How can we stop the exponential growth of MGTOW before it's too late?
How can we stop the exponential growth of MGTOW before it's too late?
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Get them laid
why would you stop this?
the weak men don't reproduce, the strong men do reproduce
tell me 1 (one) thing wrong with this
What he said.
Their problem basically boils down to them not being able to get laid because even some 5/10 slag now has sky-high standards thanks to getting hundreds of matches on Tinder in a couple hours.
And I do think that their complaint is valid, but they word it in a pretty pathetic way. It looks like a self-help group for vegans.
>why would you stop this?
Because I would like to live in a functioning society. That only really works if the majority of people is happy and has a good reason to give it their best. Which is not the case when they are all single.
Then you have the best possible outcome being them just working minimal hours and not really contributing anything, and the worst possible outcome being them rioting.
It's not like you'd want the ugly women anyway for more than maybe a quick fuck when you're bored, so they can have them.
This women are whores culture started much before this. MGTOW&MRA were the final articulation of this thought that has been growing on faggotboards for years. I've been thinking about writing a book about this (((ideology))) but have no time and credentials.
The strong ones aren't reproducing fast enough
> tinder lifestyle, how do you stop it
Social shaming of sluts, ostracizing of single moms.
That is why the left fights so hard for "tolerance" of all lifestyles. PC culture is designed to stop the only non-violent degeneracy check out society had: shaming and ostracization of deviants.
destabilized society. genetically, we'd be turning ourselves into niggers.
Here's a clue - MGTOW faces an evolutionary disadvantage and will eventually die out. D'UH!
Roasties detected
Will they?
>donating sperm
>artificial wombs
>pump & dump
There are at least 3 ways MGTOW can breed.
I love roasties
Do you think that men opting out is a genetic trait that will be bread out?
They still fuck bitches they just refuse to commit and have a kid. It's a problem of incentives in society -- which no longer exist. Society hates men, men give society middle finger back. Isn't genetic.
>implying there are women on Sup Forums
MGTOW will not die out as long as men will be born into this fucked up world
blame the pill and then the 60s
Fix the marriage system and end gov't interference in child rearing atop false rape accusations.
Fix the damned problems which are driving men away, not attacking the symptom which is men dropping out. But women don't want that. They don't want to lose their power, so cat ladies they become.
Yep. Before the welfare state single moms were generally forced to giving their children up for adoption to a responsible family.
Now they just get the govgibs, drain the man for funds, and fuck the kid up with a single parent home raised by a neurotic bitch.
> overcooked and soft
Stop being a fucking pleb and cook them in goose or duck fat
Many of these women who ask why there are no men left never asked what caused them to leave to begin with
We praise Kek.
kill all white women. important latina "refugees"
>the strong men are reproducing
aka the welfare recipient who is in and out of prison
I really don't see any possible solution. Back in the day if a guy experienced female bullshit he'd just assume that he had bad luck with women.
Now with internet communication we see that these same female problems are experience by all men everywhere.
So instead of trying to find a good woman, men realize there basically are no good women (maybe a few, but they're out of most guys leagues and are probably already married with kids). So there's nothing to do but give up and whine about it, and as far as efficient whining goes MGTOW is an effective method I suppose.
>current year
>caring about sex or roasties
it's all going to crash down soon, i want only happenings.
>the strong men do reproduce
Hahaha, no. The "strong men" are using contraceptives
>80% of women unmarried by 25 years old
Hahaha, no. The "strong men" are harvested for the war effort in space against the insectoids
If you think Chad is having children with the thousands of women he's banging then you're dead wrong. Chad would never be able to support that many women and their children, he's not King Solomon. That shit would never fly in a functional society. Its only happening now because contraceptives enable it
An 80% tax on sugar and 80% off gym membership. Possibly testosterone replacement therapy free of charge if their levels are below average.
if only there was a solution for this problem
>How can we stop the exponential growth of MGTOW before it's too late?
MGTOW isn't necessarily bad.
