Can someone explain Universal Basic Income to me? Everyone gets paid the same, no matter what work they do?
It just sounds like the stupidest fucking idea, that could only work in fantasy land.
Can someone explain Universal Basic Income to me? Everyone gets paid the same, no matter what work they do?
It just sounds like the stupidest fucking idea, that could only work in fantasy land.
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I don't know if it's stupid, Milton Friedman said if you're going to have welfare, this was the best way to do it since it didn't require a large government agency to administer and oversee, and no laws that would break up families and discourage people from working.
Think of it like welfare but without the corruption.
not quite right. Sorta like the dole, but they eliminate the bullshit administration (centrelink) and increase the amount you can earn before it gets docked.
Libertarian UBI is the future
Yes I can explain.
You can no longer bite the hand that feeds you.
If you are dependent you are no longer free.
It means you get the minimum amount of money you need to survive without having to go through the bureaucracy. A negative income tax would be a better idea and it wouldn't cost as much.
Universal Income is what will happen when we live in a post-scarcity civilization. However we are not in a post-scarcity civilization and people are currently using that word as a masquerade for communism.
It's a stupid little communist pipedream.
UBI is the idea that everybody will be paid a certain sum merely for existing, and if you want more you can then work for it, but it doesn't really make sense because UBI is extremely expensive and can only really come around when resources are limitless/nigh limitless so the idea of currency ( you know, buying and selling things for a stable intermediary because they're in demand or not) is obsolete
It's a euphemism for communism, gulags, bread shortages, and human misery.
Milton Friedman presumed that anyone who received their free money and spent it on alcohol at the start of the month and couldn't afford medical care or housing would literally die in a ditch because no government program was there to save them. That is, unless they could get private charity.
Leftists use Friedman as an argument, even though they have no intention of deleting the public welfare and medical care systems.
Not so much docked, as not recuperated at tax time,I believe.
Biggest advantage is people not being tied to their current wagecuck jobs as bad. They have the option more to leave and pursue their passion. Thus creating more productive society, supposedly.
This, now fuck off OP you faggot
wealth redistribution plain and simple.
Fucking this. They all completely misinterpret what Milton Friedman was saying.
He said the current welfare system should be abolished, but if it were to be replaced, use a Universal Basic Income system.
This. It's just a commie trick, identify people who support it and you pretty have a free spotlight for the commie sucks in your life.
I actually support it. People can pursue any interests they wish and even if they fuck up they can still lay back on the ubi. Just note that we're talking basic of the basic with enough food for heat, food and rent. The only way people could buy other things is with a job.
We already produce way more than we need. The idea of basic income is that people aren't forced to debase themselves for money. Those who want more can always get more.
The only way to stop the race war is to make sure they get paid as much as you, but since they don't work, you have to pay their way.
everybody gets the same
nobody has a reason to give 100% anymore because wayne
welcome to mediocrity
>Everyone gets paid the same, no matter what work they do?
No, it is completely unrelated to your job. That is actually what gives it some advantages
>is always paid in the same height, no matter if you work or not, so you never get into situations where not working would lead to more money than working
>doesn't only reward the leeches, which are currently taking up most of the welfare spending, but everyone
>you cannot game the system, height is fixed
>allows you to look for jobs that actually fit your qualification rather than taking whatever just to get some food on the table
>bureaucracy can be reduced to a minimum due to the much simpler system
In countries that already have extensive welfare programs, it could work. Under the conditions that all other kinds of welfare, without exception, get abolished. Then you end up with roughly the same costs (because most of the bureaucracy is gone) but a couple advantages over regular welfare.
Every downside of UBI is already a downside of welfare, too.
If we lived in a post-scarcity technological wonderland, we wouldn't need currency at all.
I think you underestimate how much more expensive it would become if you put EVERYBODY on the dole.
No, I think you underestimate how much is wasted on bureaucracy for the current system.
