Why would you actively fight against the paradise that communism offers?
You are either stupid or evil, or both.
Why would you actively fight against the paradise that communism offers?
You are either stupid or evil, or both.
Starving to death isn't the paradise i want
Not communism by definition.
"Real communism has never been tried before". It's always 1 death away from utopia, thankfully it starts with those involved in its creation then goes into those who challenge it. So, off to vorkuta with you.
>You pretend to pay me
>I pretend to work
Communism in 5 seconds
Hang her! She owns stuff! She's exploiting the working class by owning things! She must be sent to gulag ASAP!
Nothing in the definition of "fascism" about killing Jews either, doesn't stop being what it is.
Plus, no offense but, I don't want you guys meddling around with my private property.
>doesn't stop being what it is.
are you implying that the Jews were killed because of fascism instead of the real reason being their lying thieving ways?
That's what you think communism is! I can't stop laughing. Holy shit kids today are beyond retarded.
Personal property is allowed in communism
There is no money in communism.
Jesus. Sage
What if I'm experienced?
>What if I'm experienced?
communism? impossible, it's in the future. It is like saying you have experienced living on a moon colony. We know it is possible, but we got to work on it to make it happen.
USSR was a socialist state with a communist party.
>Follow Marx's 10-step plan for socialism, as outlined in the Communist Manifesto
>give the state effectively complete control over everything and everyone
>revolutionary vanguard usurps the state, seizes the means of production
>MoP are meant to be owned collectively by the whole of the people, but are in the hands of the revolutionaries first; revolutionary government now has absolute power
>Two choices:
>Government willingly dissolves itself and disseminates its absolute power to the people, achieving the communist paradise
>Government becomes outright tyrants, because they already run everything
One of these two things happens literally every time this is tried, and I've never been able to get a communist to explain why.
gulags aren't a paradise
utopia for the selected 1million ,the rest are slaves who build their cities then once finished are retire to the slums.
"Real Communism" is a fairy tale. It's as real as Harry Potter.
You know they had the opportunity to build that, right? Why is north Korea not a paradise?
Hope you're not a tech fag cause with communism you ain't gonna see no more new graphics cards. No competition=no need to innovate. You Communist fags really forget this important thing don't ya?
You're a moron dude. Fuck off to Facebook to recruit. They're morons over there.
>posting literally Putin's controlled opposition so that nostalgia fags would vote for and never win.
>Literally most retarded party in Russia which entire voter base are grandmothers and their brainwashed neet kids.
Western commie degenerate education.
To answer your shitty bait.
I oppose communism because i don't want to stand in gigantic lines for piece of bread and toilet paper like my mother and grandmother did because of food and toilet paper shortages, I don't want to be sent to gulag by trusting NKVD like my grand grandfather did because he was taking pictures in red square.
I don't want to experience another catastrophic failure and collapse of my Nation because of shitty ideology which was tried thousand of times and it always leads to endless misery to accomplish that promised shitty utopian dream no simple person who wants to simply get by in life believes in.
Daily reminder if your american and you believe in communism, you deserve to be exploited in every way.