch me that's gay
>proceeds to only stay in contact with "best friend" via faceberg messaging service once a month at most
The sexualization of all physical contact is one of the most degenerate features of this brave new era.
It just means they're bros, you stupid queer. That's what felines do when they're friends with someone, domestic cats and even lions born in captivity do it to humans and other animals too, even doggos if they're good mates.
no homo bro
>in a "normal close freindship between young men for the last 50,000 years*
Lions are more inbred then Jews
Makes you think
gtfo of here you failed of a thing called a mamal.
they couldn't be cuddling because the earth is fucking 100% polluted with hormones now could it?
gtfo you kike. Kikes are the most inbred thing to walk this planet.
How did you know? I'm also a NEET BTW.
Oh man, this is why I love autism and Sup Forums
Homosexuality is natural.... so is rape, murder, child abuse, theft. It's precisely because it's natural that its degenerate you degenerate. Appeal to your better self, not your degenerate ape nature.
cats like to cuddle, don't see why bigger cats wouldn't
They are just cuddling, watch the video homophobes
Archive shills archive.is
i hate that stupid fucking noise she makes
Yeah that's just the cancer of leftist identity politics. Sadly the LGBT-Community is still largely enthralled in it.
Its not them being gay that's annoying I guess, it's the SJW bullshit many of them are spewing
Lion psychology =/= Human psychology.
For fuck's sake mong.
Yeah. I could give a fuck if two non binary girls want to fuck each other, and sit on each other's laps in public. The identity politics BS is really all they have to talk about and I'm constantly biting my tongue.
The exact sound varies from country to country but that's how we call cats without calling them by name
Like clockwork
>Look, that person is taking drugs too! They can't be wrong then!
>Having a bromance with your buddy means you want to bareback them
God I hate fags
Animals also eat their own shit. What point are they trying to make? Faggots need to calm the fuck down.
Most mammals are tactile to some degree, it can be used to share scent, communicate or to develop bonds between individuals.
When lions start having parades in the street wearing fetish gear and fisting each others assholes then we can assume they're homos.
>He's never been given the ol' dickeroo
how do you live?
Afraid of gays? I fully support faggotry, means more pussy for me.
>implying gays dont get pussy too
Do you know what separates humans from animals, user?
The faculty of reason. Animals don't contemplate copulating. They just do it on impulse.
Human beings, on the other hand, employ reason to curb our disordered passions.
Thank you for correctly pointing out that homosexuals behave like animals.
Article says they're not gay. Why would be afraid of something that isn't gay?
Common Filth is that you? How much gay porn have you researched today?
But I thought there was nothing wrong with being gay? Don't homos want all the animals to be gay to prove their anal sex is natural?
Of course they're white too. Anything to stop white people from having children, amirite?
Do sodomite lions get feline AIDS and hepatitis?
that's not 2 lions cuddeling, it's a lion with two heads. i guess homos never heard of heraldry.
be careful now, you're toeing the line
So, are we going to get 'transgender animals' bullshit soon? I'm sure it's already out there on the Internet, but I sure as hell am not going to seek it out.
>Muh cat is a girl despite her penis. She does things only girl cats usually do!
Repent sodomite abomination or else...
>Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
>Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them
Nope. Gay lions.
>The Frogs!
No wonder why they call a group of loins a PRIDE
>comparing animal behavior to human choices
Uncle doing ok? Brother still doing well? Daddy still loves you?
dolgan blunks sigil is a lion, makes youthink
no one is afraid if you fags, homophobia is a meme. We hate you and feel disgust every time you and your filth get put in front of us. you're gross and degenerate and I can't wait till the last of you are killed off.
Sounds like something a big SCAREDY CAT would say
Hey sodomite how do you feel about this?
i couldn't care less. I don't know that guy.
fuck off kike
faggotrism is a jewish trick to destroy the nuclear family.
Is this an appeal to nature, false equivalency, or a bit of both. Either way, stop being a faggot OP.
There's something in their water!
>I've never been sexually harassed by gays?
Those who don't work can't be harassed at the workplace desu.
Obviously all poltards like a mano-a-mano cuddle sometimes.
Kek'd from the pic, but not the article
If you want to act like an animal, get treated like an animal.
in korea the boys cuddle with their friends and its not gay, anyone who used to watch starcraft tournaments would know this
>>implying gays dont get pussy too
doesn't that make them bi rather than gay?
>a group of loins
I thought that was called an orgy?
I just can't keep up with kids' lingo these days ...
Get lost pervert!
The barbs aren't that sharp. About the same as facial hair stubble. Yes, I'm a faggot
its straight when you have sex with a girl. bi is a meme
Speaking from experience?
Nobody is afraid of faggots. Most of us tolerate you degenerates while we wait for science to genocide you. Who the fuck is going to opt for a gay baby once we have go all in with gene editing to remove mental illness.
I wish, I just read any research papers I can find. There's a surprising amount of study on animal dicks. Like how zebras have a 1.3 liter cumshot.
>so afraid of gays that you want to (((edit))) them out from society
Oky goy, sounds great. how about you kill yourself first, while we outfuck your genetics
>being this stupid
Lions also slaughter children thay aren't there's. This example doesn't prove a point. Why are libtards so bad at basic comparisons and critical thinking?
Those lions are probably brothers. Lions basically act like kittens around other lions they grew up with.
>y-your just s-scared you nazi w-wimp
it's going to be so wonderful when fags get purged in November.
>often brothers will work together
>lions bond by rubbing their faces together
watch any show about lions for 30 minutes, jeeze louise
you literally will fuck yourselves to death, if you don't get aids from eat diarrhea first. You don't seem to understand that if the christian patriachry doesn't burn you at the stake, the Muslim hordes will finish you off in much worse ways. there is no good ending for you here. keep being a sassy fag, pretty soon you're going to have a boot through the back of your skull and there absolutely is no alternative.
This is the same fag shill that posts the trump threads. Saged
I don't get this. Who is he and why is he being cross posted on Sup Forums as a meme
> using BING
>lead singer of the cuckcore band
>4'9 manlet
>I'll punch you you dumb Nazis
>video is btfo and taken down within a day
the problem is that these relationships where men were close in an almost brother like fashion are now seen as gay
there was a video on youtube about it, forget what it was called but it went into detail about how a couple of decades ago a relationship between men where they were able to confide in each other with total trust was seen as normal but slowly evolved into being seen as gay, and because of that Sup Forums denounces this truer idea of brotherhood between men over the strength and power idea of brotherhood they uphold as that isnt seen as gay in the modern day and age
So a few animals have been observed being gay, therefore humans should be gay too. But roughly 90% of sex in nature is rape so if we follow the gay thing, it must be right to rape.
Cuckcore? This some sort of anti-fash thing? This only gets more and more bizzare...
Gay dudes are the reason straight men cant do this.