Of course some of the incel betas attach to it much like porcine women & feminism.
However, MGTOW does a good job educating males about of the reality of females.This is something sorely lacking in today's feminized world.
This should allow males to form healthier relationships with females.
Nah dude. You can't fix your height or face. Gym membership means roasties might occasionally bang if you get them drunk enough, no way in hell are you the 11/10 demi-god that the average woman would be loyal too
not sure why you responded to me, did you even read my comment? i wasn't taking sides i was merely suggesting that top alphas are being harvested for an intergalactic war effort against alien insectoids. it was not a serious post meant to provide an actual argument
The SOLUTION is a culture WAR. DEUS VULT
Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
FOR THE GLORY OF GOD (and a wife too)
My bad senpai, thought you were trying to mock my post
no i agree with you
>woman would be loyal too
They're never loyal.
If you want loyalty get a dog
there are no strong men this day and age. Only the faggots are left.
Fear is a good motivator. I'm of the opinion that women can be trained
>hey guys, how do we stop the most effective method of starving the marxist beast?
That's what you guys fucking sound like with these threads.
I mean it's mostly divorce raped middle age dudes who have sworn off of women and incels who insist they aren't incels.
They do make a lot of valid points about modern women though.
They're still defining themselves by women, therefore this is compensation. If they truly were stronk, independent men, they simply wouldn't give a shit, not cross their arms and declare they don't want women anyway.
they were probably more loyal back when 90% of men were married and not likely to cheat. partly because of different values back then but also it would have been more effort to cheat, not to mention the social stigma.
Now there is almost no social stigma, everyones cheating, single Chads everywhere putting notches on bedposts, and now fucking tinder. She can just open her phone and in minutes have hundred of cocks to choose from even if she's only a 5/10. Zero effort required.
Hard times make strong men. Let these hard times let us realize the folly of our ways.Turn away from your sins and accept the free salvation of the Lord. As the shepherd he will guide his flock to green pastures.
God is the Father absent from so many of our lives.
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
A good place to start is with family court and reproductive rights. Eliminate the concepts of alimony, child support and "no-fault" divorce then maybe you won't completely disincentive a good chunk of men from relationships or marriage.
Destroy feminism and Soros. All problems will solve themselves in time. MGTOW is only one of many pseudo syndromes of the sickness which has roots deep within our society.
MGTOW is grounded in truth. The internet ensures the truth is available to those who are capable of handling it.
MGTOW doesn't have to be about hating women, either. Truly red-pilled MGTOW know that white-knights and cucks (pol maga poster types) are in large part responsible for how dysfunctional relationships are too.
There's more reason than ever for people to enjoy being fully human rather than being defined by co-dependent relationships. There are plenty of nice WGTOW too.
Go back to a gold standard, and let the economy deflate a bit as it grows. Deflation is the natural state of a growing economy. Deflation shifts the economy away from degenerate shit and into basic essentials. It rewards saving and planning for the long-term.
If you can reduce consumerism without reducing capitalism, by this or any other means, women will have a little less power to drive men insane.
the antithesis of MGTOW is Polygamy. no one seems willing to admit that this will work to increase numbers.
black men do it all day every day; butt, they don't burden themselves with the rearing aspect. shitty people become shitty parents who raise their kids in a shitty environment unsuitable for the 1st world; and the cycle continues.
Moral: don't be a shitty parent. dare to be different.
>There are plenty of nice WGTOW too.
Oxymoron. Women are social creatures. Followers.
how do we
>Stop the instant gratification culture that have turned women into whores
>Curb the divorce rate thats up to 50%
>Divorces in which men most of the time loose half their shit
>Loose custody of their kids.
>Deal with women who demand to marry up.
Gee user idk, how to we stop a group of greedy cock hungry slags? Oh i know, stave them of what they want.
I'm not disagreeing with you.
