Are you /fit/?

or are you no better than antifa?

we don't have antifa around here

contrary to that we have ministers giving nazi salutes next to the wax figure of Hitler on pictures, that still have their posts

we also have vigilantes hunting the "refugee" muzz and massive protests against gyps gypping

so I don't know OP

we are alright for the moment

Also, I have a firearm just in case.

Been doing 5x5 for a few months. Also did some major diet changes. Not ripped as fuck but my body looks a hell of a lot better. I feel better mentally too. Feelsgoodman.jpg

>No better than antif...

I'm a bit of a fat cunt but I reckon I could drop that cunt easy as fuck.

get wrecked Nazis

What is 5x5??

State of that beta faggot. Lifting will never make you alpha.

Yeah pretty sure he could smash the Golden One

easy to say behind a computer.

5 sets of 5 reps on the compound lifts.

I'm a manlet but I work construction
I look DYEL tier but I'm pretty sure I could take your average gym rat in a fight

Strength means nothing without proper fighting technique.

shit, i only do body weight and cardio, and im still bigger than him

>wearing botts with lifts in them
>picture token at a angle to make him seem taller

manlets are funny

>mfw my body looks exactly like that antifa

I've been watching antifa riot and protestor videos at work. My dick is diamonds when I see those commies blown the fuck out. It has given me even more motivation to work out harder. Whenever I start to get tired I just think of stomping some twink in a hoodie and bandana while I'm dressed in full riot gear with American and PA flags all over me.

this is the best theyve got?

Not an unreasonable statement I suppose.

Training for strength does not instantly make you a good fighter.

This people are so ridiculous it's hard to believe they're for real

>Doesn't pose with shirt off
>Afraid he'll expose his fatceps and loose skin.

t. The Golden One

what's the best you've got?

i dont get it why did muscle dude lose?

isnt it just basic shit that the more muscle you have the more strength you have? this makes no sense to me

hes just a fat manlet

look at those proportions

hes 5'9 on a good day

no legs

>DYEL manlets
also isnt becoming a shredded sick cunt against commie ideology ?

muscle can have varying density, fibre type composition and very importantly neural activation

Hes dum dum and cant apply force effectively

I'm not very muscular, I'm a 6'6" naturally skinny young lad so gaining muscle doesn't come easy. Right now I look pretty average even though I train quite hard.

On the other hand, average build but 6'6" tall is still intimidating.

Arm wrestling isn't all about how strong you are. There's a few muscle groups that WILL give you an advantage, such as strong biceps, but overall strength doesn't matter as much as people think as it's also a technique sport. On top of that, having long arms is an advantage as it gives you better leverage, and having large hands give you a better grip.

if you want to have a ton of muscle you just lift light weights A LOT. if you want to have stronger muscles you lift really heavy weights a few times every other day or so.

why do you think he as more muscles? just cause they are pumped more?

its not that. Arm wrestling uses some niche back muscles that body builders dont focus on.

why does his hair look like a final fantasy villain

>On the other hand, average build but 6'6" tall is still intimidating.

It really isn't, you just end up looking like a gangly dweeb like Styx; your longer proportions make it look worse overall. Bulk up.

>/fit/ vs Sup Forums

he has a point but articulates it badly

what he means is hypertrophy vs strength. Generally speaking, if you do 8-12 reps your muscles will look bigger
if you do 5 reps your muscles will become stronger

In either case you should have days off for your muscles to recuperate

If you want to know more, you might want to visit /fit/

>isnt it just basic shit that the more muscle you have the more strength you have?
It all depends on how you train. Mass doesn't always equate strength, density and the type of fibre in the muscle does. To train strength you should lift heavier weights for fewer reps. Power is developed when you lift very heavy weights for one or two reps. The arm wrestler also has technique on his side.

The lesson is that you shouldn't just be hitting the gym, you should be learning some kind of martial art.

leftypol here. Suck it.

How /fit/ am I?


That's what I look like and I only furiously masturabate to Hentai thrice a day.

>check out muh gains
>completely fucking normal looking

what am i supposed to be impressed with here?

We cant all be 250 lbs user. You're gonna be happy you have smaller dudes on your side when its time to search attics for kikes


>ginger midget that isn't even swole
>represents the best of the best of ANTIFA

I'm not surprised.

>dem ankles
>dem calves

am I being memed on?

>Bro science detected.
What matters for muscle growth is volume work. You can big and strong in lower rep ranges and since you use more weight you'll be also stronger at those rep ranges.

Like he gives a fuck

Oh you cheeky cunt

>going to gym means I know how to fight

There's more than one type of muscle. Strength training gives you explosive power, but endurance training gives you staying power though not as much size. Relatively light weight + a metric fuckton of repetitions is going to make you much stronger than only lifting heavy all the time. Doing both can make you ridiculously strong.

literally just looks like he eats cheetos and curls 2 liter bottles of mountain dew


>admitting that we are righteous enough to get to valhalla and that our cause is a just one

They really are retarded

>tfw shitty receding hairline
>tfw will never have a glorious golden mane

Im am in progress of getting /fit/

Fuck, he almost has muscles. We're done.

