Other urls found in this thread:
MSNBC, CNN and FOX NEWS covering this right now
Journalists on Twitter seem ecstatic
This is huge
You'd think the White House would have shut the fuck up by now.
At this point the media probably has the whole damn story down to a transcript and they're just releasing it piece by piece to see how many different times they can force the White House to change their story.
We're probably on v4/18.
Fox News
UPDATE : Natalia Veselnitskaya confirmed the identity of the guy
How did Donnie jr. think he could get away with not disclosing this?
The retardation of this guy is really something.
Funny...he's also a lobbyist...goes to all kinds of mtgs and dinners and shit...
Probably under surveillance, huh? Probably recorded the meeting, huh? Or, IC did.
Wonder if Jr. just googled the atty first. Found out she had worked for DNC for years...nah.
Even posting Chelsea's mag for those that don't like Faux or Breitbart..
Norbot: Go
UPDATE : Chuck Grassley (R) released his name
>unarchived clickbaiters
Sure he did sweety ;p
Thank you based Norbot.
How many times has this guy met with members of the DNC?
Time for Sup Forums to spin this as Obamas fault somehow loke the good little shills they are
Already started
A shit ton.
Here's where Trump Towers got put under surveillance. Because you know the 'spy' had to be under surveillance.
There is nothing to spin.
There is literally no story here.
I want fries with that nothing burguer
>How did Donnie jr. think he could get away with not disclosing this?
This is the patent idiocy of this administration and what will be their slow painful downfall. No I did not say that Trump would be impeached but this administration and its associates is quickly on a trajectory of having zero credibility. And the sad thing is that it is so simple what is being happening but they can't figure it out and get in front of it.
>What is happening?
Simple: The IC has compiled an extensive collection of Trump-Russia information over the years and is slowly feeding it to the media bit by bit as revenge for Trump shitting on entities like the CIA.
>Why do it bit-by-bit?
Because it keeps the narrative that Trump and his associates are in the bed with the Russians in the news constantly and at every Trump admin victory.
>So that means that Trump is a Russian plant like they say?
No, and this is the sad thing. If they had a smoking gun it would have been what they led with, even if members of the Trump campaign |did| illegally collude with the Russians it would make no sense actually involving Trump himself as it would leave his administration in complete tatters
>So what is the end-game if Trump himself didn't do anything
Unforced Errors, like this one from Donny Jr. You keep feeding the headlines bit by bit so the people involved have to keep changing their story until they lose all credibility or the Holy Grail: They go before Congress and swear that they are telling the truth and get caught in a lie.
Yeah lets just listen to what the MSM tells us and not dig any further you dumb cunts
Regardless Trump should remove his family from anything to do with the government because they're kikes and idiots.
are we going to get another shillwave to try and reinforce the latest nothingburger?
So how come this guys russian and not american if he had live there for a long time? Every mexican immigrant who committs a crime is not mexican but american right, so why is this guy russian if he was living in the US legally???
Is this the same lawyer story, or did he meet another person as well?
She brought a 'friend'...happens to be former spy...our IC knew about him...oh, and he's a lobbyist, so always with politicians.
All good tho. Jr.is the bad guy.
>former soviet spy
Shouldn't lefties be ecstatic about this? I mean, they want socialism don't they?
Republican Chuck Grassley revealed his identity. LINK : grassley.senate.gov
Rinat Akhmetshin
So the lawyer who was admitted into the country by the Obama Administration, without a visa, was accompanied by a fucking Russian spy?
Yet people think the collusion is with Trump
And Trump jr. happened to leave out that detail. Wonder why.
This shit is astonishing, I hope something comes out of that Fusion GPS senate hearing.
Holy shit Trump is fucking FINISHED
How can he possibly bullshit his way out of this one?
I'm gonna have a nice long sleep and think about disavowal
>Rinat Akhmetshin worked for the FSB for 20 years. He donated to Vladimir Putin re-election campaign
Yeah I don't get it, if Jr supposed to know who is ex-KGB and who isnt? Why didnt Obama remove these ppl if they were so bad?
so close that you can almost taste it...