I did the numbers for Germany a while back and if you just paid every German citizen, no matter how old, 800-900€/month, you'd come out at about the same amount they are spending right now.
No kick dad out of the house subsidy.
3 kids vs 12 kids same check. This will prevent forever unemployed from having kids by eliminating the subsidy.
Still need robots to wipe great grandpas ass.
>Give everyone on earth a UBI of $50,000/year
>Everything is great for the first few hours, poor fags go on a spending spree because they have no concept of saving/ inflation
>Companies start running out of supply, so they raise the prices of their goods
>They continue to sell out extremely quickly, so they keep raising prices in order to meet demand
>Now your $50,000 nominal income can only buy as much as $10,000/year could buy before UBI
>Complain about muh capitalist pigs and receive double the previous year's UBI
>Prices keep increasing at the rate that your income increases
>Rinse and repeat
Universal income only works if you're a no life. no friends. no girlfriend/wife, no, responsibilities, no interests, no drive. no ambition, autistic loser, with some kind of underlying mental disorder that's yet to be diagnosed / treated.
If you believe you fall into the above category you should go see a psychologist that's registered/qualified to assist in the process of autism bux.
If you're normie you have no need for any government assistance, that's what autists need.
communism 2.0 - now with double the faggotry
in my country people make $6,000/year working 8h a day
u mad nigga?
It's a good idea. On the off chance that trickle down economics is a tactic to keep the countries wealth in the hands of a tiny fraction of the population, we have a Universal Global Income. Its a way for you and me to have spending power, so we can go out and buy more products, or have the ability to pay the rent, to pay for the properties the rich own. If you make the masses TOO poor, they will revolt and/or vote for a party that wants to help the average person. The balance of power might shift. Universal income is a great way of ensuring people have just enough money to not revolt. Just comfortable enough not to question things. Having a population on welfare, with access to the internet and free expression of thought is a recipe for people to get pissed off. Kill off unregulated thought and give people enough money to actually believe in the lifestyle that is sold to them on TV. Fucking genius.
UBI of $50,000/year can't be paid because the government does not have this amount of money.
also it would be best if you get it per day and not per year so this is avoided.
UK has ATOS, they fail almost all people who apply for autismbux even with doctors note
They invite you in and do their own tests without your doctor and only their own tests determine if you are able to claim or not, and they have deadlines for how many they have to deny
Alot of suicides are directly because of ATOS
>People immediately go to loan-sharks
>Rack up ridiculous debts
You can't fix stupid, user.
One of the basic requirements that has to be met for UBI to work is the abolishment of all (without exception) other kinds of welfare.
That means, if you fuck up to the point where you will die without external help, society lets you die.
It works for everyone rather than just losers, that is the main difference between UBI and welfare.
You obviously will want to have a job on top of it though unless you fall into one of the categories you listed.
There's nothing basic about $50k. It would be more like $12k
I think a ubi would end up stopping humans from achieving as much as we would without it, it completely removes competition from all of the job sectors so no one will end up doing jack shit because why would you work hard when you can do literally nothing and get the same pay
>Go to loan sharks
is so stupid that they should just die Idc what happens to someone who is so dumb. But when someone just spend their UBI without thinking, he should receive it daily for better control of their money. It's just better not perfect, user
>when you can do literally nothing and get the same pay
Maybe try to re-read what you think you are talking about
All these fantasy programs fall apart if you're not willing to let people die for making bad choices.
Should pay people in rent and heat vouchers. If you give poor people money they'll spend it on crack and then demand more gibs when their kids get hungry
What UBI means:
You get enough money just for:
>a shitty aparmtent
>macaronis and water
>internet and phone bill
>some clothes and hygiene products
That's it.
If everybody received 1000 euros at the end of the month, for instance, as basic income I can tell you with great confidence that the price of a beer or a lollipop will start at 950 euros for a single unit. See it as this, if everyone had 1k, nobody would have 1k anymore.
