Blue-White Celto-Germanic
Light blue-White+Medshit and/or Slavshit
Light brown-Medshit(White+Mednigger)
Racial map of Europe
Light Brown can also be Mednigger+Slavshit=Balkannigger
Here's a racial map
Slavic subhuman tries to be human.
You are still an Untermensch.
You might have blue eyes and blonde hair like me, but you will always be worthless!
Germans will never exept you!
One of the worst maps
All non-Germanic humans are basically not worthy of life. it's a shame that Poles,Czechs and Slovenes of good quality were not Germanized and the rest put to slave labour for the Teutonic Reich.
Slav wants to be Germanic.
How sad.
Ivan you will always be a 2nd class human, stop with this Germanboo shit.
Come on now.
Hitler was not just right about the Jews, but the Slavs too. Just look at how incompetant are the Slavs at governing themselves.
Its bullshit when it comes to Poland
Please excuse this retard
hey ruskie ruskie ruskie :D
Look a slavic faggot LARPing as a german you slovenians are so delusional
we wuz celts n shit
Germanic untermensch too busy prepping the bull for Ahmed and Antwone
Remember to sage divisive threads and NAME THE SHILL
Slovenians are Germanics with a Slavic culture, just like Czechs and Western Polaks.
>Germanics with a Slavic culture,
They are slavs with germanic culture you moron
>never except you!
Then you must always include them.
>ignoring Germanic colonization
>ignoring expulsion and razed villages
But you know there was no germans in the western Poland after 1945. Literally no one left, you moron
>Slav subhuman
Albonigger detected
Just look at Silesia, the Germanics with Slavic culture still exist, they just deny their Germanic roots, because they fear the Untermensch reaction.
Here's a racial map we can all agree on lads
Fine, you were given a choice
>What will we name the former Austria
North sea and Baltic sea
Your cartoon map looks Dumb and stupid.Some people there don't even have same ethnic ancestry at all.
For example,Slovenians obviously didn't came from same people in southern France you retard.Or Croats from people from parts of Spain lol
A poznaĆem rodaka robaka. A teraz wypierdalaj
Damn look at difference in spain and morocco i pray to the ZEUS med sea God for the med sea kept niggers away!!!
100% castillian ancestors
Stop you morons. There's too much shitskins to argue over white races, germanics are getting raped by them, in 100 there will be no whites in western Europe because you dumb fucks were arguing which white is whiter
>replying in Polish
Wish I could go to spain and worship atthe strait.
What race am i
I am Greek i think
not you again
I had no idea you Slovenians came from same people as northern Iberians and southern French did!
LOL that map looks so stupid it's funny.
I am Greek
I'm Albanian and I'm pale with hazel eyes, but can tan as well.
Jesus ,you are here too?
I dont like J2 people
One of few proper maps
Hellenic ethnicity,but seeing your flag you are some Kebab.
>T. Green eyed Black haired Austrian mountain slav in denial.
gas yourself
>tfw proto european
we wuz natives n shiet
Slavic subhuman
ok Genghis
We are all brothers.
Who make this threads are sub-human scum.
Who reply to these threads are retards.
sage this shit.
Can you just answer about your dumb map,how did my Croatia ended up as southern Spain?WE wuz Iberians/Latins/Celts once?
How did your Slovenia ended up as northern Spain and southern France?WUZ Slovenians Gauls at one point?
I mean from historical and ethnic and linguistic perspective?
You replied to this thread so that makes you a retard
he made the map on his biases
don't take everything to heart mate, this is Sup Forums
Slavic subhuman with inferiority complex
saged you dumb faggot
kys you hairy manlet cuck
You are a nigger mate
>88.5 IQ
Turkish hominid
Friendly reminder that there is no slavic race.
WTF abbos can have blonde hair??
Sarmatia (South Slavs) taken over Celtic, Geramnic tribal areas 5'th century.
poolaks where not even present on Celtic/Gothic/Germanic/Baltic tribal clay until 8'th century.
Khazarian slaves breed alright and taken over clay and now infested so much, even Ruskies and our jews given them clay underevetly (again) has audacity to talk about clay belonging to them, due to migrants breeding?
Mediterraneans and Celts aren't ethnicities cocksucker
What are we
Don't run away Janez, you're in the same group as us, join the medshit masterrace
The Northern Part (Ostmark) -> Eastern Bavaria
The Southern Part (Tyrol) -> Southern Bavaria
The Part Between them (Styria, Karantania) -> Southeast Bavaria
>not being CW/Aryan