Same meeting, Jr said the woman brought a translator
Its false outrage
I heard a democrat actually filed formal impeachment files or something to start impeaching Trump.
Trump is really finished this time.
He can make america great again from a prison cell KEKEKEKEKEKKE
I don't think senate hearings can be trusted anymore.
hm. Obama and "former soviet intelligence officer"
Yeah...and twitworld is exploding...the guy is a fucking lobbyist.
Oh the humanity!
The nuclear codes
Bernie can still win
It's HER turn
Oh, and he politely declined the invitation. He ain't testifying.
In the Don Jr Email Chain it was never disclosed to Don Jr whom he was to actually meet with. They only allude to the Planted words "Russian/Government/Lawyer", and used the pronoun She/Her. She could have brought anyone with her, and said this is our Translator
No it's really not.
This guy, along with that lawyer, is an anti-Magnitsky Act lobbyist. Matter fact, he hired Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the Steele dossier to help them with their campaign. They're part of The Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation, one of the two companies in the FARA complaint.
Fusion GPS has ties to Russian spies kek.
Leave out what fucking detail? Do you pull a fucking background check on everybody you meet?
Twitter should be given no fucking consideration to gauge opinion on anything. It is majority bots and paid shills. People need to forget that twitter even exists.
>b-but there was a former Soviet guy in the room
"Ahah officer you see! It is your fault for letting the international jewel thief in the country! Not mine for meeting with him and talking about the jewels I want stolen!"
Yeah, No. Don Jr. should have disclosed the name and intent of everyone in this meeting to the feds like Gore's campaign did when they received Bush II debate playbook. This was a stupid and unforced error that objectively feeds the idea that Trump is a Russian plant.
>B-b-ut Obama!
Letting foreign agents in and following them and monitoring them to find out what they want is done in every major country in the world. Where do you think all of this information is coming from? From an IC that tracked these people to find out what they want and for whom.
Well fuckin gee willikers OP actually sucks cocks.
Im not saying Don Jr isnt a fucking retard but the fake news media is making this out to be some election running russian collusion crap
When did it go from "Russia hacking the elections" to "Anyone on Trumps team had anything to do with anyone who has anything to do with Russia."
Theyre falling into their own well-layed trap.
>mark these words for future giggles
Bernie did win.
And that's a huge problem for the Dems whose base is increasingly communist.
Which is why their chance of winning elections is dwindling.
Dems will never be Commie enough for their base--- Or Capitalist enough for their donors.
They are fucked.
I've been hitting all the leftie commie fucks with that question all day.
Our media and politicians are saying Russians are our mortal enemy.
Yet, a shit ton of them, Schiff, Waters, etc. still make money off of them.
So how the fuck are we supposed to know which are the good and which are the bad Russians?
Emails now show the US manufactured evidence about the Russian hacking.
McCain and Hillary said Russia committed an act of war.
Fuck...how the fuck should Russia respond to this shit?
And, if we're at war with Russia, shouldn't we kick every Russian out of the country or lock them up?
Why are these extremely dangerous ppl allowed to be free? And walk up and down the halls of Congress? And lobby and shit.
when they lost
How would this compare to a former mi6 agent?
The same reason why Russia can't expel American diplomats (spies). It's perfectly legal
Note to HillDoe
>it can't be your turn when you killed, stole, cheated and burn shit to the ground whilst in queue.
>making this out to be some election running russian collusion crap
I thought it was established that collusion is ok because Hillary did it and it's not illegal?
I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that this is the absolute locus of control of the matter. It is ironclad and concrete, and completely void of hyperbole and "spin".
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on this to the exclusion of any other issue as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation. Given the intense mental output of thorough distribution of these critical facts it is essential that one consume vast quantities of stimulants to maintain hyperfocus. I suggest my personal beverage of choice Monster Ultra Red Energy (TM) which is both refreshing and contains zero calories of deliciousness. It is also germane to keep in mind that for proper dissemniation of memes or other Internet communiques optimal erognomics are essential. I suggest a braced mousepad from Office Max and carbon fiber tube ergnomic chair from Ergohuman.com placed next to your bed for minimized meme creating delay between sleep cycles.
