Why didn't the British public like this man? Why didn't they elect him?
What stopped Mosley from seizing power?
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beady eyes
Strong tradition of classical britbongi liberalism
We don't really hear about him. I only found out about him a few months ago when I saw his photo on this site.
Otherwise, he is a forgotten part of history.
Kikes, duh
He was arrested and the party banned.
Name one thing the brits did collectively in the history of humanity that wasn't retarded
He was irrelevant since his country was a victor in WW1 and didn't get cheated like Italy
This. It's also worth noting that his peace movement was growing (he demanded a referendum on the war) and was supported in secret by many high-ranking members of the military, and by some of the aristocratic class.
he got banned from twitter and shadowbanned on reddit. Not enough reach.
And that's why you're in the condition that you're in.
I believe British were trying to be "progressive" and "inclusive" even back then. Not sure why. I can only wonder who was responsible.
Also this . Not sure there was anything that could have been done differently. Similar to Romania when Codreanu was assassinated in the 30's before his rise to power. There were certainly followings for both movements..
Not really true. A French diplomat observed that, due to the decimation of our aristocratic class in the Great War, that it was like he had lost such was the damage to our cultural bedrock. The shock of WW2 in Britain is what drove both Mosley and Pound to fascism, even though they're of countries that technically won the war.
Few excerpts from the Wiki that found your point.
> John Gunther described Mosley in 1936 as "strikingly handsome ... probably the best orator in England. His personal magnetism is very great".[25] Among Mosley's supporters at this time were the novelist Henry Williamson, military theorist J. F. C. Fuller and the future "Lord Haw Haw", William Joyce.
> At one of his New Party meetings in Leicester in April 1935, he stated, "For the first time I openly and publicly challenge the Jewish interests of this country, commanding commerce, commanding the Press, commanding the cinema, dominating the City of London, killing industry with their sweat-shops. These great interests are not intimidating, and will not intimidate, the Fascist movement of the modern age." [27] The party was unable to fight the 1935 general election.
It's also worth noting that he wasn't imprisoned, but rather interned without trial.
He loved his people and wanted peace and wasn't an anti-Semite contrary to popular belief.
After the war he was completely discredited and fled the country. He has been completely buried as a political figure ever since he was shut down and is definitely one of the most interesting political figures in our recent history.
I think a lot of normies could warm to his speeches. He doesn't have the stigma of Hitler and speaks in English.
>wasn't an anti-Semite contrary to popular belief.
Yes, he and his wife and others. I believe initially he was put in some sort of prison separated by his wife. Then eventually allowed to be interned with his wife. Can't really do shit when the powers that be shut down a movement as it's gaining ground.
His speech against globalism is perhaps the best entrance to him for normies.
Not anti-Semitic in the sense he was greatly aware of Jewish influence and involvement in WW2 and tried to stop it but didn't hate all Jews on account of their race alone.
His (I think eldest) son actually died earlier this year, in February.
There are books written by him on his father.
Every country between WW1 and WW2 aside from the USSR had a fascist party trying to take power. The difference is that grievances in the UK from WW1 weren't as strong as they were in Italy or Germany. Liberal democratic establishments only turn to fascism as a last resort, and Britain didn't have Communists throwing hand grenades in the street.
Quote from him.
"For the first time I openly and publicly challenge the Jewish interests of this country, commanding commerce, commanding the Press, commanding the cinema, dominating the City of London, killing industry with their sweat-shops. These great interests are not intimidating, and will not intimidate, the Fascist movement of the modern age."
>ywn live in the timeline where Mosley was elected and Codreanu didn't get murdered
fuck this gay earth
Damn i just read the wikipedia article about him.
Such a shame what happened, imagine if britain and germany would have allied up.
I doubt many people here hate the niggers, mudslimes and kikes on the basis of their skin. It's deeper than that.
But these same interests are what shot him down. He underestimated the jew and he paid for it. I still like him though.
It would've been an extremely militarily powerful force.
Like, I can't even imagine.
I'd not know enough about his life to say what ended him for certain.
Hess' story shows how close that was to happening.
Would be cool to learn more about him, and others like him.
Iktf, user. Hitler too. No trans/gay bullshit, niggers/spics on welfare, poos , chinks, & shitskins infesting our communities and corporations. No housing, student loan, and all the other economic crises going on. Well fuck maybe one day the movement they created will grow again.
Watch the David Frost interview from the 1960s.
Listen to what Mosley has to say, then spot the two interjectors who insist he's antisemite.
(((Shouldn't be hard to figure out.)))
Incredible speech.
All that needed to happen was Lindbergh to keep America out of the war entirely, both in terms of supply and men.
Learning about him is easy, as despite his views, he is not really a controversial figure.
Here is his author amazon page: amazon.co.uk
Book titles include:
> Fascism: 100 questions asked and answered.