And prices will adjust accordingly. So gibmestuffs will keep increasing as the prices keep increasing because gibmeshits are increasing thus again the damn prices increase. Proof Socialism doen't work indefinitely.
That's not what UBI is, it's where everyone gets a basic amount of money and then goes out and earns on top of it
We wouldn't need currency but we would still have it even in that kind of future. How else would the powerful people control the masses?
how does UBI deal with the consquential inflation caused by it. The minute it is implemented wont prices rise. How could it adjust for this problem
The only thing a UBI will achieve is hyperinflation and extreme redistribution of wealth. Forever objecting to the idea of a UBI.
We already spend a giant amount of money on welfare and shit. if they did it correctly it could work.
step 1. Abolish ALL welfare and government programs designed to help poor people. Including social security, medicaid, medicare
step 2. Give a UBI that people can't really live on. Something like $10,000. $2000 of which will be reserved for health care. Kids earn a small fraction of what adults do, barely enough to feed an cloth them.
step 3. encourage people taking additional employment to supplement this income. Do not take it away or tax it when people make more money.
Basically it would take money away from human trash and give it to EVERYONE. You don't have to be a single mom drug addict with aids to get help from the government. I'm not sure if the numbers would line up, but it may be possible by fireing all the government employees that run the current system.
Price regulation. But that isn't viable.
This exactly, prices will adapt. It will be the downfall.
What else do you want?
It's basically just a modernized form of welfare. Prices would still be the same. The point of ubi is to get rid of all welfare clerks and government workers.
No, that is the desired effect. In reality that would never happen.
sounds like some commie gobblygook to me
By not actually increasing the amount of money being put into the economy. Rather it would redirect the same amount of money that was going to human trash and government workers to everyone instead.
It means less money for owners of bussiness since more people would rely on this
It is essentially, a lot of commie gobblygook. Any idea or proposal where people receive money without doing anything is commie gobbylgook and should forever be dismissed.
>Oops I drank all my UBI money give me more
>Look my child is starving are you going to punish her for my alcoholism
This line of argument will be used, and it will work
>Can someone explain Universal Basic Income to me? Everyone gets paid the same, no matter what work they do?
>It just sounds like the stupidest fucking idea
you're the fucking dumb one, because you don't understand the concept.
everyone gets a base, default amount of money to reinvest in their local economies. Poor people don't hoard money or save because they can't afford it. UBI would be made back by the gov. ; it will be implemented.
You little faggot
Why not just give the money directly to the liquor stores and weed dispensaries
You don't get it do you, son?
Food welfare comes on cards already and can reject transactions for alcohol, why would UBI be any different?
If your argument is that they can sell it for cash, then the kid is going to turn out shitty anyways like parents who already sell SNAP benefits.
Here in Finland we have Guardianship for adults who can't control their spending. They are, after all, mentally ill.
Yeah, getting rid of clerks at the welfare office sounds like communism.
UBI would work if:
a) all humans were perfectly rational beings who can rationally manage money
b) all welfare other than UBI is abolished
since neither of those things would happen in the eventuality of introducing UBI, its doomed to fail from the get go
>everyone gets a base, default amount of money to reinvest in their local economies.
>supply and demand dictate that prices go up
>congratulations, you've created a less efficient way to print money
>runaway inflation, economic collapse, starvation and death
Give high risk people daily payments
I consider that post-scarcity is not synonymous with infinite. It's a situation where technology has made most people comfortable, but not equal in wealth. Some things, services, concepts and advantages will be finite and therefore we will still need currency to trade such things conveniently.
Not to be a faggot but that is the weimar republic.. a democratic country
>Yeah, getting rid of clerks at the welfare office sounds like communism.
No, giving people free shit for merely existing is what sounds like communism. Don't be stupid now, son.
This situation is already here. Almost all lower paying jobs hire people and they suck ass because there is no point in trying.