P.S. Thanks everyone for understanding about my busy schedule. In fact I just called one of my colleagues over to my desk and showed him my ridiculous carpal tunnel wrist bulges. We agreed that it is patently obscene how such savvy political investigators are so willing to reject pro bono corroboration of their findings. Happy ending however: he offered me some Nikkin brand (Which btw is NOT a pyramid scheme cult) DynaFlux (TM) magnetic bracelets to help with the swelling so I gave him some premium Deadmau5 sublingual stamps in trade.
>but the fake news media is making this out to be some election running russian collusion crap
Oh I agree that its a small omission and people are blowing it way out of proportion but again:
That is the plan, to keep making everyone involved course-correct again and again until their credibility is shot.
>This "former Soviet super spy" was so dangerous that Obama personally let him into the country
This is the Dem story. Again, liberals are just terrible with optics.
Now you're getting the REAL gist of this 'sitch'
Opening Door, peeking in. Ah yes! Light a fire for Jr. Yes! *cries*
>HillDoe... it's YOUR TURN.
Well, most politicians and the MSM spew the 'act of war' shit continously.
Get our ppl out of Russia, and kick the Russians out of the US.
This fuckfuck game is going to get a lot of ppl hurt, for no reason other than a lost election.
>How did Donnie jr. think he could get away with not disclosing this?
Get away with what? This meeting was prior to the Dem's "muh Russia" hysteria.
who is this person? theres absolutely no mention of them in the email chain
This is a nothing burger. These two have been running around trying to push their boss's anti-Magnitsky Act campaign for years now. I think its pretty obvious what happened here, they knew they couldn't get a meeting with Trump so they promised dirt on Clinton to get their foot in the door and talk about adoptions. That's assuming they acted on their own and Fusion GPS wasn't involved, which, considering their ties, is hard to believe.
But the facts won't stop the left from blowing this nothingburger out of proportion.
Still not illegal.
Disclosing what? That the lawyer brought a translator? Or at least someone she introduced as one? That's what he said. Oh wait-- he was supposed to know the "translator" was really a ex-Soviet spy... I see.
Yeah but Obama said "our democracy is being hacked!" Kek all that worry and zero action
breaking news: donald trump jnr talked to a man who regularly cooks beef stroganoff
>a former Soviet counterinteligence officer
>suspected by US of having ties to Russian Intelligence
Do you really have to think about this?
>This meeting was prior to the Dem's "muh Russia" hysteria
I wonder what events led to that hysteria? seriously are you this fucking retarded?
Anyone who isn't blindly partisan can see what happened.
We should meme Russian internment camps just to show how idiotic the left is
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
So beautiful when drip-drip-drip is repaid in kind. Fuck you drumpf.
Obama hired these guys to discredit Trump, so if there was an actual happening it would have happened last year. The more of this shit out comes, the more light gets shed on how the Russia conspiracy was crafted in the first place and who set it up.
List out those events, with proof.
So what specificly did the russian do?
Larry Cohn would say never give amy details ever
lol, amazing seeing the new trumpshills talking points evolve in the thread.
>it's obama's fault for letting in a spy!
>how's he supposed to know he's a russian spy!?
I'm sure you cucks gave the same leeway with Hilary didn't you?
Hell yes. I'm not smart enough to do it. But, it needs to come from the fearmongering pussy ass Left.
Don Jr didn't let the "international jewel thief" in, Obama and his DOJ did.
So is it confirmed the Russians shot Hillary with a dart during the 911 ceremoney to make her collapse like a frail old lady?
>Why didnt Obama remove these ppl if they were so bad?
They did thats the whole point of the Magnitsky Act in the 1st place... They made a list of banned Russians, Any Russian that was clearly wanting to "Lobby" on behalf of the Russians, to get this Act repealed. would have been on that list, or would have been on a watch list, and Monitored (grounds for FISA).
>at this point i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have contact with every Republican that ran in the 2016 Primary (except jeb! pic related)