> My Life, by Osward Mosley.
> The Greater Britain.
Those are all I can really find.
If Hitler also would not have persecuted Slavic people like he did, and perhabs even made peace with the poles or an allignment, we would have been unstoppable.
That is the thing i liked the least about him, his stupid disdain for the Slavs, they are brothers just like the other europeans.
But yeah, our 2 back then major world powers united would have been unstoppable.
The neither the commies nor the-soon-after degenerated americans would have been able to stop us.
Pan-Europeanism wasn't really a thing until a while after the war.
This is the interview I mentioned.
Well you have to remember it was a European struggle. In our more global world now, the differences between cultures are more apparent. But back then? The British and German way would have seemed way more distant I imagine.
So, the same would apply to the slavs and Germanics, two completely different places and peoples.
That was then though. As an analogy, the colours red and orange look very different from each other when just singled out. But when looked alongside the entire colour spectrum, they're more similar than they would realise.
Some things have progressed and been enlightened, some have not.
Did (((they))) have something to do with it?
I can get behind every other fascist leader, but I think Hitler went too far and too quickly. His (probably Rosenberg's, but Hitler still listened) ridiculous focus on eliminating the population of the Soviet Union before the war was over fucked up so much. Millions of Soviet PoWs and millions of Ukrainian and Belarussian civilians could have been recruited to fight for Germany against Bolshevism, but they all ended up in the ground instead
Fascism is inherently un-British.
Nobody here is denying our liberal tradition :)
So is importing shitskins and chinks but I dont see fascism advocating for that
He was only a minor political figure and the Germans did start bombing British cities instead of military bases.
Had Hitler given an official appology to the civilians and promised paying reparations this Mosely guy would have won some popularity.
One of our oldest edicts is that every man should be a heavily armed soldier for the Crown and nation.
The fyrd is an inherently fascist concept.
wH*te dog
stop being beadyphobic
I mean it's not like the citizens of the Soviet Union liket living there.
Also nit only that, exterminating european brothers was retarded anyways.
He also should have tried to avoid war with the Union as long as possible.
Yes, it was unavoidable because the Soviets would have attacked sooner or later anyways, but he should have delayed it.
Imagine this:
Hitler forces Poland to ally with the germans instead of conquering them entirely.
Germany and Britain becime allies too, france stays occupied but is not terrorized and we accepted french volunteers too.
Together with the industrial capacities, scientists, recources, and men and might of such an allignment, we would have been unstoppable.
Well, now it's easy to say such things, sadly shit was different back then and now we are stuck in shit to the neck all together.
Beady master race
>Moseley was different!
No. Fascism is fascism is fascism.
really gets your noggin cloggin
Victor Rothschild shut him down just like he helped inflate Winston Churchill to power and turn him into a Jewish sockpuppet
I should really do a Knowledge Bomb thread on him
>maybe one day the movement they created will grow again.
So long as men dare to speak the truth and stand up to the insanity being forced upon society, the movement will live and thrive. That's why (((they))) are so panicked about a resurgence of Fascism.
Think of it like a bed of smoldering coals. All you need is a little bit of fuel and the fire roars back to life.
Where in this thread have I stated I suppose fascism? Or Mosley?
And where have I said Mosley was 'different'?
I've just stated facts about his life, and said we in this country have a liberal tradition, which no one in this threat denies.
That's a bad strawman you're trying to make there lad. I'm not a fascist xD
into the blood refineries he goes
because this fat cunt and his jewish friends decided that Mosley was a danger for their zionist plans
You say that like British police and military forces aren't PROPERTY of the crown who don't swear fealty to the people and like the fuzz haven't openly and publicly threatened citizens who criticize govt policy with "We're coming for you." and "If you say racist things online expect a knock on the door from us."
The lust for aryan blood was too strong
Hitler hated Mosley though
Communists were throwing hand grenades in the streets in the Weimar Republic? How did they keep getting away with it up until Hitler?
America does it again.
Any sources or exposition or are you telling (((porkies)))?
>This guy gets it.
Hitler, and Goring, attended Mosley's wedding in Germany.
He's probably just spinning a yarn mate.
britons are cucks for big government, but only if that big government entails a german king or queen sitting on their throne.
Everything about British so-called "Fascism" was foreign: the hymn was German (Horst Wessel with English lyrics), the Uniform Italian (Blackshirts): Mosley as nothing more than an upper class playboy, and unfit to actually be a Fascist leader - he was only interested in his giant ego, and duped a load of working class lads from the East End to follow him.
There's even enough evidence to suggest that he was merely an establishment plant - all the other Fascist leaders had humble beginnings, ours was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (who jumped from all over the place politically, from conservative to socialist, from socialist to Fascist) - he was only interested in his own vain ego.
Got b&
Thanks. I'll have to add the Mosleys to my reading list.