It's not that glorious though, it's long but it's fairly thin and stringy.

Ex amateur strongman and working out daily.
It's not a fair comparison because the other gym is most likely natural.

>that form

>i dont get it why did muscle dude lose?

Because he doesn't know how to arm wrestle. He's trying to force the other dudes arm down as hard as he can right from the beginning while the other dude is just keeping his arm locked in place. The smaller guy is letting the buff guy waste all his energy then once he's worn out he actually starts trying.

Posting bodies means nothing without knowing their heights.

A 5'7 manlet can get jacked just by doing pushups and situps every night.

A normal sized adult male (6'+) is going to need roids to get big.

That may be the faggiest thing I've seen in my entire life.

That somehow manages to be faggier than fucking a man in the ass.

>tfw leftists stay children both mentally and physically

It has to be something in their diet

It's a ftm before everyone posts.

I think it's a female-to-male tranny.

People like this have been poisoned with vaccines, soy, corn, pesticides, fluoride in the water and all kinds of garbage. Their testosterone is GONE, that's why they behave so feminine and can't build muscle.

Lifting weights not only increases your testosterone, it also makes you more intelligent and your IQ remains more stable at later ages.


Nigger please stop pretending you know about exercise, nobody does situps anymore because they're not as efficient as other exercises at building your core and they generally lead to back problems over time on top of this, they're just stupid

Complete pleb-tier exercise attempted only by clueless entry-level dweebs

No, dude, no.
FtM trannies are much, MUCH manlier than that.

Cardio is more important for a fighter/soldier than just having a really impressive bench/squat/deadlift.

got trolled hard, lmao antifa detected

Manlets have it easier for strength I suppose
>5'9,178 pounds
>440 Deadlift
>90 pound weighted chinup

Olympic lifts give you explosive power. Strength training gives you raw strength.

Olympics are best for fighting, but also the hardest to learn and most dangerous. Most strength training you can learn on your own if you have athletic experience.

Repetitions doesn't make you strong, but can give you endurance.

Why does that matter? Did they break its bones or something? It is weaker than a child

true, also don't forget cardio - very useful in a conflict
and T is extremely important for your attitude: it doesn't matter if you know how to fight/use a weapons if you don't have guts

When you lift heavy, it's usually the little muscles that give out unless you also do lighter rep ranges. My lifts went up some 20% when I started doing light weight exercise versions with extreme rep ranges.

I thought they view strength as a right wing capitalist social construct

cardio kills gains you fucking morin

>AntiFa gets fit
>Testosterone production and mental clarity increase
>Become fash

This should be interesting.

ubermensch now

if by gains you mean mass, then goe is that useful?
also that's a meme, it depends on your diet, schelude, etc. You can easily do cardio and keep your strength, if you know what you're doing


Its fake

160kg lbs flat bench
160kg hang clean
250kg olympic squat
160 IQ
Right-wing Fascist

I literally can't punch or kick most men because I'd kill them

These are facts. I used to work construction and box, not other exercise, beat the shit out of gym meatheads. So much fun.

>Complete pleb-tier exercise attempted only by clueless entry-level dweebs


t. clueless entry-level dweeb starting second round after extended break.

I'm pretty sure this is an ftm

Arnold ran 3 miles after his workouts, what's your basis for saying any of this?

So I guess thats a no from you

When you're in a fight you need endurance. Which is why fighters run and do other cardio related activities.

>caring about muscles in 2017

There's a reason why whites have dominated the world and it has nothing to do with being stronger

Pic related

>guy is built like a twig

Not exactly.
Cardio burns a lot of calories, and that makes you lose weight because it generally puts people in a caloric deficit. BUT, if you are able to eat at a caloric surplus despite all the extra burned calories from cardio, you don't lose any mass.

So you can become both bigger/stronger, and get fit at the same time, but it is more work.

>that smug face
that's a perfect webm

honestly jealous

soldiers aren't unfit
also lifting boosts your T, which helps with your attitude.
it doesn't matter if you can use a gun, if you don't have guts to pull the trigger

Arnold was on steroids

You just got
Knocked the fuck out

>don't lift anymore (shits for the birds and by birds I mean fags)
>do circuits at home mostly involving wearing plate carrier w/ steel inserts and doing a shitload of burpees/squats/pushups/pullups
>MCMAP blackbelt+other h2h training
>all of my old lifting records are better than (yours)

When will you take the "gym is for fags" redpill user?
Picking up a piece of iron and putting it down doesn't make you a worthy fighter user.
Picking up a piece of iron and putting it down doesn't make you "alpha" user.

Look up stronglifts 5x5