However they do this because they assume they'll be able to get commitment as easily as they get cock. I'm witnessing a whole bunch of women hit 30+ in my age group and they've found out (the hard way) the only bloke willing to commit to them are well below par in every respect.
They're ending up alone with ever decreasing fertility. Those that married early and played their cards right are successful.
But none are loyal.
pls share Sup Forums
Why would i? Its the best time to be alive. Betas are going their way instead of being annoying orbiters, low iq/social proof shitskins plague cities like rats. With the right genes you can have more pussy that you know what to do with, literally more than kings had. Fucking love the current year.
Come on Chad, just bang the hot ones please.
Stop getting easy fucks from average women. Leave the average women to average men. I don't care how drunk you are, it's just greedy.
I've talked to various females who are relatively functional and aren't interested in relationships or who WOULD ideally like a relationship but they're suspicious of them. A woman can never truly by anything like 'MGTOW', because male disposability, social misandry, the massive dangers and costs of relationships and risk of imprisonment are things women don't have to deal with.
Here's a girl who remained a virgin till she was 28, and in this video at one point she slips in a comment about how she's sympathetic to MGTOW arguments about relationships:
Mgtow is a great movement for men under 22. There really are a lot of pitfalls for young men and boys who are still bluepilled such that they're better off waiting
>Not wanting to fuck redditors
>Sky high standards
Jesus christ
I did wish the MGTOW subreddit was more than just a bunch of low-effort memes. People there should be having productive conversations on how to improve one's life (physical, financial, mental, social, etc...) in the context of MGTOW's core philosophy, sort of like how /r/TheRedPill operates. Instead, /r/MGTOW is nothing more than just an inane circlejerk.
>didnt even read the post all the way
although some of them are roasties
females just say whatever they think you want to hear in an instinctual urge to gain the approval of everyone. they don't even know they're lying, they're so confused. she will develop a different persona for different people she talks to and she sees nothing wrong with that. she doesn't know who she really is because she isn't really anyone.
>I've talked to various females
opinion discarded
Its Sorros Funded
So you're saying that the women I've talked to who've admitted to being virgins or in similar situations are just lying to impress me? Ok.
and you're impressed, mission accomplished. women lie about being virgins all the time, especially if she thinks you're a right wing guy that's gonna be impressed by virginity and shame her for sex.
the sweeter a woman seems, the more she goes out of her way to project innocence, the more she's trying to compensate for what she is really up to. these virgin women you talk to are riding the cock carousel and you are desperate not to believe it, they know that, and they feel not the slightest bit of guilt for lying to you, you're just a man and men are silly so who cares.
of course there are always extremely rare exceptions, but this is the general truth about most women.
Why should I? I'm a 26 year old man, I've on the way to a good career, am garantueed a good home in the future, sure I'll maybe marry someday, but why should I when the man is the villain of society, divorce courts are rigged against me and women are always looking for the next best thing? I might as well just fuck while I'm young.
Maybe you should answer the woman question while you answer the Jewish question.
MGTOW videos are almost all with regards to women and women's machinations. This speaks of their psychology.
They aren't dead set on going their own way. They're bargaining. And it's right to support their efforts where they aren't misguided.
>although some of them are roasties
if she claims to be a virgin butt has a Arby's Deluxe meat drapes, she's lying
I used to think like this. It's not like children of "capitalism" are immune communist propaganda. This has become pretty obvious in last 10 years. Therefore I do not think this movement is equivalent with individual strength or intelligence. Every man will encounter disappointments or betrayal when dating and most of the time it's to some degree their fault. Before internet there weren't cults blaming all women for this and jerking themselves in youtube comment sections where they discuss how women are descended from berry hoarding apes.