He basically loved the balls out of facism, then some facists blitzed London.
Watch this first, and then I'd recommend buying his autobiography, 'My Life', you can get it pretty easy on Amazing for a tenner.
>Like this motherfucker in the anals of History
UK attacked first though.
Poland would have never have allied with Germany; They hated Germans. One of the main reasons Germany invaded Poland was because the polish people were slaughtering ethnic Germans.
Check my post m80
Do you not know about the German revolution of 1918? The communists started a civil war in Germany after WW1.
Don't forget it was held at Goebbels' home as well. His wife was a National Socialist.
Adding on to this.
Many of our great times in history, the economic policies and societal structures of those times would now be considered fascism.
Modern liberalism has managed to convince people that Britain was always ooh cups of tea m'am and complaining about the weather. Not true.
Up until the 50s that wasn't how British culture was.
Read founding documents of our country, and you will see.
It was a different time back then. Hitler didn't have the perspective of things like we have now. In hindsight I think he wouldn't have attacked Poland and would have made an alliance against the Soviet Union, if he knew the gravity of the situation.
'Gravity of the situation'
You sly dog.
The Weimar government was ineffective and at one point there were 30+ parties trying to gain power.
Berlin was a communist stronghold and also the sin capital of Europe.
Total bullshit. Mosley was friends with Goebbels, and openly modeled his fascist movement as a British variant of National Socialism, though also being heavily influenced and inspired by Mussolini's Italy.
Hitler shagged Mosley's sister-in-law, who made a pilgramage to Germany to become a dyed in the wool national socialist. Both her and her sister (Mosley's wife) never gave up their convictions, even after the end of the war and Mosley's death.
I wish there was more footage of Mosley out there. I find his speeches and interviews interesting.
There are small segments of clips I don't recognise in various recent press videos. It turns out he did a lot of television appearances and interviews before and after the war. Most of it is held in collection.
Apparantly people don't have the perspective of what it was like back then. He wanted to put aside the differences of their people and acknowledge their borders in exchange for a highway and railway to East Prussia, which was German territory.
Read the link here
There was some pasta going around of Hitler's relations with Poland in the 1920s and early 1930s.
Allegedly he wanted an alliance with them, so help each other against the Soviets, and was well on his way to securing it.
The Polish guy was replaced however by a puppet who refused to negotiate with him and allied the British and the French.
Knowing that the Soviets were going to be a threat, he thus had no choice but to settle the non-aggression Treaty with them and after the Poles genocided all Germans in Danzig, liberated as much of Poland as they could.
>What stopped Mosley from seizing power?
He and all his affiliates got arrested for their political views.
look how they made fun of an old man
Everything about British so-called "Monarchism" was foreign: the hymn was Jacobite (popular with the Scots and English papist scum after the landing of Charles Edward Stuart), the Uniform originated in Flanders (Lord Wentworth's Regiment): George I as nothing more than an upper class playboy, and unfit to actually be a king of Britain - he was only interested in his mistresses, and duped a load of upper class lads from the City to follow him.
There's even enough evidence to suggest that he was merely an establishment plant - all the other British leaders had elite beginnings, ours was born with a silver spoon up his arse (who jumped from all over the place politically, from Jacobite, to Tory, from Catholic to Protestant) - he was only interested in his own vain ego.
Thanks. The difference between British access/knowledge and Ausie access/knowledge to this stuff is crazy. I only found The Longest Hatred: Anti-Gentilism on an Ausie website because owning a copy got some WS locked up for two years over here.
Already opened tabs m8. Thanks.
Would Mosley of actually been good for British culture though? Was he actually our guy?
Might be worth it to put that stuff online
Mussolini made the same jump from Socialist to Fascist.
And do you really doubt he was genuine? Why would a rich, connected, intelligent person choose to stay with fascism when he could easily have served himself better by staying with Labor or Conservatives? He took his fascism to his grave, effectively exiled from his homeland.
Mosley was no doubt a progressive in the sense that modern technology could revolutionize British society, he was a socialist in the non-cucked sense of the word.
There would have been no restoration of monarchy, but you can be sure that your country would not have been sold to my country in order to satiate Churchills ARYAN bloodlust
Yeah. Oswald was a true believer, he had skin in the game. He was well liked by both conservatives and socialists, and might have been prime minister as leader of either the conservatives or labour.
Britannia doesn't need to hide her past from her colonies, only from her citizens.
There's a lot of aussies who are decently redpilled, outside of Melbourne and Sydney, so you'll find quite a few of us have some good know how.
Also, someone else mentioned Mosley's other two books, Greater Britain and Fascism: 100 Questions, you can get these on Amazon too.
He also has a few documentaries on youtube, the two I recall are Europeans and Multiculturalism.
Centuries of freedom since magna carta,fuck mosley