Underrated post
Gibs for everyone,fedoras try to rationalize that they are entitled to free shit bc theu havent worked a day in thier lfe,real work like physical labor. Or do a shift at the hospital etc
Fall of rome bread and circus type nonsense
yeah but you can defraud the welfare system and sell your food stamps to get money for drugs.
Well, yes. Because a large portion of western society is educated and has a decent job. We are desperate for retards, we need retards who are mediocre with very little to no ambition in life to fill the menial labour jobs. These jobs or class of society are currently being synthesized by importing hordes of "refugee" nigs.
The Socialist Soviet Union of FantasyLand you mean.
It's life support for capitalism. The LITERAL opium of the masses.
If automation happens like people think it will, and wipe out 20-50% of jobs, businesses cannot stand, because such an occurance would equally wipe out 20-50% of consumer spending. So just give everyone juuust enough money to prop up the economy while keeping the masses from revolting.
Overrated post. If you give free houses and energy to people, they will have more money to spend on other stuff. That money spent will inflate prices of most consumer goods.
They tried it a bit here in Finland to some few thousand ppl IIRC. Thing was, the people living on welfare got deducted welfare and got pretty much same as before, and ppl who had job just got more money. Truly a success!
>step 2. Give a UBI that people can't really live on. Something like $10,000. $2000 of which will be reserved for health care. Kids earn a small fraction of what adults do, barely enough to feed an cloth them.
All they need is their foot in the door. The government always starts with something reasonable people agree with. Then they keep expanding their power. People are mortal, Governments are eternal. They just apply mild pressure against individual liberty but it's consistent over an infinite amount of time. Year by year, decade by decade, century by century, the Jews will return us all to serfdom.
Maybe give two free houses so they have even more extra money
It's a good idea
Remove all the regulation and beauracracy of wellfare / benefit crap
With automatisation on the way minimum wage jobs are getting shoahed anyway
Also the welfareites will be encouraged to shiteven more kids bc more mney but the peoplethat arent having kids today will have even less bc of price increases and scarcity of desired godds such as housing. You cant print out good lhomes in a decent neighborhood which there will be evenless of bc of niggers everywhere bc see point above.
Also the state controls you bc you cannot exist without ubi as being outside the system can andwillmean less. Food as prices will increase
Tldr:reddit isall over ubi,hard as diamonds for it evenwhen the slightest news of it becoming reality
That's not the point I'm trying to make. I'm trying to convey the fact that inflation would negate any attempts to raise the poor from poverty.
how is it a good idea when like romania user said it encourages niggers to spout out more kids for gibs. do you set a limit to it, irregardless of kids? it's a good idea in concept for countries that aren't plagued with people trying their hardest to avoid being productive citizens.
>Everyone gets paid the same, no matter what work they do?
A base income is granted -- enough to service one's needs, and such that it provides a comfortable, stable existence. (In real terms: it keeps the jobless from insurrecting.)
Those who work to earn over and above this level, are free to prosper further.
It's kind of like the dole, but more substantive than 'subsistive'; and is universal right, nay policed privilege that is ready to be wrest back whenever prerequisites are deemed unfulfilled.
This system has been posited as a band aid solution for the fast-diminishing workforce that our societies are built upon. It's not a fix per se, but it is something that can be implemented within a generation to placate those who will overnight find themselves lacking direction and a reason to exist.
Unless people are accoutred with the seed of creativity (from childhood), they will still eventually rise up--through boredom, inutility and lack of clear purpose.
This is retarded. It's isn't just young scum you're dealing with her, you also have older folks who can't work anymore.
I'll tell you something, if UBI gets introduced, I go full NEET.
Currently monetary police creates new money on the demand of private banks. This makes all money debt owned to banks.
UBI stops creating money on demand for banks and instead creates the new money needed for the economy and directly transfers it to the population to spend into circulation.
we turn the presses on ultra print, and we don't turn them off till every ones payed.