Largest problem with treating ideologies like only genetically weak people can fall to them is that if the opposite is true, then there is nothing stopping the ideology from growing. This certainly looks like to be the case for example with communism and feminism. The ideologies were adopted by intellectuals holding high positions in universities. Therefore i don't think MGTOW causes positive natural selection and is only a society degenerating force. It has to be stopped as soon as possible.
starts with
ends with
*estrogen detected*
You've misunderstood MGTOW then. When content on youtube is marked 'MGTOW', it's content made by people who are passionate about the issues relating to men. MGTOW is basically for men who care about their own rights and feelings, they're often people who got interested in MRA content but gradually realised women and white-knights will never budge. So MGTOW content is focused on women, yes - it's the defining issue of MGTOW - how bad relationships with women can be, and why.
Saying "MGTOW are obsessed with women" is just a way for truly weak males to distance themselves from a movement that gets attacked by white-knights primarily.
>Every man will encounter disappointments or betrayal when dating, and every woman they try dating has the same bullshit and some of the time it's to some degree the mans fault. but really, if the man isn't causing problems and drama, the woman will get bored and leave him for a man that does, or she will start the drama herself. because drama is love, drama is life to a woman. Before internet there weren't cults blaming all women and so men just assumed #notallwomen, but now we know different.
fixed that for you
That's Rabbit, not Jewtube
>be me, unnattractive, short, poor
>no friends, invisible to women
theres really no such thing as men going their 'own' way, its just the way that it is
Violently? Destroy society until there's absolutely nothing left and MGTOW has to form its own society from scratch.
Civil? Restore marriage to its primary function, eliminate the golddigging potential and for the love of all that's holy, revoke women's right to vote.
So why is near every video about women?
It's important to realize society is gynocentric, but how many times does this need to be repeated once you've cut them off?
You do know that only one of those is realistic, right?
The former option is more realistic desu. Women have the vote and all the cards in their hand. They will never undo whats been done even if they pay it lip service
This guy gets it.
Mgtow is growing and now even the ugliest of women have sky high standards, simply demonizing them for being "irresponsible" or virgins won't help.
>So why is near every video about women?
he just answered that question, his entire post you are referring to is answering that question
if you disagree then present an argument or fuck off, stop askign the same question over and over and ignoring the answers and then asking the question again.
>passionate about issues relating to men
>men going their own way making videos about women
They sure are a selfless lot.
solve the root of the problem and it will have a domino effect. I cannot stress enough the importance that people need to stop degeneracy.
Your use of that hashslogan is beyond hilarious. You're not even hiding the fact that you are infected with same mind worm as the feminists. And on top of that you're a fuckin leaf. You can't make this shit up.
The videos they make are directed at their fellow man as a warning. Everybody knows that women will never change
the finnish are a very serious people, like autists. they take everything literally and are difficult to talk to.
I actually use consistent presentation of ideals as a hard filter on my social life. I only hang out with people who are the same people in every context I see them.
I have three friends and they're all guys. Fuck my life.
When the system makes it a viable option for men to marry without the risk of having their bank accounts split and kids taken from them. If this were not the case, there would be no such thing as "MGTOW".
Change it to BMGTOW
Black Men Go Their Own Way
Stay at home daughters
probably riding the cock carousel on the side. it's like how a smart drug dealer doesn't look like a drug dealer cause he doesn't want to get pulled over by the police
You answer to me in greentext and then accuse me of being hard to talk to. Grow up and find a woman.
>Only women have unreasonable standards
Every. Fucking. Time.
>You answer to me in greentext, which was pretty cool. I apologize for taking dumb shit too seriously and disregarding flawless arguments. I'm going to grow up and find that women basically are terrible.
fixed that for you
Fix family court and divorce laws also remove welfare for single mothers.
This is gonna get a lot worse in the future.
>made an okcupid last night
>zero replies
>zero views on my profile
people tell me i'm good looking all the time in person. what the fuck
hahaha nevermind JUST got my first view AND a like, get F U C K E D y'all i'm a slayer now
im coming up!
MGTOW here
How is getting laid going to make me want to marry some skank (all women are skanks) and let her have total legal power over me for the rest of my life?
because welfare societies totally fucked that
least productive, the weakest so to say have most children, whereas it used to be the most productive and the strongest that had most children